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Looking for 1 more moon teammate(Mountain Time Only)


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I'm looking for 3 people to play moon right when it comes out to look for anything thing like what the Main Easter is (obviously),Hidden song, Radios and anything else.

Must be from Canada because of the time difference.

You must know the whole zombies story line or most of the story line.

You must be fairly good at zombies.

You must have lots of free time so we can look around the map lots.

Must have a mic.

Gamertag is nightm4RE19.

PM me if your interested. Not on Xbox live I wont be on at all until the 22nd so PM here.

My Timezone is Mountain time, if you don't know what that is it means I posted this at 9:00 PM.

That's everything, I'll edit this when I have 3 people so others who are interested won't keep sending me messages.

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