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If you look at the Coding LUNA is the only one coded with "Passcode" the other ones are just coded as "secret" and I've seen absolutely NO results from spelling Hyena or Hitsam other than Nikolai saying "The reaper is coming" i believe neither of these codes do nothing unless the codes Hyena is for the dolls and Hitsam is for the bears, Someone brought that theory up in the CoDz forums an that seems more plausible because they're not coded as "passcode".


The code you guys keep saying is this:

level.passkey = array( "l", "u", "n", "a" );

level.passkey_progress = 0;

level.secret1 = array( "h", "i", "t", "s", "a", "m" );

level.secret1_progress = 0;

level.secret2 = array( "h", "y", "e", "n", "a" );

level.secret2_progress = 0;

But what language.

It should look like this

{level.passkey = array( "l", "u", "n", "a" );

level.passkey_progress = 0;

attempt = 0;

while level.passkey =0;


if attempt =0 && level.passkey = array("l");

#do nothing

if attempt =1 && level.passkey = array("l","u");

#do nothing

if attempt =2 && level.passkey = array("l","u","n");

#do nothing

if attempt =3 && level.passkey = array("l","u","n",a");

#do nothing


attempt = 0

while level.passkey =/ "l","u","n"a"

level.passkey = 1;


Ok the above code is how it would look if it was simple, but it;s calling function groups.

There's a function called level. So far the only commands of that function we know are passkey, secret1, and secret2,

We need to see the raw text of the level function of the code, not simply a part of code implementing some aspects of the level code.

There could be a ton of other things hidden inside of level, I'll show an example

level.passkey = array(l,u,n,a)

(now it will send the array luna to the level function)

not inside the level function it might say

int ultrasecret = 0;





#this will now activate node #4 (just guessing on node number)

ultrasecret = ultrasecret +1;

if ultrasecret = 1000;




I hope that made sense to you guys, there can be global variables, and functions within functions. Just knowing that if you spell out luna it sends an array luna to the function level doesn't do us any good.

Hell, level might not even use strings (pseudocode, I'm tired)

level.passkey = luna



convert luna to a number

if that number > 100



unlock node 4


See what I mean, we need the actual function level. C++ or Java and I can do it, or if someone can tell me how to get it? I have readers/compilers for every major language and saved the download onto a usb hard drive, but where can I find the code to explore?

What is hyena surposed to mean????? all i can think of is laughing (since sam laughs a lot) or dogs (a new type of hell hounds in the next map maybe), could treyarch be anymore vague
They aren't being vague...they're just leaving us more to puzzle on.

No one answered my question tho. Has anyone tried to get to PaP before the death machine runs out?

Yea, me and my friends have tried that, also shot car batteries that said sparky on them and tried shooting the door with the chain on it. Nothing seemed to work.

Also in another game me and my friend were trying to spell hyena but the e would not show up, same with the i. When we took the landers there was just blank air sort of stopping us from being able to get that easter egg, anyone else have same issue?


I found something out!!!! ok so iwas playing multiplayer and got the death machine, i went into theater mode and saw that it says sparky on the side of the death machine (or bottom i cant remeber) so i think if you have the death machine in the ascension map from doing the mystery man easter egg you should try to shoot all four of the car batteries that say SPARKY on them!! it might power something. And theres a lander outside part of the map and it might power that. BTW im on ps3 so will one of you people please try this???? :?: [brains] [brains]


I dont get it what does "this" stand for


It's not Mathis...

No where in the code that has been flashed 3x times around the forum is it in there... but h,i,t,s,a,m and h,y,e,n,a are...

There is zero misconception of the word..


I found something out!!!! ok so iwas playing multiplayer and got the death machine, i went into theater mode and saw that it says sparky on the side of the death machine (or bottom i cant remeber) so i think if you have the death machine in the ascension map from doing the mystery man easter egg you should try to shoot all four of the car batteries that say SPARKY on them!! it might power something. And theres a lander outside part of the map and it might power that. BTW im on ps3 so will one of you people please try this???? :?: [brains] [brains]


I dont get it what does "this" stand for

its an internet joke. "this" is pretty much agreeing with someone

EI: man, that game was fun

then someone reply's



I found something out!!!! ok so iwas playing multiplayer and got the death machine, i went into theater mode and saw that it says sparky on the side of the death machine (or bottom i cant remeber) so i think if you have the death machine in the ascension map from doing the mystery man easter egg you should try to shoot all four of the car batteries that say SPARKY on them!! it might power something. And theres a lander outside part of the map and it might power that. BTW im on ps3 so will one of you people please try this???? :?: [brains] [brains]

try spelling sparky


There is no P or K so you can't spell sparky.

So if people haven't seen the entire c++ stuff yet how do they know these are the only possible ones to be activated?

What if you just spell Sam it's a perfect circle around the map with the lunar landers to do so.


So according to the code that someone pulled up we have the following

level.passkey = array( "l", "u", "n", "a" );

level.passkey_progress = 0;

level.secret1 = array( "h", "i", "t", "s", "a", "m" );

level.secret1_progress = 0;

level.secret2 = array( "h", "y", "e", "n", "a" );

level.secret2_progress = 0;

We know that luna activates the fourth node but hitsam and hyena are unknown as of now.

I have to agree with previous remarks in looking at the code. It clearly states one is a passkey, the other is a secret. perhaps patches will solve this at some point. I think it must be brought into the equation that the moon has the face of a child...given the only child in the game is Samantha, could hitsam be some kind of code for, as was said, "Hit Sam." Has anyone simply tried shooting the moon with 4 DMs?

I know we are looking at specific letters...but would that open up new letters? Reactivate the old?

I'd love to try this but none of my friends are on....and they all don't play zombies nearly as much as I do. Will try later unless someone else does first.


If Hitsam means "Hit Samantha" I've got a theory, in the stammin up courtyard there is a balcony, near the flaming window. there's a green door, if you throw a Gersh Device at, Sam Laughs and she "Abducts" the device and giggles, I'll try and get a video soon :)

Found by me!

As the Gersh is a teleporter maybe you can jump through the other "teleport" bit that opens and shoot Sam?


Just to to see if we can Crack this i Found the post and had to sign up to this web site to post it im not sure wot site i got it from again but here it is Here is what you do for the last step.

1. Throw a Gersch Device at the light.

2. Have you and your team shoot the following weapons at the black hole,

1. Thunder Gun (non-upgraded)

2. Ray Gun (upgraded)

3. Makiyashi Dolls

4. Cross Bow (upgraded)

3. Now that should do it, when you are done it will go to a cut scene and you will get a death machine!

Here is Proof:


Go towards the bottom for the last step!


Post if this has worked for you!

include animscripts\zombie_utility;

#include common_scripts\utility;

#include maps\_utility;

#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

#include maps\_ambientpackage;

#include maps\_music;

#include maps\_busing;

#include maps\_zombiemode_audio;



PreCacheModel( "p_glo_electrical_transformer" );

PreCacheModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_on" );

PreCacheModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_logo" );

PreCacheModel( "p_rus_electric_switch_stop" );

PreCacheModel( "p_rus_clock_lrg" );

flag_init( "target_teleported" );

flag_init( "rerouted_power" );

flag_init( "switches_synced" );

flag_init( "pressure_sustained" );

flag_init( "passkey_confirmed" );

flag_init( "weapons_combined" );

level.casimir_lights = [];

level.lander_letters[ "a" ] = GetEnt( "letter_a", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "e" ] = GetEnt( "letter_e", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "h" ] = GetEnt( "letter_h", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "i" ] = GetEnt( "letter_i", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "l" ] = GetEnt( "letter_l", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "m" ] = GetEnt( "letter_m", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "n" ] = GetEnt( "letter_n", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "r" ] = GetEnt( "letter_r", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "s" ] = GetEnt( "letter_s", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "t" ] = GetEnt( "letter_t", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "u" ] = GetEnt( "letter_u", "targetname" );

level.lander_letters[ "y" ] = GetEnt( "letter_y", "targetname" );

keys = GetArrayKeys( level.lander_letters );

for ( i=0; i


level.lander_letters[ keys ] Hide();








level notify( "help_found" );

monitor = GetEnt( "casimir_monitor", "targetname" );

monitor SetModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_off" );


play_easter_egg_audio( alias, sound_ent, text )


if( alias == undefined )




sound_ent PlaySound( alias, "sounddone" );

sound_ent waittill( "sounddone" );


activate_casimir_light( num )


spot = GetStruct( "casimir_light_"+num, "targetname" );

if ( IsDefined( spot ) )


light = Spawn( "script_model", spot.origin );

light SetModel( "tag_origin" );

light.angles = spot.angles;

fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["fx_zmb_light_floodlight_bright"], light, "tag_origin" );

level.casimir_lights[ level.casimir_lights.size ] = light;





teleport_target_start = getstruct( "teleport_target_start", "targetname" );

teleport_target_spark = getstruct( "teleport_target_spark", "targetname" );

level.teleport_target = Spawn( "script_model", teleport_target_start.origin );

level.teleport_target SetModel( "p_glo_electrical_transformer" );

level.teleport_target.angles = teleport_target_start.angles;

level.teleport_target PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );

teleport_target_spark = Spawn( "script_model", teleport_target_spark.origin );

teleport_target_spark SetModel( "tag_origin" );

PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["switch_sparks"], teleport_target_spark, "tag_origin" );

level.teleport_target_trigger = Spawn( "trigger_radius", teleport_target_start.origin + (0,0,-70), 0, 125, 100 );

level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = ::bhb_teleport_loc_check;

flag_wait( "target_teleported" );

teleport_target_spark Delete();

level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = undefined;

level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg1_success", "vox_gersh_egg1", 1 );


bhb_teleport_loc_check( grenade, model, info )


if( IsDefined( level.teleport_target_trigger ) && grenade IsTouching( level.teleport_target_trigger ) )



grenade thread maps\_zombiemode_weap_black_hole_bomb::do_black_hole_bomb_sound( model, info );

level thread teleport_target( grenade, model );

return true;


return false;


teleport_target( grenade, model )


level.teleport_target_trigger Delete();

level.teleport_target_trigger = undefined;

wait( 1.0 );

time = 3.0;

level.teleport_target MoveTo( grenade.origin + (0,0,50), time, time - 0.05 );

wait( time );

teleport_target_end = getstruct( "teleport_target_end", "targetname" );

level.teleport_target Hide();

playsoundatposition( "zmb_gersh_teleporter_out", grenade.origin + (0,0,50) );

wait( 0.5 );

level.teleport_target.angles = teleport_target_end.angles;

level.teleport_target MoveTo( teleport_target_end.origin, 0.05 );

level.teleport_target StopLoopSound( 1 );

wait( 0.5 );

level.teleport_target Show();

PlayFXOnTag( level._effect[ "black_hole_bomb_event_horizon" ], level.teleport_target, "tag_origin" );

level.teleport_target PlaySound( "zmb_gersh_teleporter_go" );

wait( 2.0 );

model Delete();

flag_set( "target_teleported" );




monitor = GetEnt( "casimir_monitor", "targetname" );

location = GetStruct( "casimir_monitor_struct", "targetname" );

monitor PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );

monitor SetModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_on" );

trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", location.origin, 0, 32, 60 );

trig wait_for_use( monitor );

trig delete();

flag_set( "rerouted_power" );

monitor SetModel( "p_zom_monitor_csm_screen_logo" );

monitor StopLoopSound( 1 );

level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg2_success", "vox_gersh_egg2", 2 );

level thread activate_casimir_light( 1 );


wait_for_use( monitor )




self waittill( "trigger", who );

while( IsPlayer(who) && who IsTouching( self ) )


if( who UseButtonPressed() )


flag_set( "rerouted_power" );

monitor PlaySound( "zmb_comp_activate" );









switches = GetStructArray( "sync_switch_start", "targetname" );

success = false;

while ( !flag( "switches_synced" ) )


flag_wait( "monkey_round" );

array_thread( switches, ::reveal_switch );

self thread switch_watcher();

level waittill_either( "between_round_over", "switches_synced" );


level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg3_success", "vox_gersh_egg3", 3 );

level thread activate_casimir_light( 2 );




button = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );

button SetModel( "p_rus_electric_switch_stop" );

button.angles = self.angles + (0,90,0);

button PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );

offset = AnglesToForward(self.angles) * 8;

time = 1;

button MoveTo( button.origin + offset, 1 );

wait( 1 );

if ( flag( "monkey_round" ) )


trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", button.origin, 0, 32, 72 );

trig thread wait_for_sync_use( self );

level waittill_either( "between_round_over", "switches_synced" );

trig delete();


button StopLoopSound( 1 );

button MoveTo( self.origin, time );

wait( time );

button delete();


wait_for_sync_use( ss )


level endon( "between_round_over" );

level endon( "switches_synced" );

ss.pressed = 0;



self waittill( "trigger", who );

while( IsPlayer(who) && who IsTouching( self ) )


if( who UseButtonPressed() )


level notify( "sync_button_pressed" );

playsoundatposition( "zmb_push_button", ss.origin );

ss.pressed = 1;








level endon( "between_round_over" );

pressed = 0;

switches = GetStructArray( "sync_switch_start", "targetname" );

while (1)


level waittill( "sync_button_pressed" );

timeout = GetTime() + 500;

while ( GetTime()


pressed = 0;

for ( i=0; i


if ( IsDefined( switches.pressed ) && switches.pressed )





if ( pressed == 4 )


flag_set( "switches_synced" );

for ( i=0; i


playsoundatposition( "zmb_misc_activate", switches.origin );




wait( 0.05 );


switch( pressed )


case 1:

case 2:

case 3:

for ( i=0; i


playsoundatposition( "zmb_deny", switches.origin );




for ( i=0; i


switches.pressed = 0;






area = GetStruct( "pressure_pad", "targetname" );

trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", area.origin, 0, 300, 100 );

trig area_timer( 120 );

trig Delete();

level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg4_success", "vox_gersh_egg4", 4 );

level thread activate_casimir_light( 3 );


area_timer( time )


clock_loc = GetStruct( "pressure_timer", "targetname" );

clock = Spawn( "script_model", clock_loc.origin );

clock SetModel( "p_rus_clock_lrg" );

clock.angles = clock_loc.angles;

clock PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );

timer_hand_angles_init = ( 270, 90, 0 );

timer_hand = Spawn( "script_model", clock_loc.origin + ( -1, 0, 12 ) );

timer_hand SetModel( "t5_weapon_ballistic_knife_blade" );

timer_hand.angles = timer_hand_angles_init;

step = 1.0;

while ( !flag( "pressure_sustained" ) )


self waittill( "trigger" );

stop_timer = false;

players = get_players();

for ( i=0; i


if ( !players IsTouching( self ) )


wait( step );

stop_timer = true;



if ( stop_timer )




self PlaySound( "zmb_pressure_plate_trigger" );

time_remaining = time;

timer_hand RotatePitch( 360, time );

while ( time_remaining )


players = get_players();

for ( i=0; i


if ( !players IsTouching( self ) )


wait( step );

time_remaining = time;

stop_timer = true;

timer_hand RotateTo( timer_hand_angles_init, 0.5 );

timer_hand PlaySound( "zmb_deny" );

wait( 0.5 );




if ( stop_timer )




wait( step );

time_remaining -= step;

timer_hand PlaySound( "zmb_egg_timer_oneshot" );


if ( time_remaining


flag_set( "pressure_sustained" );

players = get_players();

temp_fx = undefined;

if ( IsDefined( players[0].fx ) )


temp_fx = players[0].fx;


timer_hand playsound( "zmb_perks_packa_ready" );

players[0].fx = level.zombie_powerups[ "nuke" ].fx;

level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::nuke_powerup( players[0] );

clock StopLoopSound( 1 );

wait( 1.0 );

if ( IsDefined( temp_fx ) )


players[0].fx = temp_fx;




players[0].fx = undefined;


clock Delete();

timer_hand Delete();







flag_init( "letter_acquired" );

level.lander_key = [];

level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "s";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "r";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station1" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "e";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "y";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "a";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station3" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "i";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "m";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "h";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station4" ][ "lander_station5" ] = "u";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station1" ] = "t";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station3" ] = "n";

level.lander_key[ "lander_station5" ][ "lander_station4" ] = "l";

level.passkey = array( "l", "u", "n", "a" );

level.passkey_progress = 0;

level.secret1 = array( "h", "i", "t", "s", "a", "m" );

level.secret1_progress = 0;

level.secret2 = array( "h", "y", "e", "n", "a" );

level.secret2_progress = 0;

thread lander_monitor();

flag_wait( "passkey_confirmed" );

level.lander_audio_ent StopLoopSound( 1 );

level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg5_success", "vox_gersh_egg5", 5 );

level thread activate_casimir_light( 4 );


level.lander_audio_ent Delete();




lander = getent( "lander", "targetname" );

level.lander_audio_ent = Spawn( "script_origin", lander.origin );

level.lander_audio_ent LinkTo( lander );

level.lander_audio_ent PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );

while ( !flag( "passkey_confirmed" ) )


level waittill("lander_launched");

if ( lander.called )


start = lander.depart_station;

dest = lander.station;

letter = level.lander_key[ start ][ dest ];

model = level.lander_letters[ letter ];

model Show();

model PlaySound( "zmb_spawn_powerup" );

model thread spin_letter();

model PlayLoopSound( "zmb_spawn_powerup_loop", .5 );

trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", model.origin, 0, 200, 150 );

trig thread letter_grab( letter, model );


if ( !flag( "letter_acquired" ) )


level.passkey_progress = 0;

level.secret1_progress = 0;

level.secret2_progress = 0;




flag_clear( "letter_acquired" );


trig delete();

model Hide();

model StopLoopSound( .5 );




level.passkey_progress = 0;

level.secret1_progress = 0;

level.secret2_progress = 0;






level endon( "lander_grounded" );

level endon( "letter_acquired" );

while (1)


self RotateYaw( 90, 5 );

wait( 5 );



letter_grab( letter, model )


level endon("lander_grounded");

self waittill( "trigger" );

flag_set( "letter_acquired" );

playsoundatposition("zmb_powerup_grabbed", model.origin);

model Hide();

if ( letter == level.passkey[ level.passkey_progress ] )



if ( level.passkey_progress == level.passkey.size )


flag_set( "passkey_confirmed" );





level.passkey_progress = 0;


if ( letter == level.secret1[ level.secret1_progress ] )



if ( level.secret1_progress == level.secret1.size )






level.secret1_progress = 0;


if ( letter == level.secret2[ level.secret2_progress ] )



if ( level.secret2_progress == level.secret2.size )






level.secret2_progress = 0;





flag_init( "thundergun_hit" );

weapon_combo_spot = GetStruct( "weapon_combo_spot", "targetname" );

focal_point = Spawn( "script_model", weapon_combo_spot.origin );

focal_point SetModel( "tag_origin" );

focal_point PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_notifier", 1 );

fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["gersh_spark"], focal_point, "tag_origin" );

level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig = Spawn( "trigger_radius", weapon_combo_spot.origin, 0, 50, 72 );

level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = ::bhb_combo_loc_check;

flag_wait( "weapons_combined" );

level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig Delete();

level.black_hole_bomb_loc_check_func = undefined;

focal_point Delete();

for ( i=0; i


level.casimir_lights Delete();



bhb_combo_loc_check( grenade, model, info )


if ( IsDefined( level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig ) &&

grenade IsTouching( level.black_hold_bomb_target_trig ) )


trig = Spawn( "trigger_damage", grenade.origin, 0, 15, 72 );

grenade thread wait_for_combo( trig );


return false;


wait_for_combo( trig )


self endon( "death" );

self thread kill_trig_on_death( trig );

weapon_combo_spot = GetStruct( "weapon_combo_spot", "targetname" );

ray_gun_hit = false;

doll_hit = false;

crossbow_hit = false;

players = get_players();

array_thread( players, ::thundergun_check, self, trig, weapon_combo_spot );

while ( 1 )


trig waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, dir, org, mod );

if ( isDefined( attacker ) )


if ( mod == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH" && (attacker GetCurrentWeapon() == "ray_gun_upgraded_zm" ) )


ray_gun_hit = true;


else if ( mod == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" )


if ( amount >= 90000 )


doll_hit = true;


else if ( attacker GetCurrentWeapon() == "crossbow_explosive_upgraded_zm" )


crossbow_hit = true;



if ( ray_gun_hit && doll_hit && flag( "thundergun_hit" ) )


flag_set( "weapons_combined" );

level thread soul_release( self, trig.origin );






thundergun_check( model, trig, weapon_combo_spot )


model endon( "death" );

while (1)


self waittill( "weapon_fired" );

if ( self GetCurrentWeapon() == "thundergun_upgraded_zm" )


if ( DistanceSquared( self.origin, weapon_combo_spot.origin )


vector_to_spot = VectorNormalize( weapon_combo_spot.origin - self GetWeaponMuzzlePoint() );

vector_player_facing = self GetWeaponForwardDir();

angle_diff = acos( VectorDot( vector_to_spot, vector_player_facing ) );

if ( angle_diff


flag_set( "thundergun_hit" );

RadiusDamage( trig.origin, 5, 1, 1, self );






kill_trig_on_death( trig )


self waittill( "death" );

trig delete();

if( flag( "thundergun_hit" ) && !flag( "weapons_combined" ) )


level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg6p1_success", "vox_gersh_egg6_fail2", 7 );


else if( !flag( "weapons_combined" ) )


level thread play_egg_vox( undefined, "vox_gersh_egg6_fail1", 6 );


flag_clear( "thundergun_hit" );


soul_release( model, origin )


soul = Spawn( "script_model", origin );

soul SetModel( "tag_origin" );

soul PlayLoopSound( "zmb_egg_soul" );

fx = PlayFXOnTag( level._effect["gersh_spark"], soul, "tag_origin" );

time = 20;

model waittill( "death" );

level thread play_egg_vox( "vox_ann_egg6_success", "vox_gersh_egg6_success", 9 );

level thread wait_for_gersh_vox();

soul MoveZ( 2500, time, time - 1 );

wait( time );

soul Delete();


level thread samantha_is_angry();





players = GetPlayers();

for ( i=0; i


players thread reward_wait();





while ( !is_player_valid( self ) ||

( self UseButtonPressed() && self in_revive_trigger() ) )


wait( 1.0 );


level thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::minigun_weapon_powerup( self, 90 );


play_egg_vox( ann_alias, gersh_alias, plr_num )


if( IsDefined( ann_alias ) )


level maps\zombie_cosmodrome_amb::play_cosmo_announcer_vox( ann_alias );


if( IsDefined( gersh_alias ) )


level maps\zombie_cosmodrome_amb::play_gersh_vox( gersh_alias );


if( IsDefined( plr_num ) )


players = get_players();

rand = RandomIntRange( 0, players.size );

players[rand] maps\_zombiemode_audio::create_and_play_dialog( "eggs", "gersh_response", undefined, plr_num );





playsoundatposition( "zmb_samantha_earthquake", (0,0,0) );

playsoundatposition( "zmb_samantha_whispers", (0,0,0) );


level clientnotify( "sia" );

playsoundatposition( "zmb_samantha_scream", (0,0,0) );

} [brains] :geek:

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