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Easter Egg Achivement Hunter

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Hey whats up guys im one of the Moderators for Rooster teeth.com and im geting alot of emails saying i should make a video for CoTd Easter Egg but i need a team of 3 players That know the steps and are willing to try many times to complete this so i can show my viewers if you help your name and gamertag will be in the credits of the video.

FYI:im the Easter Egg Hunter for Achivement Hunter.com



Time:Friday May,6

When:I will msg you when we do it probally around 9:00 to 11:00

what are you waiting for get on xbox and msg me lets get achivements

Rules:no mic no play

Age:14 and Up

Must know steps to easter egg or have completed it before

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First off, I beleive the Egg the co-op egg should stay off of Achievement Hunter, IGN, GTTV, and those place because everyone won't know who found it first. Right here, we found it first, the CodZ community. And it seems your trolling a bit much, no?

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