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Shi No Numa May Be First Outbreak


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I don't have any proof what so ever, but I'm getting the feeling that Treyarch is trying to tell us something by always mentioning Shi No Numa before Nacht Der Untoten. All the rest of the maps go in order so why start with Shino? Maybe Shi No Numa, Verruckt and Der Riese will get a new loading screen like Nacht did in Rezurrection.

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I dont think they'll get new loading screens. im pretty sure they were juzt the old loading screens drawn as a comic.

Yea I know the remastered maps had cartoon remakes of their former selves for Black Ops, but maybe they've changed them again for Rezurrection. The guy in the Rezurrection trailer said they're trying to tell a story in an action game...so maybe we'll actually get that story told to us finally...in full. Jimmy Zielinski said the classic maps have a new twist, so maybe they've finally decided what to do with the classic maps as far as the story goes.

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Sorry, but Verruckt is the first breakout.

Dempsey was there before he got brain washed, then, after he was captured and brain washed, they (the rest of the gang as well) escaped a Zombified Der Riese, they go to Shi No Numa,

I already know all that jazz, that's why I created this thread skippy. Nobody knows for sure what the deal is here so I wouldn't state ANY of what you said as fact. Remember, theres a "new twist" to the classic maps...the old story might be irrelevant now.

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If it's all irrevelant, why is there radios in COTD and files in the Black Ops terminal say otherwise?

EDIT: I also just noticed: why the hell is this in the Moon forum? It's rightful place is the Classic Maps forum.

Ugh...I guess your one of those people that has to get slapped in the face with something before you can actually see it. Anyway, it's in Moon because I'm talking about Rezurrections version of Shi No Numa. But I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell me where to post my topics at thanks. I actually know what I'm talking about...you should listen, you might learn something.

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If it's all irrevelant, why is there radios in COTD and files in the Black Ops terminal say otherwise?

EDIT: I also just noticed: why the hell is this in the Moon forum? It's rightful place is the Classic Maps forum.

Ugh...I guess your one of those people that has to get slapped in the face with something before you can actually see it. Anyway, it's in Moon because I'm talking about Rezurrections version of Shi No Numa. But I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell me where to post my topics at thanks. I actually know what I'm talking about...you should listen, you might learn something.

In his defense, this is the Moon subforum, not the Rezurrection subforum.

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Wow...I'm speachless. I see common sense isn't so common anymore.

dude your discussing a classic map, common sense is it belongs in the classic map forum, just because you say rezurrection doesn't make it any less of a classic map :facepalm:

No, common sense means "DISCUSS THE TOPIC AT HAND!!!" There's more comments about where this thread is supposed to be rather than the topic. If you care so much about where it's located then move it yourself. It's that simple. This is my LAST reply to nonsense...if you'd like to discuss the topic then say something that matters and stop trying to point out everyones mistakes like your gods gift to CoDz. Same goes to ANYBODY who says something else that has nothing to do with the topic. If it bothers you where I post my threads then take it up with a moderator. End rant, end replies to bullshit.

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