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Very Good ideas for future zombie maps part 1, 2,& 3 & 4

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So im going to share what i think should be in zombies eventually

New L2/LT devices (such as monkeys)

a Device much like a Gercsh but american made, so it would be the american version of the gersch but very different

*like the german or russian Ray gun and the american made Winters howl*

and as we all know the gercsh is capable of teleporting youto different dimensions but for the sake of the game different parts of the map, but this would be more like a time based thing, it would pause time, everything that took place should stop even your bullets/ rays. everything freezes except for the characters.

RC-monkey bombs

it would work obviously like an RC-XD in MP but all the zombies would chase it and it would eventually explode either within time or triggered

Nova 6 gas: much like the Nova gas grenade from MP but you get it from the box, and when you throw it it triggers the zombies to go insane and start attacking each other.

non-lethal equimpment:

Personal teleporters- you place a teleporter down (similar to a tact insertion) whereby using it again like a C4 letting you teleport to that location it is than lost the next round *one gained each round* they are color coated, a color for each player

Barricade- much like a **CLAYMORE**, but you place it on a door (will vary by width of door) but it is much like the barriers already there, but the zombies stop break down the barrier *cannot re-build* can be bought off the wall for 750

Time reverser- once placed you go back in time 10-15 seconds back, allowing you to revive a downed player, or maybe make it so you never got downed after you get revived (if that makes sence) can be bought from box

Power ups:

Infinite ammo- an open clip, for 30 seconds non stop shooting!

Power sale- much like a fire sale, but the box appears in one spot in the map, and can be used once a player an costs 100, when used it will give you a pack a punched gun

Pack-a-punch combiner- Gun choice and evolution in Zombies has stagnated ever since the introduction for the Pack-a-punch machine, what i am about to show you is a little idea that would give more of a variety, okay so this would not be a separate machine it would be the same Pack-a-punch machine we all have come to love, but how this works is lets say you get a china lake and an HS10 from the box, you go to the pack-a-punch machine, upgrade both, and if you have an extra 5000 upgrade again, Thus, combining the two into "Red Mist" a triple barreled cannon this leaves you having one gun, so you can go to the box and pick up a regular gun.

The idea behind this is the if one teleports two objects into the same space they combine at the molecular level, with the result having the combined properties of its two parent guns

okay now here comes the good part

Gun Upgrade tree-

China beach + Typhoid & Mary = RED MIST

Naming- red mist, comes from the splattering of blood from an exploded body, implying that the body has been completely turned to mist from the explosive shells

Combonation- 3 Barrels + explosive rounds= 3 Barreled cannon

Description- Red Mist is carried and shot from the hip and cannot aim down sight, it is held much like a Death machine but holds 3rounds before reloading, the fire rate is slow with exploding rounds exploding on impact, the recoil will push you back

Aug = AUG-50M3

CZ75 = calamity & jane

Calamity & Jane + AUG-50M3 = Risk and breaker

Naming: "Risk and Breaker" is a play on the terms "Risk Taker" and "wrist Breaker", meaning you're taking a risk running around with two shotguns as they will break your Wrist while shooting

Combination: 2 handguns + masterkey = 2x hand shotguns

Description: Risk and breaker combine the high mobility of pistols with the firepower of shotguns. The guns fire semi-automatically with each holding 4 rounds in the magazine with a total of 160 shotshells. The 10ga shells it fires provide some extra damage over the standard shotgun.

Olympia = Hades

M14 = Mnesia

Mnesia + Hades = Stagnator

Naming: "Stagnator" name come from "stagnate" which means to cease to move, giving away the guns secondary function of sticking the zombies preventing movement.

Combination: Sticky foam + double barrel incendiary = Double barrel rifle with pyrophoric sticky bomb attachment

Descritopn Stagnator is based on a real world sticky foam gun used expirementally by US forces in somalia as a non lethal control gun. The sticky gun takes the foam of an underbarrel attachment on Mnesia which projects a stream of resinous foam like a fire hose into the zombies pushing them back and sticking them together or to the wall, where they are immobilised for a time until they can break free.

ThunderGun = Zeus cannon

Famas = G16-GL35, with shrink ray attachment

G16 + Zeus cannon = BAR Negative

Naming: "BAR Negative" is named after the bar pressure measurement unit, with 1 bar being 1 atmosphere , thus negative bar is a vaccum

Combination: Wind gun + shrink ray + vacuum cleaner

Description: the G16 - GL35 is now fitted with a shrink ray an an underbarrel attachment; this can project onto zombies who after shrink down to half size, half the speed, higher pitched voices and moans and have half the health of normal zombies. The shrink ray has very limited ammunition that is used and reloaded like the conventional flamethrower (underbarrel)

Bar negative reverses the Zeus cannon effect by sucking them instead of blowing them away. While very powerful its use is limited by the tanks capacity.During Max ammo the guns ammunition is not replenished rather its tank is emptied of tiny dead zombies whereby it can be used again.Each tank is capable of holding 50 dead zombies. The BAR negative is always capable of killing 50 zombies however the time it takes to draw them in increases with the zombies level.

Crossbow = Awful Lawton

Ray gun = Porters x2 Ray gun

Porters X2 ray gun + Awful Lawton = Ritual host

Naming: "Ritual Host" is linking it with tradition and a previous set of actions repeated, the victim ie. The "host" is taken over and moves back through thiere previous movements.

Combination: Crossbow + 115 Gun + teleportation(combining) = Time warping

Description: The ritual host takes the for of a crossbow firing luminous flaming bolts resembling the flash of a ray gun, when fired the bolt strikes and lodges into the zombie igniting them in aura or energy. The zombie then goes into rewind passing back through its previous actions, any other zombie that gets in the way of the warped zombie is thrown and takes as their space-time collides.

Stoner = Bronzer 115

PM63 = Tokyo & Rose

Tokyo and Rose + Bronzer 115 = Iron & Oil

Naming: "Bronzer" and "Iron & Oil" link the guns evolution through its upgrades with that of man stone, bronze, iron and oil ages.

Combination: Dual wield SMG's + Machine guns = Yup you guessed it, DUAL WIELD MACHINE GUNS!

Description: Bronzer 115 takes on the standard PaP'd gun attributes, higher ammo capacity, more power and is fitted with a red dot sight

Iron and Oil being dual wield machine guns are not capable of being ADS but hold a high capacity of ammunition and have the steady aim perk. In effect they are capable of dealing Twice the firepower of standard guns by jolding Both LT and RT/ R1 and L1 at the cost of some accuracy

Wonder Wheel- this is simailar to the mystery box in that moves around the map and costs 950. The Wheel is spun for a random effect: Max ammo, Nuke, Insta Kill, Carpenter, death machine, X2 points, random perk, slowdown, Ammo drain (takes all ammo out of current gun(for whoever spun)), Explosion (downs player that spun) Black hole (teleports zombies and players to different parts of the map and moves the wheel to another location), Of course the negative ones are there to balance things out, also there is a limit to 3x per round.

PWNbroker- is a machine that lets you recoup some of the worth of a gun that you do not want. For example pistols can have a designated worth of 100 ( not PaPd), SMG's 300, Assault Rifle's $650, LMG's $950, Wonder Weapons $1750. On placing the gun into the machine it dissappears and you receive the money. The guns then are an inventory in the machine that can be accessed by any player and bought for twice the selling price. The guns are bought with the same quantity of ammo as what they were sold, thus it cannot be used as an ammo machine. In effect this machine allows one to store guns that are currently not needed, swap them with other players and may be useful in the future as a combination for a 3rd tier weapon. The PWNbroker would always have an M1911 available for purchase from the start.

And i think you should be able to share points, and if you have the same gun as someone else you can give ammo!

Well thats it, i spent SO MUCH Time on this, so i just hope you guys like it and maybe you guys can think of some ideas of your own!

Naming: AK-47 upgraded would be 115 incinerator, the name comes from the under barrel flamethrower that would be included with the gun alone

M60 upgraded would be "Lead Poison" due to the high ammo, and the amount of lead it can put into a human body

Ak47 + M60 = "MI BUSHFIRE" for "my bushfire"

Description- The MI Bushfire would hold 200 rounds per mag, with a total of 1000 Rounds (5 mags) this would not be so much different than the regular lead poison, but would have a trigger on the D-Pad , allowing you to put thee "115 incinerator" at work, when triggered, you would be able to shoot the flamethrower but as a ray, much like a ray gun but this works much like a beam, you can shoot through a hord or just one zombie(s) and it will cut right through them, by round 35+ the beam would not be as affective it would than just be as powerful as a regular flamethrower from WAW.

Dragonov= 115 dissambler

WundderWaffe Dg-2 = WunderWaffe DG-3 JZ

115 Dissambler + WunderWaffe DG-3 JZ = "DG cherry Popper"

Naming- the name comes from its abillity to penetrate through barriers and walls before entering them and the subquent blood that results from the zombies

Combination- Sniper + thermal scope + electrical power = Rail Gun!

Description - the D Cherry popper is a large sniper rifle, much like a scavenger, but taken the form of a rail gun. this gun is attached with an x-ray scope that is capable of looking through multiple counts of walls in its way, While aiming down sight a charge bar appears so that once capacitors are full the rail gun is capable of very powerful purely kinetic shots that will pierce through multiple walls and kill a group or just a single zombie instantly

Stakeout = Raid

M72 Law = M72 Anarchy

Raid + M72 Anarchy= MLRS fulminator

Naming: MLRS stands for Multiple launch rocket system and to fulminate is to explode violently

Combination - Shotgun + rocket launcher = Spread of small rocketss

Description- the fulmiulater fires 10 small rockets in a spread dealing damage over a large area it is fed by a pump action from a top mounted magazine holding 5 shots with a total of 30 shots

Commando = predator

Mpl = MPL-LF

MPL-LF + Preadtor = Tarr115 adrenalin

Naming TARR115 Adrenalin stands for temporally advanced rifle type R, Adrenalin signifies its effect changes while under time of stress

Combination- High power & lower fire rate + low power & Rapid fire = variable fire rate, variable power weapon

Description- The adrenalin gives feedback according to the way its used by tapping into the adrenalin levels of its user, when firing long bursts the fire rate gradually increases, as does the recoil, if one is capable of maintaining accurate fire with a high percentage of hits during this rapid fire the power subsequently increases as well. this means if its tamed, the gun is capable of very powerful shots with high rate of fire. Adrenalin is an assault rifle fitted with a red dot sight and a large capacity drum magazine containg 75 rounds with a total of 750 Rounds

M16 = Skullcrusher

Python = Cobra

Skullcrusher + cobra = FALLOUT

Naming: Fallout is named due to the residual toxic cloud its explosive ammunition leaves behind

Combination: Grenade launcher + revolver = revolving launcher

Description: Fallout fires sticky bombs that stick on anything it contacts like the crossbow bolts; these detonate shortly after impact producing powerful, localised and luminous explosions. the residual cloud from this explosion acts as a radioactive dirty bomb dealing further damage to those zombies that pass through it. Fallout holds 6 rounds fired semi-automatically, with a total of 60 shells.

LAST ONE, than ill make a part 4

Winters howl = Winters fury

Ak74u = AK74fu2

AK74fu2 + Winters fury = Hibernator

Naming: Hibernator is named due to its association with winter, as well as the slow down effect it imparts

Combonation: freeze gun + SMG = bullets with slowing down effect

Description: Hibernator is a high capacity SMG having a tank of liquid nitrogen showing as a bulge enveloping the forward part of the barrel. On firing the gun gives a blue muzzle blast and a blue impact wound of zombies, after a few shots this gives a temporary slowing down effect of the zombies as they begin to freeze. this gun gives you more time to mow into the zombies as they approach, the recovery time for affected zombies is only a second or two after you finish shooting whereby the regain their normal speed.


Meat grinder- When activated Two very sharp axels will drop and just grind up anything in its path, players will just get downed, but you can duck under it. $1000

Pitfall- when activated a pit will appear and every zombie will drop into it, if a player drops he will die and appear next round with nothing as if you did not get revived when downed.


Running back- Players will be able to run through a max of 3 zombies without getting hurt, they will just fall down, but this will decrease your stamina greatly so you cannot run through a swarm of zombies but just those ones hat corner you. $2500

Hangover- Last 50% longer when downed, have a significant amount of ammo on your pistol/ray gun/ M&S and get points for shooting zombies when downed and be able to use primary grenades. $1500

Perception pop- When a zombie is near but not in view (behind you) a warning sign will appear and and your remote will Vibrate. $2000

Demi-God - okay so lets say you have all these perks, well you can buy this perk even with more than 4 perks already bought, so what this perk does is when you get revived from a down you get all the perks you had except for this one, this perk will cost $4000, and can be activated 5 times per player.

Pro perks- you can get your perks pro for simply buying them twice

Quick revive Pro- Have %50 more health when reviving, and revive from farther away

Juggernog Pro- Regain health %25 faster, and melee damage increases %50

Speedy cola Pro- switch weapons faster, Aim down sight faster

Double tap Pro- Makes all weapons Fully Automatic

PHD Flopper pro- Radius of Explosion is wider and stronger, explosive damage is %50 higher

Stammin-up Pro Unlimited Sprint, jump higher ( for those crowds of crawlers )

Deadshot Daqurie Pro- Hip fire shots go to Head, and every kill counts as headshot and kill.

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