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Possible Live Action Zombies Soon?

Covert Gunman

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  TheOnlyShapeshifter said:
  Legend said:





oh meh gawd.Oh meh gawd.Oh. My. Gawd. OH. MY. GAWD. OH MY GOD. OH MEH GAWDDDDD

lol!!! This..


What's live action zombies? anyway that picture reminded me of that one we got in the GKNKOVA6 briefcase. you know, the one with that strange looking thing, that came from the phone.


I honestly believe there will be a movie coming out. If you look behind the guy working at the desk you will see another zombie lookin guy as well as one of the guys hands is all zombified. I really, really hope THEY make one, no one else.


Yup, something big is up with this new trailer.

All the extras walking around as zombies & the makeup wounds as stated above.

Call of Duty Zombies has never been stronger & is continuing to grow at a rapid rate.

I'm also wondering if it will be a film/short, will Romero be directing this project?

Treyarch have out done themselves this time round.

Regards Alpha.


  deathb4di2h0nor said:
I honestly believe there will be a movie coming out. If you look behind the guy working at the desk you will see another zombie lookin guy as well as one of the guys hands is all zombified. I really, really hope THEY make one, no one else.

Well you know Treyarch already has a connection with George Romero. Maybe he could sign on as director.

Treyarch + George Romero = The most epic zombie movie ever! :D


It would be cool if Treyarch developed an episodic series, similar to Mortal Kombat Legacy, and released it on YouTube. It could fill us in on the story after Moon and help tide us over for the next "season" of zombies.


If they make a Zombies movie, who is stopping them from making a Zombies only game?

Shit, this is sad, but I've had quite a few very good days in my young life, and this day is up there. So many great things are about to happen with this franchise. This could be the DAWN OF A NEW AGE.


  Johnson said:
What's live action zombies? anyway that picture reminded me of that one we got in the GKNKOVA6 briefcase. you know, the one with that strange looking thing, that came from the phone.

I was thinking the same thing... I sure hope that isn't John... Poor guy.


Just seems unrealistic to have a movie about cod zombies would it be like a full on movie or a short film? im thinking just a in game cutscene for either moon or the next cod zombies franchise or even a trailer but a movie i doubt.


My Thoughts: A Zombies live action series for COD:Elite. We have confirmation on a live action call of duty series ( http://kotaku.com/5829541/from-the-director-of-alien-blade-runner-new-content-for-call-of-duty-elite ) This could be what they are working on.

My other thought on what this could be is that it will be a standalone zombies game. The reason why i say this is because it looks like Activision might need a call of duty game for 2012. We have mw3 in 2011, made by sledgehammer and IW. Sledgehammer was already working on their own game, which probably would have been released in 2012. Since they stopped working on that, i doubt it will be ready by 2012. I also assume treyarch would be scheduled to release a game in 2013. Gaving them a 3 year release schedule for the first time. Now since treyarch has 3 years to make a game, activision probably fingures they can make treyarch scrap together a zombies game in 1 1/2 years. This game would probably be the COD equivalent to ODST for halo. That being said, activison is extremely secretive about their game. So i dont know why treyarch would be teasing it. Unless if treyarch is just doing it for the lulz.

That verbal diarrhea that just came out of my mouth probably makes no sense. It 3:30 at night so im half asleep so im not even going to bother proofreading.

tl;dr Don't read this. Its not worth your time.


I dont even know how they got that footage. it looks real. but how would they get a nova 6 crawler to film :shock: . whatever it is, its looking pretty cool.

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