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* High Rezolution Pictures ;) *


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is it just me or does der riese and nacht der untoten just not look anything like the maps in the picture? and wtf is a zombie doing with a gun in verruckt??? and why is shi no numa at night in the picture???????? I doubt any of this means anything though knowing treyarch. :lol:


Notice teh quality gets horrible by the end?

Moon looks quite good actually.

Nacht looks decent, nothing spectacular.

Verrukt is the beginning of laziness. Layering is way off, look at the wheel by the bed under the skorpion wielding zombie. Pretty bad, also that zombie laying in the back is angled really awkwardly and its clear he wasn't shot to be placed like that.

The Shi No one is quite a bit better though. Layering isn't the greatest on the right side but then

Der Riese comes along and looks like a freshman year clip art project. Depth is a mess since the background (which is an awful representation of the map) is so blurry yet zombies in teh distance are just as sharp as the main subject. Also teh white outlines which could be the backlight but its not consistent.

Not to sound too complainy, i am quite excited for Moon despite initial disappointment of going THAT sci-fi, and the moon image IS really good, probably the best image they've put out on their dlc flyers. But activision/ treyarch should have enough of an art department to also give the other maps proper artwork, not horrible layered photoshoping.

:) most of you probably could care less


In the picture with the zombies walking down the stairs there is one zombie (top right of the picture) in the back that looks really messed up, could it be the "phasing zombie"? It looks like 2 zombie bodies morphed together and now there spliting apart. Can someone smarter than me take a look, im kind of an idiot.

  • 2 weeks later...

  AlphaSnake said:

This is my album with over 600 zombie pictures & such...

Feel free to use whatever you like.

Regards Alpha.

Holy Super Mecha Death Christ !! :o

that are a lot of pics , but i like :D

[brains] for ya

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