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Its 2 minutes to midnight...

Johnny Reklaw

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No matter what. There are a number of clocks (One tilted sideways next to Jugg...one in the area below the power...and several others). Even the clock that spawns and disappears on the pressure switch is 2 minutes to midnight......

So, like the letter "R", I ask why?

I add more information to this. It IS possible for them to get "real time" on the clocks as they do this on Five. SO

1) They made a new prop for ascension even though they had a clock template (including one for Moscow, Russia)? Or does it mean something more.

2) Why 2 minutes to midnight? Do we need to survive those "2 minutes" for something?

3) Is it any amount of irony that it is a 2 minute pressure switch....WITH A CLOCK!?!?!?!?!?!?! (over dramatic emphasis...i know)[not to mention missed capitalization].

So...having overused periods, exaggerated hyperbole to the furthest extent, I ask the question I have in mind:

Is this significant, or do I need to go to bed and look for theories when I'm not so tired? (Or should I stop theorizing all together?!?!?!??!??!??!??!!??!?!??!)

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I've thought about the other clocks..

not sure if they are related, 2 minutes to midnight, all that might just be the hint that you have to wait two minutes on the pressure plate...

the letter R... in our supposed Code has nothing to do with anything and is obviously as a means to throw you off in what words to spell.... Hell, the easter egg all together... is a joke how it was discovered...

Do you really think with in the first week of the game, people figured out two throw a gersch at the gene - then hit the console - then press 4 buttons @ ONCE that arent even clear on the wall let laone found all 4 buttons, then solved to stand on a bad for 2 minutes and destroy the gersch next to a node, let alone learn to spell LUNA in order to activate before the end...

The code...

I sometimes feel like this IS all of the easter egg and Treyarch didnt intend for us to find it all this quickly... but the code allowed us this.

Considering one of the first few people to post about the Easter Egg was also one of the first few to display the code on the forum...

So again, unless there is a patch come March 3rd... this is most likely it, as the people who cracked the easter egg to begin with, would probably be intelligent enough to solve alternative aspects to the egg..

Sad dayz :(


  ZeMrDark said:
I've thought about the other clocks..

not sure if they are related, 2 minutes to midnight, all that might just be the hint that you have to wait two minutes on the pressure plate...

the letter R... in our supposed Code has nothing to do with anything and is obviously as a means to throw you off in what words to spell.... Hell, the easter egg all together... is a joke how it was discovered...

Do you really think with in the first week of the game, people figured out two throw a gersch at the gene - then hit the console - then press 4 buttons @ ONCE that arent even clear on the wall let laone found all 4 buttons, then solved to stand on a bad for 2 minutes and destroy the gersch next to a node, let alone learn to spell LUNA in order to activate before the end...

The code...

I sometimes feel like this IS all of the easter egg and Treyarch didnt intend for us to find it all this quickly... but the code allowed us this.

Considering one of the first few people to post about the Easter Egg was also one of the first few to display the code on the forum...

So again, unless there is a patch come March 3rd... this is most likely it, as the people who cracked the easter egg to begin with, would probably be intelligent enough to solve alternative aspects to the egg..

Sad dayz :(

That's one of the problems I would have with Treyarch then if this is the end of the Easter egg and they use the excuse saying they weren't expecting people to find it so easily. Look when the First strike trailer comes out and there was like 30 seconds of ascension footage. People on youtube made 20 minute long videos discussing what they saw during just those 30 seconds and they didn't think people would figure it out this soon? That shows how highly they think of the players. I mean look at the easter egg now in retrospect and how many clues they gave leading you through the entire easter egg. If there isn't any further steps to this easter egg that the PS3 gets in an update or we just haven't figured out, then I'm done buying any map packs for black ops and I'm done buying any COD titles. There's better designed games out there that don't have nearly half of the problems that black ops has and it just seems to me that if there's a legit problem with the game that many players are suffering from, but it doesn't benefit Treyarch to fix it, they ignore it. But if there's a way for Treyarch to make some money off of fixing something, it can't be done quick enough.


Easter eggs are treats... not the game

Zombies is about seeing how far you can go

The easter eggs are just another form of entertainment not neccesary to game play.

Dont be angry :P COD is a great series and Zombies is a fun lil arcade game ^_^


  ZeMrDark said:
Easter eggs are treats... not the game

Zombies is about seeing how far you can go

The easter eggs are just another form of entertainment not neccesary to game play.

Dont be angry :P COD is a great series and Zombies is a fun lil arcade game ^_^

While the easter eggs may not be necessary to game play, they do reveal the story behind the actual game and that's what I'm more interested in. Sure, the game is fun and I want to get as high as possible, but since the leaderboards are still not fixed, I hate playing online after I get to a decent round because I don't want to lose that and I tend to get bored sometimes just playing the game. So, instead of worrying too much about how high of a round I get to, I want to know more about the storyline and they could have had a decent reveal of who the mystery man actually is, and reveal something about Sam, but all they do is have him say thank you and Sam get angry and you get death machines? I didn't just do 7 steps of some random stuff in order to reveal to me nothing more than when I started. I'll agree with you that there are COD titles that are great, namely COD4 AND WAW, but it's been progressively going downhill since then. And if they're going to try and make me pay an extra 60 dollars for the new zombie maps, at least give some significant information about the story in each map. Granted, supposedly there still is a huge easter egg in Kino that hasn't been discovered yet and that may give even more info for that map and I'm hopeful that there's much more to Ascension because I think there's a lot of potential for this series, and I would hate for it to be wasted. I do want to continue enjoying the COD series, but they haven't really helped much with that lately.


  Sirius2045 said:
  ZeMrDark said:
Easter eggs are treats... not the game

Zombies is about seeing how far you can go

The easter eggs are just another form of entertainment not neccesary to game play.

Dont be angry :P COD is a great series and Zombies is a fun lil arcade game ^_^

While the easter eggs may not be necessary to game play, they do reveal the story behind the actual game and that's what I'm more interested in. Sure, the game is fun and I want to get as high as possible, but since the leaderboards are still not fixed, I hate playing online after I get to a decent round because I don't want to lose that and I tend to get bored sometimes just playing the game. So, instead of worrying too much about how high of a round I get to, I want to know more about the storyline and they could have had a decent reveal of who the mystery man actually is, and reveal something about Sam, but all they do is have him say thank you and Sam get angry and you get death machines? I didn't just do 7 steps of some random stuff in order to reveal to me nothing more than when I started. I'll agree with you that there are COD titles that are great, namely COD4 AND WAW, but it's been progressively going downhill since then. And if they're going to try and make me pay an extra 60 dollars for the new zombie maps, at least give some significant information about the story in each map. Granted, supposedly there still is a huge easter egg in Kino that hasn't been discovered yet and that may give even more info for that map and I'm hopeful that there's much more to Ascension because I think there's a lot of potential for this series, and I would hate for it to be wasted. I do want to continue enjoying the COD series, but they haven't really helped much with that lately.


Yeah, after NDU they started to make a story of it.

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