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Deployable Juggernaut SAY WHAAAA???

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Look at the end of the video.


"Juggernaut - 14 Point Streak"

2 interesting things here; 1. Deployable Juggernaut. Self-Explanatory and very awesome. 2. It's not "14 Kill Streak", it's "14 Point Streak" which is strange, as it may mean you no longer need kills for killstreaks?!?!?! Just points? (Not points as in you get craploads of streaks from say domination) What would these points be? Id it just another way of saying "Kill Streak"? Probably. But there is that small chance that it means something else.

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I was actually curious, im sure others have brought it up, but would you become the juggernaut? Because if you can call in extra members for your team then Delta Force may as well be a multiplayer pointstreak.

Also I'd rather wear a juggernaut suit for a little while.


  thylacine said:
I was actually curious, im sure others have brought it up, but would you become the juggernaut? Because if you can call in extra members for your team then Delta Force may as well be a multiplayer pointstreak.

Also I'd rather wear a juggernaut suit for a little while.

Well it's like dogs. Would yo rather become the dog? I wouldn't. Also, if you look at the kill feed.... AC130 returns ;)


I think it's more likely that you become a juggernaut with the suit for a limited amount of time. it's a common thing brought up since MW2.

http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/951943-c ... 2/53067702

quick google and i found about 2 dozen threads of people asking for it. this particular one mentions it at the 15 streak and kinda puts its best with the 40 second timed suit and walking at LMG pace.

ONE npc juggernaut running around sounds lame. It takes a flashbang and like a clip or two to kill them. Unless we have pointstreaks up to 30 i can't see an npc juggernaut in mp.

and i dont think we ever had to worry about the ac130 departing. That'd be like treyarch getting rid of dogs (that teleport across pools and open gaps)


That video is of survial mode wich is going to be mw3 version of zombies it will be co-op mode u versus endless waves of soldiers wit upgrades and "killstreaks "

Yes. Yes it is. But we're discussing the post title clip of multiplayer at the end of it.


  thylacine said:
I think it's more likely that you become a juggernaut with the suit for a limited amount of time. it's a common thing brought up since MW2.

http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/951943-c ... 2/53067702

quick google and i found about 2 dozen threads of people asking for it. this particular one mentions it at the 15 streak and kinda puts its best with the 40 second timed suit and walking at LMG pace.

ONE npc juggernaut running around sounds lame. It takes a flashbang and like a clip or two to kill them. Unless we have pointstreaks up to 30 i can't see an npc juggernaut in mp.

and i dont think we ever had to worry about the ac130 departing. That'd be like treyarch getting rid of dogs (that teleport across pools and open gaps)

Dogs are easily killed. And Juggernauts aren't. Have you ever gone against one? And walking around for 40 seconds at LMG pace for a killstreak is the stupidest thing any dumbass moron could even possibley imagine. The 3 year olds that thought this would be cool need to die in a tragic accident. Is there any killstreak where you become something slow and stupid for 40 seconds? No. Is it a possibilty? Very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY VERY VERY VERY remotely. like 1 in 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 chance of the devs being stupid enough to put it in. If I get 14 kills in a row, I want an AI with an LMG and heavy armor walking around FOR me, while I can go, rush, and kill the dudes shooting at the Juggernaut from behind. That sounds much better than a killstreak where it takes the whole killstreak time to walk across the map to get to the enemies. Do the math. Playing as Juggernaut; Downsides: Slow, lame, frustrating. Upsides: More armor. NPC Juggernaut; Downsides: I guess they might be weak to knifing? Upsides: Its an AI so its more efficient, More armor, can distract players shooting at him so you can sneak around and kill them from behind, have you seen a Juggernaut reload in MW2? Me neither, so there's that, They are actually pretty quick when they sprint, They recover from being stunned really quickly, they do high damage. I think you can see the difference there.


  CheezyWeezle said:
Is there any killstreak where you become something slow and stupid for 40 seconds? No.

I assumed it'd be IW's version of the death machine. Which makes you slow... and fairly stupid except for certain maps. and yeah, i have gone against juggernauts so i hope it is a deployable one. So i can just rush over and kill it's slow ass.


  thylacine said:
  CheezyWeezle said:
Is there any killstreak where you become something slow and stupid for 40 seconds? No.

I assumed it'd be IW's version of the death machine. Which makes you slow... and fairly stupid except for certain maps. and yeah, i have gone against juggernauts so i hope it is a deployable one. So i can just rush over and kill it's slow ass.

Apparently you haven't strategically used the Death Machine. Camp with it and hide in a corner while holding the Left Trigger. But you cant just camp with a Juggernaut suit. And IW sure as heck isn't stupid enough to let you keep it till you die cuz you have shit tons of armor and can just walk around knifing and avoiding flashbangs. And staying in small corridors to be safe ;)


I think it's already been mentioned, but I believe it was confirmed that Point streaks mean that you can still get rewards for getting assists, with so many assists amounting to a kill, maybe two. It could also be used to reward people who capture objective in domination or capture the flag.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There are 2 types of juggernaut pointstreaks in multiplayer:

•where the juggernaut goes out and kills enemies

•a care package that gives you juggernaut amour and then you act like a motion censor

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