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[NEW] The Missing Step of the 'Mystery Man' Easter Egg?


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We all know how to get to the death machines, but everyone seems to be stumped about what to do next.

It's possible we all skipped a step, thus making the whole easter egg fail...

Think about it like this-

Here are the steps we have so far:

* Throw a gersch out of the map. You have to throw it pretty close to the generator.

* Walk up to the computer and press X.

* During a monkey round, all 4 players must press the buttons at each perk machine. (1 button each, at the same time.)

* You need a balistic knife. All 4 players must stand on the pressure pad (near the pap) for 2 minutes.

* You need Gersch, matryoshka dolls, Thunder gun, raygun, and crossbow(all upgraded). You need to throw a gersch, the dolls, and shoot it with the right amount of each gun.

* You get 90 second death machines. What to do next, is unknown.

Now... Look at these steps... Think about these steps as if you have never played this map before (or done this easter egg), and try to look at it as if someone was reading you these steps for the first time.

Do any of them in particular stick out to you? Perhaps one of them seems quite a bit easier than the others?

It seems rather obvious to me.. The 2nd step is a joke compared to the rest of the steps...

Maybe there is another part to this step, that we over looked?

Theoretically speaking, if you were to complete the other part of this step, it would 'unlock' something on the death machines step. This 'unlock' could be as simple as: now being able to shoot down a door, enabling the '4th lander', or any other theories we have had for the death machines up to this point. (which would now be possible to accomplish as a result of this 'unlock')


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In my opinion I think we have figured it out. Mind you me and my friends can't seem to accomplish the easter egg because someone looses connection or someone has to leave during the easter egg.

Either way the Deathmachine in my view is it. Everyone gets a Deathmachine for 90 secs to help kill off zombies. Think about it, Treyarch thinks we should be doing this without a crawler and during rounds. Working together, co-operating.

Again my opinion and may not reflect the opinions of others

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In my opinion I think we have figured it out. Mind you me and my friends can't seem to accomplish the easter egg because someone looses connection or someone has to leave during the easter egg.

Either way the Deathmachine in my view is it. Everyone gets a Deathmachine for 90 secs to help kill off zombies. Think about it, Treyarch thinks we should be doing this without a crawler and during rounds. Working together, co-operating.

Again my opinion and may not reflect the opinions of others

BUT, Treyarch made it so crawlers die quicker and eventually run faster, hence they KNOW about us using crawlers to ready up for the next round. So for something as simple as a easter egg, they would obviously know that we have the common sense to make crawlers, and who would really SHOOT at a Gershe Device other than zombies that are charging at you, I for one think there is more to this easter egg, and it's somewhere around the Pack-a-Punch area. Mainly for the reason that the room shakes when you enter it, maybe all 4 have to enter it? I don't know but it is plausible...

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I doubt we're missing any steps or there is something we have to do first since the entire easter egg is hinted by that whistling echo. Once you get the death machines, it stops.

I for one believe there WILL be more to this easter egg, but isn't available just yet. Either, it'll become a patch once the DLC is available to PS3, then everyone gets a chance to find it. Or it's simply over, perhaps a clue for the next map.

All of these "try this! Shoot X, Y and Z" theories are WAY too complicated, and I think we're looking a bit too far into this one. So, more is definitely on the way. That, is our clue IMO.

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LOL how do you figure they made it so crawlers die quicker? I've got a crawler, smoke a cig, then used the bathroom, nuked some spaghetti with meat balls and came back so we could shoot @ the gersch...

Rexplain.. Haha

Because everytime we (my friends and I) save a crawler, it dies and comes back charging or running at us from somewhere on the map

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