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Let's Play.... HIDE AND SEEK!


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Hey guys yesterday me and my friend were playing no scopes and whenever he would shoot but not kill me I would run and hide.

This is where my new game was invented.

We go to NukeTown and one seeker for every 3 hiders stands by the swing and counts to 15.

Thats when the hiders hide. You can move in and out of places, only if someone else is in there(hider or seeker). This doesnt mean you cant move though. Every 45 seconds, you have to shoot. This is when you can run.

If a seeker sees you, all he has to do is shoot you with a PRIMARY WEAPON, not secondary. This will change things, because you would mainly run with a pistol for speed, but having to change weapons affects things.

Anyways, I am looking for people who would want to play this tonight on Xbox. My GT is DarkestWolf97.

I probably wont check back here for a while, so just add me or send a message.

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