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old weapons back???

I am SAM

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If you realize in the inside xbox moon trailer you can see the flametrower while nikolai is trowing the qde. So if treyarch is putting the flametrower on moon maybe they will put it on the classic maps. Also i hear something about the ppsh but i dont know if thats true. I am new in this forum so if there is another post refering to the same let me know.

Sam :twisted:

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I'm assuming your friends being wishful. However the idea of all the weapons from both WaW and Black Ops in one place does sound amazingly awesome.


Or (I know this is extremely far-fectched..) there could be two different mystery boxes, one offering Cold War era weaponry, and one offering WWII weaponry. You never know ;) (Until release, ofcourse.)


  MixMasterNut said:
I'm hoping the PPsh-41 and the STG-44 make a return on the Moon map. The AK47 is also on my wish list.

Yeah, i'm all for the AK-47.


  Hayden said:
Or (I know this is extremely far-fectched..) there could be two different mystery boxes, one offering Cold War era weaponry, and one offering WWII weaponry. You never know ;) (Until release, ofcourse.)

Dint someone say something about 2 Boxes on Moon?

[brains] to you


that doesnt seem possible 2 boxes??? Also have a box that can give you waw and black ops weapons would make the map easier beacuse you could get the hk21 and mg42.... (best normal weapons) i just think they will add the old weapon to the old maps and the the flametrower and maybe the ppsh to the moon.

Sam :evil:


  MixMasterNut said:
I'm hoping the PPsh-41 and the STG-44 make a return on the Moon map. The AK47 is also on my wish list.

Well you can use the STG on the W@W maps, so yea, but I want to try the REAL zombie guns, not the Black Ops one :( I pray the treyarch puts in W@W guns, or atleast the MGs like PPSH and MG AND 1919 :twisted:

Regards Yellow-card8


  yellow-card8 said:

Well you can use the STG on the W@W maps, so yea, but I want to try the REAL zombie guns, not the Black Ops one :( I pray the treyarch puts in W@W guns, or atleast the MGs like PPSH and MG AND 1919 :twisted:

Regards Yellow-card8

The updated version of the STG would be great. i loved the manly sound it made in the BO campaign. PPSh would be amazing of course, as well as the Barracuda and the 1919

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