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Whats up with the Easter Egg?

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Hi Guys,

I'm on vacation so my internet useage is limited. can someone fill me in regarding the eastern egg? i know the first 3 steps:

Step 1: Pick up the fuse and bring it to the door

Step 2: Destroy the 4 generators with semtex, frags, scavenger, crossbow

Step 3: Knife the vodka and catch it. and put it in the tube next to the door.

What happends next? something with a golden rod i heard? i dont know exactly cause its all spread out on this website.

Is the easter egg finished? and what happends at the end?

I appreciate it a lot if someone can answer these questions!

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Hey, i belive you have to find the golden rod (or staff) by fiddling with some dials or switches in the power room and the lighthouse? this then gives off a green light from a so called submarine :? after that they then apparently teleport out of the map and you get the "stand-in" achievment. i havent done this for myself yet but im trying to get a team to slove it, maybe if you get off vacation we could give it a go - TridactylZebra

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