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Cryogenic idea (just an idea) could double as a idea hub


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So NASA and such use freeze dried food packet to sustain extensively out In The void of space so perhaps ( prob not though) perhaps there is some connection between the two ( perhaps get a freeze dried steak as EE reward)

Dempsey quote: at least it's still better then Gersch's reward

Takeo: this reward racks honor

Nikolai: oh so they make freeze dried steak...BUT NO VODKA

Richtofen: hm just add water?... I wonder if theirs a substitute for water? ( a very unusual and probably very (man on man) like) sorry ricthofen fans but it is true he has some of these quotes in his inventory

Edit* instead of making another thread about it I'd this to be used as a hub of all discovered tricks and tips from the QED. Now this is my list I've seen and or heard.

-A thunder gun explosion( like shooting it at the ground to stop a circle r@pe but bigger)

- a cluster bomb ( a matryoshka bomb affect)

- if been told somewhere it can effect like a monkey bomb

-thats it for now add mor if you know any pros or cons not listed above


I wonder if the wave gun/zap gun will have a vr-11 effect (zombie vision) such as use the wave gun to float a teammate up to grab a tool for the Easter egg? ( fat ricthofen trololololololol)

And also if the zap gun will have the wunderbar Wunderwaffe-dg2 lightning screen

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