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Rezurrection coming out for PS3, XBOX AND PC?


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Guys, listen. I have heard numerous times that the new map Rezurrection that is coming out on August 23rd is out for ALL consoles at the same time. Is this just a rumor or is it true? I have a PS3 and would be really happy if it came out for all the consoles at the same time. No exclusive dates for different consoles, the map pack comes out for every console at the same time. Sound.

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  The-Legend-of-C said:
Guys, listen. I have heard numerous times that the new map Rezurrection that is coming out on August 23rd is out for ALL consoles at the same time. Is this just a rumor or is it true? I have a PS3 and would be really happy if it came out for all the consoles at the same time. No exclusive dates for different consoles, the map pack comes out for every console at the same time. Sound.

Well, this is actually really simple. If you weren't lazy and actually looked at the official Call of Duty website for yourself, you'd find out it says:

  Call of Duty Website said:
Available on XBox 360 on August 23 and coming soon to PS3 and PC.

  AgentA said:
  The-Legend-of-C said:
Guys, listen. I have heard numerous times that the new map Rezurrection that is coming out on August 23rd is out for ALL consoles at the same time. Is this just a rumor or is it true? I have a PS3 and would be really happy if it came out for all the consoles at the same time. No exclusive dates for different consoles, the map pack comes out for every console at the same time. Sound.

Well, this is actually really simple. If you weren't lazy and actually looked at the official Call of Duty website for yourself, you'd find out it says:

  Call of Duty Website said:
Available on XBox 360 on August 23 and coming soon to PS3 and PC.

Sorry. Didn't check out the facts properly. But I have heard it, that it's coming out at the same time. But by soon do they mean a month or a day? It's the final map pack for Black Ops, they should be fair. NOT STARTING A CONSOLE WAR. :roll:


They started a console war the day they signed the contract with Microsoft to give them the map packs a month earlier than PS3 and PC. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until September for the map. By that time I'll have Resistance 3 to keep me busy in gaming and a beta for Battlefield 3. ;)

I'll be getting Moon for free because I bought the Hardened Edition as well.

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