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Hacker or Spacesuit?


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So i made a couple of goes for moon with my friends and we didn't succees so well, our highest round was around 27. The question is: SHOULD one of us have hackingdevice? And if so, where should he camp, and what should he do with it.. and is that the requiment for higher rounds?


P.S We did it with 4 people. :)

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Hacker just helps you with things, it doesn't boost your rounds or anything. Don't camp with the hacking device, it's used for helping lower the score of items, removes your perks for you, changes powerups, rebuilds doors, etc.


Hacker, always hacker. The only time I use the suit is if I have to be outside for a long period like the Easter Egg or if one of the areas is breached. Hacker can do everything, I'd rather have infinite max ammo drops then be able to breath outdoors.


I usually just run circles in the Biodome, and keep the excavator from busting in if I can. If I'm doing that then I'll definately always have the Hacker. Simply for the fact I can hack power ups for max ammo.

A well timed Gersch throw and power up hack could pretty much ensure you'll never have any ammo problems.


I say hold down the biodome for as long as you can, teleporting to area 51, hacking the excavator then throwing a gersch to get you back when you're done with hacker on at all times. You don't even need mule kick with hacker. You basically already have three guns anyways if you have the zapguns. Unlimited max ammos.


Will people stop saying "unlimited max ammo's"?? About the high 40 rounds there are rarely any drops, maybe 1 or 2 per round if you're lucky, which is barely enough to get through a round.


  Killed by M said:
Will people stop saying "unlimited max ammo's"?? About the high 40 rounds there are rarely any drops, maybe 1 or 2 per round if you're lucky, which is barely enough to get through a round.

That's why you have gersches! You kill so many with the wave gun past round 30 that you'll almost always get a drop with gersches. Seriously, it feels like every single Gersch device gives you a drop at high rounds. It's so easy that you can get past an entire round without firing a single bullet.


It does get a bit more tricky in the really, really high rounds, and you'll probably have to **gasp** actually fire your guns, but it can still be done pretty easily.


  Killed by M said:
Will people stop saying "unlimited max ammo's"?? About the high 40 rounds there are rarely any drops, maybe 1 or 2 per round if you're lucky, which is barely enough to get through a round.

So you're saying two Max Ammo power-ups isn't enough to get through a single round?

If you're smart with your ammo using weapons like the Wave Gun you can clear the entire round with a fraction of a single Max Ammo drop.

Throw a Gersch when you see any power-up, hack it, get your ammo refilled, repeat. If you try to spray an RPK into a crowd of zombies in later rounds, yeah you won't kill a single one with an entire refill.


How the hell you even pull that off? The Gersch Device doesn't increase your chance to get a Max Ammo drop, as opposed to any of the others, so how do you even make that work?


  Zodiark69 said:
How the hell you even pull that off? The Gersch Device doesn't increase your chance to get a Max Ammo drop, as opposed to any of the others, so how do you even make that work?

In Moon, you can use the Hacking Device to hack any power-up, and change it to a max ammo (Max Ammos change to Fire Sale). So whenever you see ANY power up drop from a zombie, you just throw all your Gerschs, hack the power up into a Max Ammo, and repeat.

Make sense?


Only reason to have the space suit on is if you need to hit a mystery box that is in a low gravity area. As soon as you are done hitting the box, you need to get the hacker device equiped again before the round ends. You don't want to have to search for the hacker device while an excavator is counting down. A good survivalist will have the hacker device prepared for when that situation does arise.


I agree drops are rare after 30. I usually have a hacker guy in my team carrying that shit all the times. He would be on call and when i say i have a drop he wud come down to AK74u in less than 10 seconds.

That guy who said gersches give u drops is an idiot. Also using wave gun and conserving ammo is not a feasible solution. If you play with 4 ppl you are pretty much screwed with ammo after 40 unless you are really skilled with hacking.

*On a side note people that make it to less than 30 rounds should not speak so much about max ammos. I hardly use the box until 30 rounds until which I just use AK and MnS. I just get gersches. I tried throwing those past 30's. Doesn't do shit.

Hacker is a good addition to the map.


I have got to 42 so far with 4 players. We ALWAYS use the gersch devices to get drops. Think about it... a total of 12 Gersch devices between us means a pretty high likelihood of getting at least one drop. You have to group up all the zombies first before you throw one, of course.

In solo it is even easier, I have got to 45 so far with no ammo probs whatsoever due to hacking drops in the biodome (am doing another high round attempt tonight).

Back to the topic, though, noone has mentioned the fact that holding the hacker for 6 consecutive rounds gives you 2500 points per round...whereas the PES gives you jack.

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