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Shoot All The Monkeys in X Amount of Time (?)

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Just a thought,

In Nuketown, we had mannequins that if we shot all the heads off in a certain amount of time, a secret song played

In campaign mission Rebirth, if you killed 7 monkeys in under 10 seconds in the labs you were given an achievement

In MW2, you got that KFC achievement if you shot all the chickens in a certain amount of time

Do you think that if we shot all the "chilling" monkeys around the map in a certain amount of time something might happen? How many locations do they appear at anyways? I doubt it will do anything, but who knows. Drop some knowledge Codz 8-)

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@DaPikmin the mannequins appeared randomly as well, and you seem surprised they would make it challenging/hard to do? :?

@yellowcard After I kill a monkey, it's body remains there for a long time! I think it would be possible to locate all the monkeys in the map and kill them all at once before new ones spawn, idk...

you guys seem quick to dismiss this completely and neither of you even have the map pack (? PS3)


Well it doesn't seem to impossible seeing as ive only ever seen them spawn in the starting area :3

This is what I was wondering, is that the only place they are? if that's the case, there is likely nothing as that's too easy and probably already tried :(


  MrRoflWaffles said:
No offense, but I really doubt this would work. The monkeys are here to steal our perks and give us 500 points, not to play music. Just my opinion though! :]

- Waffles :D

I don't think the ones you see chilling there actually jump down when there's a drop or anything, new ones spawn outta nowhere

But anyways, I thought there were more locations that had the "chilling" monkeys :( and i never said it would play music :roll:


I believe the monkeys do only spawn in the Start room. My reasoning is that when you do get a power up the monkeys take it back to the start room and run out of one of the 'chill' zones.


Killing all 5 monkeys in Co-op before Zombies appear in round 1 gives you a free Perk

Seems to be random just like getting it from the monkey stealing the drop

Keep in mind killing the Monkeys also makes the game harder just as killing the Pig in 5 did


First Post

nice to meet everyone

Really like the site and accuracy of info found here


  Barbabeau said:
Killing all 5 monkeys in Co-op before Zombies appear in round 1 gives you a free Perk

Seems to be random just like getting it from the monkey stealing the drop

Keep in mind killing the Monkeys also makes the game harder just as killing the Pig in 5 did


First Post

nice to meet everyone

Really like the site and accuracy of info found here

:| hmm

:lol: ya right

if this was true you should provide proof, otherwise, it just sounds like trolling

nice idea though


  infamousKONVICT said:
  Barbabeau said:
Killing all 5 monkeys in Co-op before Zombies appear in round 1 gives you a free Perk

Seems to be random just like getting it from the monkey stealing the drop

Keep in mind killing the Monkeys also makes the game harder just as killing the Pig in 5 did


First Post

nice to meet everyone

Really like the site and accuracy of info found here

:| hmm

:lol: ya right

if this was true you should provide proof, otherwise, it just sounds like trolling

nice idea though

Nice welcome to a new comer

Call me a troll all you want but Yes I've done it

Yes I've been in a room where someone else has done it

Yes the fifth monkey isn't always visible


  Barbabeau said:

Nice welcome to a new comer

Call me a troll all you want but Yes I've done it

Yes I've been in a room where someone else has done it

Yes the fifth monkey isn't always visible

So it shouldn't be hard to provide proof if you've done it so many times :P

Otherwise, you're trollin :lol:

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