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Why are hellhounds ONLY in Area 51?


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Because dog's on the moon? That would be just stupid :P

Without the dogs, that area is just sooooo easy to own. You could sit there and run around until you run out of ammo, then melee till you get bored. With Hell Hounds, it's harder (but not impossible) to that. Those little bastards can catch you and ruin a good game quick as hell.


Dogs on the moon is stupid? I think that would be pretty exciting! They would jet across an area to get you. That would be awesome and challenging! :)


Probably because they wanted the moon and area 51 to feel different. Regular gravity and dogs, that's familair, that's what area 51 is. You head to the moon and things are totally different, I'm pretty sure that's why they're not on the moon.


  Crimson said:
Probably because they wanted the moon and area 51 to feel different. Regular gravity and dogs, that's familair, that's what area 51 is. You head to the moon and things are totally different, I'm pretty sure that's why they're not on the moon.

Don't forget, it would also be hard to form a walking animation for hellhounds in zero G. Hellhounds are suppose to run up at you and then launch themselves at you. If they did that on moon, they would clear the recieving area in one leap.


i think it would be awesome if we could mount ontop of the dogs and ride them like ponies. if i knew any better,

dogs are in are 51 BECAUSE THEY ARE DOGS and not aliens. you should watch your back for those crawlers, cuz moon has them. seshh!


  Crimson said:
Probably because they wanted the moon and area 51 to feel different. Regular gravity and dogs, that's familair, that's what area 51 is. You head to the moon and things are totally different, I'm pretty sure that's why they're not on the moon.

Good point. One thing I really love about this map is how many different environments and situations you have to go through just to reach round 10. Running around the Biodome or labratory is a totally different experience with the power on versus when the area is decompressed. Most of the areas on the map are very unique looking. TreyArch added some really cool survival horror elements to this map with starting in area 51 and then having to rush to the teleporter or get swarmed by endless zombies,. And then immediately having to put on your P.E.S. helmet or suffocate to death on the moon. That's cool stuff. Then simply battling your way through doors to get to the biodome is a battle of attrition in itself. Points and ammo can be very precious during the segment of the game. So yeah, just tons of different environments and experiences to have to deal with in a short amount of time on this map. I think having the dogs on earth, and the nova6 crawlers on the moon adds to the nice variety this map offers.


erm because there is no oxygen in space therefor they wouldnt be on fire, nd they wouldnt be much hell hounds rather just angry wolves lol

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