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Confirmed 3 guns, how will it work?


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One of the achievements are getting 3 PaPed guns!


Fully Armed and Operational (25G) – In Moon, acquire 3 Pack-A-Punched weapons at the same time.

Put your thoughts on how this will work

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  xUdachii said:
One of the achievements are getting 3 PaPed guns!


Fully Armed and Operational (25G) – In Moon, acquire 3 Pack-A-Punched weapons at the same time.

Put your thoughts on how this will work

Gonna go for the easy idea in that Mule kick will allow us to have 3 guns. It costs 4000, it has to do somethinf special. ;)


in the G4 footage, he buys the perk, then shortly after gets the Spas-12 in a drop. I think that after buying a perk, a powerup will spawn which will contain a random weapon, allowing the user to pick up a 3rd gun


  Strwrsbob said:
in the G4 footage, he buys the perk, then shortly after gets the Spas-12 in a drop. I think that after buying a perk, a powerup will spawn which will contain a random weapon, allowing the user to pick up a 3rd gun

I like the way you think. Here's some delicious brains for your trouble. [brains]


  CJemery said:
If that is the case, does that mean your teammates will be able to grab it instead?

Only the player will probably be able to see it i'm assuming.


But how would it work when you want to pack a punch or wanna hit the box? Maybe its similar to the 3 gun glitch from the original world at war, but without having to use the bouncing betty. And yeah they should make it that only the player who got the perk see the drop becasue there are a lot of douches playing out there.


Probably when you die you lose the gun that you were holding when you died (or got downed or whatever)

with that SPAS powerup it could always be a SPAS or a random weapon. But i was also thinking that the SPAS is just some new powerup that gives you and upgraded SPAS until you run out of ammo (how cool would that be)


  Johnson said:
Probably when you die you lose the gun that you were holding when you died (or got downed or whatever)

with that SPAS powerup it could always be a SPAS or a random weapon. But i was also thinking that the SPAS is just some new powerup that gives you and upgraded SPAS until you run out of ammo (how cool would that be)

maybe it isn't just the SPAS, we could get all of the weapons from the perk,, i think its just random


  dikkiedik1992 said:
  Johnson said:
Probably when you die you lose the gun that you were holding when you died (or got downed or whatever)

with that SPAS powerup it could always be a SPAS or a random weapon. But i was also thinking that the SPAS is just some new powerup that gives you and upgraded SPAS until you run out of ammo (how cool would that be)

maybe it isn't just the SPAS, we could get all of the weapons from the perk,, i think its just random

Aha, wouldn't it be great scoring a Ray Gun or Zap Guns from the perk?


  Hayden said:
  dikkiedik1992 said:
  Johnson said:
Probably when you die you lose the gun that you were holding when you died (or got downed or whatever)

with that SPAS powerup it could always be a SPAS or a random weapon. But i was also thinking that the SPAS is just some new powerup that gives you and upgraded SPAS until you run out of ammo (how cool would that be)

maybe it isn't just the SPAS, we could get all of the weapons from the perk,, i think its just random

Aha, wouldn't it be great scoring a Ray Gun or Zap Guns from the perk?

that would be very sweet :D


The gun drop theory would make sense, losing the weapon you earned. It's probably not replaceable when purchasing the box. Either that, or whatever you switch it for, good or bad, you risk losing it.

Or very simply, don't go down with a good gun!


In the actual footage the player grabs it and it works like a normal weapon that he bought. So power-ups like that mike work like the Wunderwaffe in Call of the Dead and when it's out of ammo you lose it. But in the footage you don't see any symbol like you do on the wunderwaffe, so it might be a way to get free guns. Now what if you already have all the guns you can hold and you grab it? Will it trade out your weapon because if that's so then never knife zombies while holding a weapon you like.


I think that the power up does not appear the first time you get the perk, only after you have the perk and a third gun and go down and lose your third gun and then re-buy the perk. Basically you lose your 3rd gun along with your perks and then upon rebuying Mule Kick, your lost third gun will appear in the form of a power up. Just my thoughts


  P Diddily said:
I think that the power up does not appear the first time you get the perk, only after you have the perk and a third gun and go down and lose your third gun and then re-buy the perk. Basically you lose your 3rd gun along with your perks and then upon rebuying Mule Kick, your lost third gun will appear in the form of a power up. Just my thoughts

Hmm, this sounds highly plausible actually.

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