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The Quantum Entanglement Device (QED) [Intro][WWK][Theories]


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The Quantum Entanglement Device

What We Know

Quantum entanglement occurs when electrons, molecules, photons, and other matter interact physically and then become separated.They then forever have the same quantum mechanical description. Basically, they will each do what they other one does. This usually only happens on a small scale, but if you could somehow force a bunch of matter to do this via a DEVICE, it would act on a bigger scale.

What We Have Seen

We have seen, in the trailer, a player throw a Quantum Entanglement Device into a horde of zombies next to another player, and then the general area around it being blown to bits, while the second player gets the points. See "Theories" for what I think happened here.

Uses of Quantum Entaglement

Quantum Entanglement has many uses, including:


*Superdense Coding


*Uses In Some Protocols Of Quantum Cryptography


"What We Have Seen" Theory: Player 2 was in trouble. He was being surrounded by a horde of zombies. Player 1 saw this, and to help his friend, threw a QED over. When the QED landed, it started emitting an invisible arched wave around the general area. Player 2 threw a single grenade, and when it exploded, everything in the arched wave exploded, giving Player 2 all the points.

"What Will It Do" Theory: I think the QED device will emit an invisible arched wave, like stated above, and whatever happens in that wave will happen EVERYWHERE in the wave, just like with the grenade. I also think the wave will just grow bigger and bigger until we destroy the device ourselves.

"Blessings and Curses" Theory: I've thought about this, and I conclude by saying that just as much as the device will help us (shoot one zombie, you shoot them all, throwing a grenade, etc.) I also think it will hinder us. When a zombie hits a player in the wave, it will affect ALL players in the wave. It would also have the same effect with going down. It might also effect perks (One person gets a perk while in the wave...). As I've said, I think because it CAN curse you, it won't deactivate by itself, and someone would have to destroy it.

"Phasing Zombies" Theory: I believe this Device will create the infamous Phasing Zombies we have been hearing so much about. It would make sense, as one of the uses of Quantum Entanglement is teleportation. It would randomly cause a zombie to instantly teleport somewhere else, and they might or might no keep this ability.

"Easter Egg" Theory: I don't think I even need to say this, but based on past records, this QED will play into the EE. My proof?

Ascension: Gersch Device

Call Of the Dead - VR-11

Shangri-La - The Shrink Ray

Anyways, these are basically my theories, and don't hold me to them, but I'd say they are pretty solid.

-Agent A

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  Saleenseven said:
when did we see in the trailer a player throw that device? could you post a picture or video response or something? thanks :D good post by the way! [brains] :)


It is near the end of this video.


  Saleenseven said:
Thank you I never saw that before O_O very interesting. He had the Three gun perk, and also on his D pad there was something on the top? Don't know what it is.

It is a space helmet.


When a zombie hits a player in the wave, it will affect ALL players in the wave

not sayin u stole it but i made a thread saying this the other day me and u mate were on point with this 8-) ohhhhh yhhhh


  mkzombens said:
When a zombie hits a player in the wave, it will affect ALL players in the wave

not sayin u stole it but i made a thread saying this the other day me and u mate were on point with this 8-) ohhhhh yhhhh

Yes, I just totally stole your 3 sentence, bad grammar thread and put it in here for my own selfishness and out of malice.

/sarcasm :facepalm:


  mkzombens said:
When a zombie hits a player in the wave, it will affect ALL players in the wave

not sayin u stole it but i made a thread saying this the other day me and u mate were on point with this 8-) ohhhhh yhhhh

Says the person with 7 brains...


An idea:

We already know that Gersch Devices are going to be in this map, so...

1. What would happen if you through a Gersch Device into the field of a QED?


2. What would happen if you threw a QED into a Gersch Device?

Ah, the possibilities are endless.

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