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Hey, I'm new. Been playing zombies for only 3 years (came into it during the later months of WaW) and I can say I am pretty decent at it. My XBox Gamertag is "TroubledTurkey", obviousley and I've been wanting to join a zombie board for a while now, but just havent gotten around to it... Well.... I hope I have some good discussions here, maybe even meet some new, actually GOOD people to play zombies with. Isaw everyone else doing this, so why not; Heres my rounds as I remember them (most of my farthest rounds are solo. Co-Op takes a while and Randoms usually suck):

Nacht Der Untoten: 52 (Fanning in Help Room with M2 and Thompson. Solo)

Verruckt: 24 (Camping in Speed Cola Room with MG42 and Ray Gun. Split Screen)

Shi No Numa: 823 (Run and Gun with WunderWaffe DG2 and Trench Gun for Dogs. Solo)

Der Riese: 42 (Run, Gun, Teleport with 420 Impeller and Reaper. Split Screen)

Kino Der Toten: Also 42 (Run and Gun with SkullCrusher and Lamentation. Solo)

FIVE: 38 (Run and Gun in Basement/Labs With Winter's Fury and AK74Fu2. Solo)

DoA: I dont play it.

Ascension: 55 (Fanning on Flopper Pad with Zeus Cannon and Ray Gun. Solo)

Call of the Dead: 37 (Run and Gun with Skullcrusher and Mustang and Sally. Solo)

Shangri-La: 30 (Run and Gun with Fractalizer and Mustang and Sally. Solo)

That be all.

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