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playthegame.co? found the step 8 puzzle


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  mbt9000 said:
has anyone seen the video from playthegameco? they claim that they have found the final piece of the easter egg puzzle, and it isnt the death machines, here watch this video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjg1O8ofidA

the video will be out at the beginning of next week, seems interesting


someone posted the list of what you need on here from another forum. claims to throw another gersch in the next area (stamin up area) and then explains about the sacrifice of a player.


Fake and gay, they're doing this just to get views. If they had done it, then they would be recording and not make a stupid video with a stagnant background. They never go into specifics, and do you know how HARD it is to get ALL of those weapons at the same time in 2, 3, or 4 player? Each time you get a wonder weapon, the chances for getting the others are decreased. So it would be virtually impossible to get ALL of the wonder weapons. And they are so general. They don't go into specifics. Now let me ask you: if you knew how to finish the easter egg and had recorded it or had recording equipment and knew how to do it, wouldn't you post a video with GAMEPLAY of finishing the easter egg and putting a huge title called: ASCENSION YURI EASTER EGG FINISHED! But these guys did even harder work (yes, it is harder to make a video like that than record gameplay) and made a non-specific "walkthrough" for the easter egg.

Does it make sense? NO.

I'm not blaming you, but don't believe playthegameco.

:facepalm::facepalm: :facepalm:


Eh, this is a fish to get everyone to subscribe to him...

If it were real it would have been posted by now...

Let alone since you need 4 to do it, you can't trust people

and it would have been leaked.. hell treyarch cant even keep a llittle map from being leaked at a large corporation with security protocals... What can 4 nerds keep a seceret?..

I vote BS....


I'm starting to get the feeling that the final stages of the easter egg exist, but have been locked until the glitches are reasonably patched.

Although I'll be honest, I haven't even started trying to work my way through the easter egg stuff that has been found. I'd like to at some point, but I've always been more concerned with building workable long-term survival strategies, and Ascension offers so many possibilities and ways to refine strategy that it keeps me very busy

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