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abra cadavre comfirms dreamland?


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abra cadavre sounds like its comfirming the dreamland theory

post your thoughts on this

i personally think that after all we've gone through in the zombies storyline it should'nt be a dream but thats just me. :D

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I'm sorry, but I can't believe this for three reasons.

1. You play as four different characters in the exact same place, so who would be having the dream, sorry but I don't think four people are having the same exact dream, unless it was a Nazi Experiment to see the affects of how four enemies would react if they had to be brought together

2. References to real-life and such. How would the people in the dream know that those specific weapons were in the future? Are all of the four physic?

3. If this were a dream, why would Treyarch make us find all of this out for nothing? There's much better things that Treyarch could be doing by making CoDz and such forums put so much effort into this without any rewards?

Hopefully, this theory isn't true, because I would absolutely HATE it.


  Whenwherewhy? said:
I'm sorry, but I can't believe this for three reasons.

1. You play as four different characters in the exact same place, so who would be having the dream, sorry but I don't think four people are having the same exact dream, unless it was a Nazi Experiment to see the affects of how four enemies would react if they had to be brought together

2. References to real-life and such. How would the people in the dream know that those specific weapons were in the future? Are all of the four physic?

3. If this were a dream, why would Treyarch make us find all of this out for nothing? There's much better things that Treyarch could be doing by making CoDz and such forums put so much effort into this without any rewards?

Hopefully, this theory isn't true, because I would absolutely HATE it.

you mean psychic?


i also disagree with the dreamland theory. but anyone is entitled to their own opinions. i do however suspect richtofen is using the other 3 as lab rats for some wierd experiment. no clue what it could be. i say this because ive heard dempsey say that he had seen richtofen before shi no numa, but he couldnt remember anything. also ive heard him say that nikolai is hiding something


Don't flame but maybe it's something like inception, they all in a dream...? Maybe (if he's still alive) maxis made this all up doing experiments on them. Or even Richthofen conducting experiments and planted his presence into their minds. Who knows, maybe the last map could be them waking up from this 'dream' in an abandoned facility where the place has actually been overrun by zombies.

Just some thoughts I had, no real proof to back them up though.


  DanielStockton said:
Don't flame but maybe it's something like inception, they all in a dream...? Maybe (if he's still alive) maxis made this all up doing experiments on them. Or even Richthofen conducting experiments and planted his presence into their minds. Who knows, maybe the last map could be them waking up from this 'dream' in an abandoned facility where the place has actually been overrun by zombies.

Just some thoughts I had, no real proof to back them up though.

So that would mean Christopher Nolan stole that idea off Treyarch... *Sarcasm* That sneaky little bastard. *Sarcasm Ended*


yeah but in inception the dream can only last for so long. and anyways the dream theory, if proven true would be such a buzzkill, learning that all that intense zombie killing was only a dream. i would be pissed


How did the all get into the same dream? Thats an easy question to answer...

They are not in the same dream :P We could easily be playing thru one persons perception of the dream, yes they could all be experimented on and can hear one another which accounts for each character being in the dream.. But for all we know Taeko is dreaming about bunnies eating his flesh..

Anyways.. the dreamland theory is interesting..

But @ this point, I don't think treyarch has any intent of leading the story anywhere... as by continuing the story into nothingness they can keep releasing new Zombie maps :P

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