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Maybe a Breakthrough!


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The other day me, juggaurnaughtsoda, and two other friends were playing ascension to try the NGT glitch/next step. Sadly it didn't work. But as we were doing it I was hypothesizing. There are three key things in the map after you get the DM's. When you get the DM everything turns black thus indicating that the power is out again. But there are three components we have (maybe) not looked at quite yet.

There is a generator running on the wall that is by the way to swamp. You will see if your coming back to flopper. I have heard a theory that after you get the orb, you run right away to that generator and when the screen turns black and white start shooting as much as possible. When your DM's go away throw all your gershes and it will (supposdly) suck the generator into the black hole.

This does make sense. If you look at the wires that it's connected to, it is connected to a lot of things throughout this map. I don't know if this has been confirmed yet but i'm going to try in the future.

There is ANOTHER(;O) generator running when the screen turns black and white. If you run from flopper to jug and go inside the building you will see it on the left. I havn't come up with any significant theories but I guess this component of the map has been overlooked.

The last thing is the perks. Every perk is still ON even though the power is out. Who knows?

There has been other theories about somebody in the centerfuge. I discovered something yesterday. Across from the centerfuge upstairs is the juggaurnaught machine. The jug machine is actualy the "controls" for the centerfuge because somebody doesn't control it from the inside they are spinning to fast. So there is the possibility that somebody is inside but how can he be running it himself whilst inside when the controls are above. If you want to look for yourself get one person to stand beside the olympia in starter room then look across the windows. The other person go to jug and look through the windows. You can see the other person and the centerfuge.


Well those are my theories for the week :P

If anybody could get any pictures please post them it would help out a lot. Im going to also try and record my attempts and post them on here everytime I do just to keep all updated with proof (because were kinda lacking that here). Anyway if anybody wants to do this with me just send me a message

XBL GT: xi MaGiCxx

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Interesting theories...but I wonder how much we can trust a few facts:

1. How do we know the power goes out in the black and white scream of Sam? In making a point of everything that is on when Sam screams...you prove that the power is on as every bonus to turning on the power is active (perks, landers, etc)

2. This generator... Does it match the original? The original was loose, sparking, and howling...

3. The centrifuge controls...what does this mean for a theory that has yet to be tested? The jug room is the control room...but other areas of the map have other purposes for the cosmodrome...but they don't necessarily relate to the easter egg we have been deciphering...

That's my questions here...


  Default said:
  ZombiesFTW! said:
we will all find the truth when the pc version comes out. noclip the map!

the xbox version has already been nocliped

Not it hasn't...

People have glitched the lander to FALL onto certain areas to investigate but the map has not been no-clipped...

The code guy that mentioned every digital inch was refering to the code and the glitchers don't know what they are doing and try to mislead us into thinking there are secerets..

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