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Please Treyarch, improve the V-R11 !

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Hi everybody ! I made a game friends. In my first box, I got the V-R11. I never really liked this weapon, but this was better then nothing. I kept it during the whole game PaP'd so I could make my friends invincible during a little moment.

I was one of the first to criticize the weapon during the first trailer of COTD, and now I must admit it isn't that bad (it isn't the best weapon at all neither), but with some fixes it could be a very good weapon.

First of all, the width of shot. In fact, when you first shoot with it, it looks like it could hit multiple zombies. But in reality the hitbox is small, too small. Even hitting one zombie can be a challenge sometimes. And when your trying to make a zombie explode with the Lazarus, it becomes difficult as hell because of this. I'm not even talking about shooting your teammates to make them invincible, since you almost have to ask then to stop to shoot them (and even sometimes it just don't work), which is suicide. This makes it almost useless in many situations.

Come on treyarch, why are you making your own creation bad ? alone improving the size of the shot would make the V-R11 a lot easier to play with.

Secondly, the ammo. 24 as ammo is just ridiculous, especially for the weakest of all the wonder weapons. The HID is a killing machine and has 36 rounds... Besides, if you want to make a zombie explode, it makes you only explode up to 8 zombies, not including all the shots you'll miss because of the stupid aiming of the V-R11.

Another annoying thing about the weapon is that the human will not attract all of a rape train. Indeed, a part of the train will follow the human, and the other will just keep chasing you... That's why Treyarch should make the zombies go on the human in priority. This would make the weapon a lot like the Monkey Bomb, and leave you some time to reload, rescue someone, ect...

But during my game I found some places where all of the rape train will be attracted, like at the MP5K where it is IMO the best place to use it.

Finally, this is more like a "dream" and will never happen, but hey, why not ? Make the V-R11 a weapon you can use when downed. This way you could make the person who is reviving you invincible and thus you would be very easy to revive. This could even make the V-R11 a little bit broken...

That's it, these where all my suggestions about the V-R11. I really don't understand why Treyarch are not fixing the obvious downsides of the weapon, especially the aiming problem due to the small hitboxes. I really hope the developpers will read this message and make of the V-R11 a true wonderweapon in the next update, since it wouldn't be too complicated.


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I agree with a lot of what you are saying.

The way I've gotten around the difficult shot is to pick a place you are going to use and get it all lined up before you even use it. If the person who will be shooting knows where to stand and aim, and the person getting shot knows where to be in relation to this it's ok. I find that you need to gather the group as far away from this guy as you can, so when you sprint to him he has enough time to make it.

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“I really don't understand why Treyarch are not fixing the obvious downsides of the weapon”

Because they don’t feel that there are “obvious” downsides. I don’t agree with what you’re saying. No, it’s not as good as some of the other and previous guns, but not every gun can be super powerful. And really, if they made it much stronger, the game would be too easy! It’s not suppose to be a super easy, rape everything in the world weapon. That would be no fun. You’d just random until you get it and then the game is basically over.

And really… we have the Hyena.. it’s a 1 shot kill for pretty much everything in a giant area around your target until level 32, with over 11,000 damage.

I don’t want an easy zombie game. I want to be challenged with unique weapons that are tricky to make the best use of.

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The Hyena is good, but when it's not a OS anymore it becomes a lot less useful. There's even a state where it becomes almost useless when it is a 3 shot kill. Besides, it's not even about making the game easy. It's about making the weapon usable. The aiming with the V-R11 is just horrible, and this is the biggest downside to this weapon. Alone fixing that would be great, and wouldn't make the game too easy either. Did you ever tried to make a team mate invincible when they just died so they can buy juggs easily while they are running to it ? It's almost random how much the aiming is bad and the hitbox small. One of my friends died because I missed my shots on him while he was running to juggs. And this was REALLY annoying.

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