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Moon Round 39-41 gameplay video. SOLO.


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Ok, sorry for the lack of editing put into this video, and it was taken on a cell phone, so its low quality. All I Really did was add music. But here is me playing from the end of round 39 to the beggining of 41 on Moon. I did some really stupid stuff with those godforsaken launch pads in the beggining, but in the end it all worked out. I liked how in certain parts the music just fit in (spur of luck). But here it is, My Moon Video:


Once I returned from Area 51, I TRIED to have an Epic Death on my way back to the dome, but it didnt go down, so I decompressed the labs and fought till I suffocated.


Perks: PhD, Jugg, Speed, Mule Kick.

Weapons: Wave Gun Upgraded, Ray Gun Upgraded, Galil Upgraded. Gersch Devices.

Before this, I chilled in the Dome and hacked power ups.

Thank you, G'night!

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Wait. You can plainly (kinda blurry though) see that my ammo counter is going down. I started the round with almost full ammo though. Technically I didnt run out of ammo that entire game, but it was because I continuousley hacked power-drops. You can actually see at 3:18 that my Zap Gun completely runs out of ammo (then I got that Max Ammo in the Labs.) And watch at about 6 minutes when I am bucking my Ray Gun at JSimanello. Its very clear that my ammo is dropping.


  JMSupreme76 said:
Were you on crack when you made this? Super sketchy!

What do you mean? Like, my way of playing? I was trying to have an Epic Death (Doing Crazy shit until you inevidably die in a cool way) But it just didnt happen. So I killed myself.

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