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Five Basement Strategy.


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Several months ago, my homie Sean and I were playing Five on Split Screen when we realized the windows in the Basement level. After about 3 attempts at trying to utalize these windows we finally found a (nearly) Foolproof lapping strategy in the basement. It began as simply our alternative way of playing Five, but soon evolved into our only way of playing Five. The basement Window Jumping Strategy is a lot more intense than the normal strategy, but it leaves you in good distance from the most beneficial wall guns and it has the elevator and Teleporters as decent Safety Nets. The strat has evolved many times since, develpoing new Sub-Routes when blocked in, Specific firing zones for certain weapons (its just prefference though), and a dope Claymore minefield zone for getting quick and Easy Bonfire Sales. The strategy has been tested up to 30+ solo and atleast 29 Co-Op (best if atleast 1 of your 4 people stay out of the basement.)

It seems like the Basement labs are very much overlooked on everything besides the power and Box, so I just wanted to share this, see if anyone else has tried it or perhaps wants to learn it. Its fun.

Heres a (Crude) Map I made explaining it as best I could.


Purple Circle=usual starting area

Orange Circle=Good zone for Gunning

Green Circle=Teleporter

Pink Circle=Claymore Minefield (wasted on Zombies. good on Thief)

Red=Zombie Spawn

Blue=Jumping Window

Purple Line=Main Path

Lavender Line=Sub-Paths (All of them are not included)

Note: This map was made for showing the Solo version. The Co-Op version is much easier and a team of 3 split up through the basement will have a much easier time than a solo runner.

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I'm going to be honest, I made a similar strategy myself a while back.

The main problem is jumping through windows is fairly precise and being hit once while about to jump or mid jump will mess up your window jump, and keeping the zombies at pace is a little hard.

But if it works, awesome way to rack up points with the 74u!

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Yeah, I've never really had any real troubles with the Windows (cept when someone jumps through with me and one of us gets blocked in). As for keeping zombies in check, after Round 10 they sorta just do it themselves, regardless of how mercilessly you kill the hordes, you dont even really need to rape-train them. I have yet to find a single Random Player that has been able to pull it off at all, for whatever reason; be it too hard for them to window jump, or just bad survival skill in general. Either way, its been a "goal" of my friend and I to show this specific strategy around. It takes practice, but who knows? maybe more people will play Five if they know a fun-as-F&^K way of getting far. It may just be my opinion, but just about everyone, give or take, that I have showed this strat to first hand have found it way more entertaining than fanning in the War Room or Camping in the Elevator/Defcon room.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using almost the same strategy for a few months now but I always run it by myself, just as a way to seperate myself from the group as they always seem to just run aimlessly around the middle or camp in the top elevator.

All I really do different is start each round at that shooting point before teleporter 3, reason being that starting here is the best way to avoid that tough spot between the bowie knife room and the pig room. Any time I start in the pig room, by the time I jump out of the bowie room there's a few zombies in the corridor and I have to end up walking right into the teleporter, which always has the potential to work out badly.

It's pretty simple to do you just have to practice the window-jumping part, which is tricky at first but with a little practice it becomes easy. Do NOT dolphin dive, just walk towards the window, jump when you reach it and quickly press crouch. Then, when you drop out the other side of the window, press crouch again to stand up. Don't forget to hold forward throughout the entire thing or you'll most likely get stuck.

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