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Obvious reason for 90 sec Death Machine

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Hey new to this four, sorry if this was already posted, but there has to be a reason you get the D machine for so long and the map is so big it makes sense that you have it for 90 sec so you have time to go somewhere on the map. Any ideas?

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I have a theory.

The death machines say Sparky on them, and there are car batteries around the map that say sparky. I only know of one in the starting room, but I know there are more. Someone try shooting all of them PLEASE.


That sparky theory is driving me nuts. I just went into a game and proved it wrong. Alot of people are mentioning 4 batteries but there are more around 9 or 10. We shot them and nothing happened.


you could be on to something in another post someone said that sam was mad and was sending all she had at us, i dno if they were the exact words but it went something along those lines, maybe you have to activate something else, also there are 6 steps to getting death machine and if you look at this from the campiagn mode a few match up but not all,

1. Secure the keys.

2. Ascend from darkness. (Ascension reference or turn on power)

3. Rain fire.

4. Unleash the horde.

5. Skewer the winged beast. (blow up rocket, maybe)

6. Wield a fist of iron. (Acquire the Death Machine.)

7. Raise Hell.

8. Freedom.

back to the matter in hand, if the next step was raise hell then that could link in with samantha "sending all she had, at us" and thats what the death machines are for? who knows

maybe someone else could add to this, oh and [brains]


the car batteries are reall and u have to shoot ALL of them. i think there is a total of 15 i have only found 12 :(

6 in the starting area. 1 on the floor in the downstairs 750 door. 2 outside near phd flopper one next to the machine under the takeo doll. One in the window on the catwalk. 1 under the stairs surrounded by clutter after the box starting room near the control panel. And 2 under the stairs that lead to the speed room. but if anyone wants to help me look and try this hit me up! ill be on all weekend and my Gamertag is crzy phrog


  LR HybRiid zx said:
you could be on to something in another post someone said that sam was mad and was sending all she had at us, i dno if they were the exact words but it went something along those lines, maybe you have to activate something else, also there are 6 steps to getting death machine and if you look at this from the campiagn mode a few match up but not all,

1. Secure the keys.

2. Ascend from darkness. (Ascension reference or turn on power)

3. Rain fire.

4. Unleash the horde.

5. Skewer the winged beast. (blow up rocket, maybe)

6. Wield a fist of iron. (Acquire the Death Machine.)

7. Raise Hell.

8. Freedom.

back to the matter in hand, if the next step was raise hell then that could link in with samantha "sending all she had, at us" and thats what the death machines are for? who knows

maybe someone else could add to this, oh and [brains]

Just thinking Rain fire could refer to the landers as you know there is the flame coming from the bottom and also it could refer to the monkey round and that step with the perks as the monkeys come out of something crashing into the map and after that there is the horde referes to the nuke going off when you stand on the pad and ?


  Telixion said:
That sparky theory is driving me nuts. I just went into a game and proved it wrong. Alot of people are mentioning 4 batteries but there are more around 9 or 10. We shot them and nothing happened.

Didnt K Sherwood send you a tweet regarding zombie lore? :lol:


Everyone wants to talk batteries but thats not it... Ive wasted far too much of the last few days on this, and now I've seen the no clip through both closed doors and the alleged 5th lander pad... Since there's nothing there, I'm really at a loss as to where to look... My first thought is either the centrifuge, or back over near stamin-up...


  LR HybRiid zx said:
you could be on to something in another post someone said that sam was mad and was sending all she had at us, i dno if they were the exact words but it went something along those lines, maybe you have to activate something else, also there are 6 steps to getting death machine and if you look at this from the campiagn mode a few match up but not all,

1. Secure the keys.

2. Ascend from darkness. (Ascension reference or turn on power)

3. Rain fire.

4. Unleash the horde.

5. Skewer the winged beast. (blow up rocket, maybe)

6. Wield a fist of iron. (Acquire the Death Machine.)

7. Raise Hell.

8. Freedom.

back to the matter in hand, if the next step was raise hell then that could link in with samantha "sending all she had, at us" and thats what the death machines are for? who knows

maybe someone else could add to this, oh and [brains]

I actually think you may be right.

Raise Hell.....Sam is angry.



Something definitely needs to be done with the death machines. I thought the battery therory had some credibility. Have the 4 dolls been linked to anything yet? Maybe you shoot them... :? Or maybe you need to kill a set amount of zombies with them (combined).


A theory i had was that the death machines could be used to obtain the 5th perk... Apparently if you successfully defend the machines when you have 4 perks, you are awarded the 5th with a power-up... Wouldn't it stand to reason it would be easier to defend the perks with death machines? If you did the Easter egg right before a monkey round, killed your crawler, and rushed to defend your perks, you could probably hold 4 of them with death machines...


Except since it takes nearly 4 people to destroy the Gersh and then get the DM.. it's almost impossible to run to each and every perk while carrying the DM before a monkey even begins to hit a machine..

EDIT: On top of which, 90 seconds isn't very long.. let alone the difficulty of doing the easter egg and TIMING it on a monkey round since they are as unpredictable as dogs, usually falling 1-3 lvls from a predictions..

So... Im still going with bad theory..


has anyone ever gotten a death machine power-up after the fact of the easter eggs being done?

maybe when you pick the the power up after youve done the easter eggs everyone gets a 90 second DM instead of just the one person who picks it up?


  LR HybRiid zx said:
you could be on to something in another post someone said that sam was mad and was sending all she had at us, i dno if they were the exact words but it went something along those lines, maybe you have to activate something else, also there are 6 steps to getting death machine and if you look at this from the campiagn mode a few match up but not all,

1. Secure the keys.

2. Ascend from darkness. (Ascension reference or turn on power)

3. Rain fire.

4. Unleash the horde.

5. Skewer the winged beast. (blow up rocket, maybe)

6. Wield a fist of iron. (Acquire the Death Machine.)

7. Raise Hell.

8. Freedom.

back to the matter in hand, if the next step was raise hell then that could link in with samantha "sending all she had, at us" and thats what the death machines are for? who knows

maybe someone else could add to this, oh and [brains]

My theory is that

1- Open the doors to turn on the power

2- Turn on the power

3- Destroying the rocket

4- Monkeys?

5- Samantha?

6- Maybe when you activate the last node

7- Kill the zombies with the D. Machines

8- ???


I think maybe if you get all four people with the DM's and shoot the closed door with the chains on the handles (the door after you open the bottem door in the starting area)

Somebody try this and make a vid! I cant tho...


  JuggernautSoda said:
I think maybe if you get all four people with the DM's and shoot the closed door with the chains on the handles (the door after you open the bottem door in the starting area)

Somebody try this and make a vid! I cant tho...

Mr Rofl Waffles, me, Shootz to kill (gamertag), and Leightonater (gamertag) all tried it, we spend about 75 seconds all spraying at it and guess what happened??


He will upload a video for proof here in a few days, possibly by tomorrow.

This just proves TTG is for The Tech GAYS.....Nothing but fakes and hoaxters.....


  crzyphrog said:
the car batteries are reall and u have to shoot ALL of them. i think there is a total of 15 i have only found 12 :(

6 in the starting area. 1 on the floor in the downstairs 750 door. 2 outside near phd flopper one next to the machine under the takeo doll. One in the window on the catwalk. 1 under the stairs surrounded by clutter after the box starting room near the control panel. And 2 under the stairs that lead to the speed room. but if anyone wants to help me look and try this hit me up! ill be on all weekend and my Gamertag is crzy phrog

Yeah I posted that in my own thread you get -1 rep for copy and pasting

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