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The Ultimate List of Zombie Challenges

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As everyone is most probably already aware, there are quite a few 'mini-challenges' that people have invented. I thought it would be a good idea to list all the known challenges in one thread to make it easy to scroll through and find one you like the sound of. Just copy the format below and edit the details to suit your challenge.

Challenge Name:

Number of Players:

Required Map(s):


Time Limit:

Round Limit:

Randoms Only:

Disallowed Perk(s):

Disallowed Weapon(s):

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Challenge Name: Live and Let Die

Number of Players: 3-4

Required Map(s): Any

Objective: You must survive for as long as possible without getting any kills or going down. When you and your teammates die, it's game over.

Time Limit: Unlimited

Round Limit: Unlimited

Randoms Only: Yes

Disallowed Perk(s): None

Disallowed Weapon(s): None


I'll do some of my challenges..

Challenge Name: Old School

Number of Players: 2 - 4

Required Map(s): Classic only

Objective: survive as long as you can with WWII weaponry

Time Limit: none

Round Limit: none

Players: Friends

Disallowed Perk(s): Mule kick

Disallowed Weapon(s): all box guns except ray gun, wunderwaffe dg-2, monkey bomb


Challenge Name: All in favor

Number of Players: 2 - 4

Required Map(s): Any

Objective: survive using only your characters favorite weapons

Dempsey: BAR, M16, HK21

Nikolai: FN FAL, HK21

Takeo: M14, AK74u, Arisaka, type 100

Richtofen: specter, g11, crossbow, MP40

Kennedy: any smg and china lake

McNamara: Stakeout and whatever as a secondary

Nixon: HS-10 and whatever as a secondary

Castro: Python and whatever as a secondary

Sarah Michelle Gellar: any smg

Robert Englund: RPK amd whatever as secondary

Danny Trejo: doesn't seem to have one so this character can have whatever

Michael Rooker: Scavanger and any shotgun

Time Limit: none

Round Limit: none

Players: friends or randoms

Disallowed Perk(s): none

Disallowed Weapon(s): all except your characters favorites


Challenge Name: John Marston's Descendant

Number of Players: 2 - 4

Required Map(s): any

Objective: survive with pistols, shotguns, knifes, and bolt action rifles

Time Limit: none

Round Limit: none

Players: friends or randoms

Disallowed Perk(s): none

Disallowed Weapon(s): all assault rifles, smg's, lmg's, wonder weapons, crossbow, claymores, Dragunov

NOTE: monkey bombs are allowed do to be made out of dynamite..


I'll add more later but now its midnight and I must sleep...


Challenge Name: Acquire Waffle Weapons v2.0

Number of Players: 1

Required Map(s): Call of the Dead

Objective: Hold the Ray Gun, Scavenger, V-R11, Matroyshka Dolls and Wunderwaffe DG-2 at the same time. To do this, you must have the Ray Gun, Scavenger, V-R11 and Matroyshka Dolls while getting the Wunderwaffe DG-2 pick-up. Mule Kick is a must.

Time Limit: Unlimited

Round Limit: Unlimited

Randoms Only: N/A

Disallowed Perk(s): None

Disallowed Weapon(s): None

Challenge Name: Just like the Olden Days

Number of Players: 1

Required Map(s): Nacht der Untoten

Objective: Survive to atleast Round 20.

Time Limit: Unlimited

Round Limit: 20+

Randoms Only: N/A

Disallowed Perk(s): Mule Kick

Disallowed Weapon(s): Thundergun, Monkey Bomb, Box Weapons except Ray Gun

Note: Ray Gun and Wall Weapons are exceptable.

Challenge Name: Porters Luck

Number of Players: 1

Required Map(s): Moon

Objective: Get one of these weapons from a QED:

Ray Gun

Porters X2 Ray Gun

Wave Gun/Zap Guns

Max Wave Gun/Porters X2 Zap Guns

Time Limit: Unlimited

Round Limit: Unlimited

Randoms Only: N/A

Disallowed Perk(s): None

Disallowed Weapon(s): Ray Gun (from box), Wave Gun/Zap Guns (from box)


A personal favourite of mine

Challenge Name: Bombs away!!!

Number of Players: 1-4

Required Map(s): Any, choose one without PhD for more challange

Objective: Launchers only

Allowed Weapon(s): M&S, China Lake, M72. Grenades/Secondary grenades. Bowie/Sickle.


... I've seen loads of these posts around the internet, 'Create your own Zombies challenges' and all that but shouldn't we find a way to implement these challenges into gameplay and reward people for doing them?

Now I know that the only way it can be done properly would be to actually build an achievement/challenge system into the game, which we can't do, it's just a shame to see all these really cool ideas for some tricky challenges go to waste when there is no way to monitor half of them.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is, it's all well and good coming up with these ideas (which, for the record, are awesome and I really wish that 'Challenges' was a feature in Zombies) but when there is nothing to keep track of your progress and then therefore no reward, it takes away any motivation to actually go through with them.


I dunno, I think most people do challenges when they've played all the maps to death, done high rounds on all, waiting for the next map (or the next game in this case) and just need a way to keep the gameplay fresh. I dunno about everyone else but if I was doing these challenges in order to get an achievement it'd feel more like a task than a fun wacky challenge.


I dunno, I think most people do challenges when they've played all the maps to death, done high rounds on all, waiting for the next map (or the next game in this case) and just need a way to keep the gameplay fresh. I dunno about everyone else but if I was doing these challenges in order to get an achievement it'd feel more like a task than a fun wacky challenge.

Yeah, I suppose you're right about a fun challenge becoming a chore when rewards are on the line, which is a shame considering a few 'challenge completed'/achievements would be an awesome addition to Zombies when it comes to bragging rights.

CoDz should come up with an official challenge page with all these cool ideas where users/players are rewarded by being put into a specific group or get some kind of cool badges for their sig upon completing a certain challenge, just for fun like!

So you would get brainz for being a good member, and 'challenge badges' for being a good player.

I think something like this could be quite cool, depending on who took it seriously of course!


... I've seen loads of these posts around the internet, 'Create your own Zombies challenges' and all that but shouldn't we find a way to implement these challenges into gameplay and reward people for doing them?

Now I know that the only way it can be done properly would be to actually build an achievement/challenge system into the game, which we can't do, it's just a shame to see all these really cool ideas for some tricky challenges go to waste when there is no way to monitor half of them.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is, it's all well and good coming up with these ideas (which, for the record, are awesome and I really wish that 'Challenges' was a feature in Zombies) but when there is nothing to keep track of your progress and then therefore no reward, it takes away any motivation to actually go through with them.

For the next game, I'm hoping they do a Spec Ops type mode for zombies, where it's just challenges to complete on every map. They could sorta even work like Contracts, where there are Daily ones that change daily (obviously), or they change weekly.

Just had an idea that popped into my head! What if they also added the idea to let people create challenges, and than everyone else in the world can try it as well? You choose the map, a Round limit, Time limit, certain perks un/available, certain power-ups un/available, certain weapons un/available, etc. Than they could either be posted in a User Challenges section, or, Treyarch would go through them all and accept the ones that are good, and deny the ones that need a little more work/creativity.

Okay I have another one. Fairly simple. ;)

Challenge Name: Can the weak survive?

Number of Players: 1-4

Required Map(s): Any

Objective: Survive to Round 20 without ever buying Juggernog

Time Limit: Unlimited

Round Limit: 20+

Randoms Only: N/A

Disallowed Perk(s): Juggernog

Disallowed Weapon(s): None


I've returned and will now add some more of my challanges

Challenge Name: Seriously 1.0

Number of Players: 2 - 4

Required Map(s): any

Objective: survive with snipers and explosives and knifes

Time Limit: none

Round Limit: none

Players: friends

Disallowed Perk(s): none

Disallowed Weapon(s): all except the certain type in the objective


Challenge Name: Seriously 2.0

Number of Players: 3 - 4

Required Map(s): any

Objective: survive with explosives and knives

Time Limit: none

Round Limit: 30+

Players: friends

Disallowed Perk(s): PHD Flopper

Disallowed Weapon(s): all except the certain type in the objective


Challenge Name: Seriously 3.0

Number of Players: 4

Required Map(s): Nacht der untoten, Verruckt, Der Riese, Kino der toten, Shangri-la

Objective: survive with explosives and knifes, everyone must obtain over 1,500 kills

Time Limit: none

Round Limit: 45+

Players: friends

Disallowed Perk(s): all except juggernaut

Disallowed Weapon(s): all except the certain type in the objective


Challenge Name: Ol' Reliable

Number of Players: 1 - 4

Required Map(s): any

Objective: survive with only starting room weapons

Time Limit: none

Round Limit: none

Players: friends

Disallowed Perk(s): none

Disallowed Weapon(s): all except starting room weapons and the M1911


Challenge Name: Flop Fu

Number of Players: 1 - 4

Required Map(s): Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-la

Objective: survive with only using PHD Flopper

Time Limit: none

Round Limit: none

Players: friends

Disallowed Perk(s): all except phd flopper and juggernaut

Disallowed Weapon(s): all


Challenge Name: Multiplayers Bane

Number of Players: 2 - 4

Required Map(s): Kino - Moon

Objective: survive with only Famas's, and AK74u's

Time Limit: none

Round Limit: 35+

Players: friends

Disallowed Perk(s): all except juggernaut and sleight of hand

Disallowed Weapon(s): all except the two in the objective

NOTE: you are allowed to knife but no ballistic knife or bowie knife


thats all I have that do when I'm bored... maybe later I'll think of some and add them....


:lol: Challenge Name: Flop w/starter

Number of Players: for most fun 4 guys running around flopping using M&Ss

Required Map(s): Must have PhD Flopper

Objective: Use upgraded starter pistol and flopper ONLY once you have gotten both

Limit: Once the barricades are open and you have 70K you must get perk/upgrade and only use them forever

Disallowed Perk(s): none

Disallowed Weapon(s): once Flop and Mustang & Sally achieved, nothing Else, or half credit for using tactical explosives

Challenge Name: One man army

Number of Players: 1

Required Map(s): MOON

Objective: Pack a punch the starter pistol while in No Man's Land

Time Limit: unlimited

Round Limit: n/a

Challenge Name: And now to lose some Friends

Number of players: 3-4

Objective: After round 10 one player has to go down and die each round, then come back

Any map, any weapons, though you purposefully will lose them whenever its your turn

Challenge Name: And now to lose some perks

Number of players: 3-4

Objective: After round 10, one player has to go down, come back, and not repurchase jug until the moment the next round starts. So someone is always running around without jug or about to get taken out.

Weapons: whatever can be used to get that guy whose been downed back up is okay

Challenge Name: And its the Long Shot

Objective: Pack a Punch 3 sniper Rifles or bolt action rifles/crossbow

Perks: mule Kick

Map: any with pack a punch

For extra points: more people on team that do this one the better

post score like: 3 players total, 2 achieved objective, lasted 21 rounds like 3 pl, 2 ach 21

Challenge Name: A Day at the Races

Number of players: 3-4

Required Maps: All

Objective: play all maps, in order, in one sitting with same party

Players: any

Disallowed perks None, unless you're hardcore, then only what came w/BO eds of maps(ie, no mulekick, Box OK)

Disallowed weapons None, unless you're hardcore....no mulekick, box OK, unless really hardcore, only weapons from box also in WaW maps

  • 4 months later...

Challenge name: Blademaster

Number of players: 1

Required Map/s: Any

Objective: Survive as long as you can using only knives and sharp melee weapons

Round Limit: None

Disallowed Perks: None

Disallowed Weapons: anything that isn't a knife or the death machine


Challenge: How Quick?

Number of players: 1

Maps: any map but moon

Objective: see how fast you can have all four perks!

Round limit: none

Time limit: none

Disallowed perks: none. Only use dtrb, revive, jugg, and speed for this challenge. (On ascension phd takes the place dtrb)

Disallowed weapons: none


Challenge: Pack Addict

Number of players: 1

Map: any map with Pack-a-Punch

Objective: Pack-a-Punch every weapon in the map (including M1911, wall weapons, and box weapons)

Time limit: none

Round limit: none

Disallowed perks: none

Disallowed weapons: none

This challenge is difficult. I've come close, but I've never completed it. It's strongly advised to keep a running list of weapons you've Pack-a-Punched. The last time I tried this was a long time ago on Kino (died at 32, Pack-a-Punched 21 weapons), I might run it again sometime on Ascension (probably easier).


Challenge: Pack Addict

Number of players: 1

Map: any map with Pack-a-Punch

Objective: Pack-a-Punch every weapon in the map (including M1911, wall weapons, and box weapons)

Time limit: none

Round limit: none

Disallowed perks: none

Disallowed weapons: none

This challenge is difficult. I've come close, but I've never completed it. It's strongly advised to keep a running list of weapons you've Pack-a-Punched. The last time I tried this was a long time ago on Kino (died at 32, Pack-a-Punched 21 weapons), I might run it again sometime on Ascension (probably easier).

I may try this, but with no perks :shock:

I thought about doing it when I did my all wall gun PAPs but just didn't want to start messing around with the box!


Challenge Name: Stop 'N Swap

Number of Players: 1

Required Map(s): Moon

Objective: Aquire the Hacker and 4 Perks by at most Round 10. For every Round after, the first perk in your arsenal MUST be Hacked away, and a new perk MUST be bought the same round. All perks must be used atleast once before Round 20. ONLY your first slot perk can be given up. The ONLY exception is your final quick revive. All prior quick revives must be hacked if not used (if they are your first slot perk, which they eventually will be)

Time Limit: None

Round Limit: None

Randoms Only: No

Disallowed Perk(s): None

Disallowed Weapon(s): None


Alright, so you play this game on Ascension. Challenge name: "Medic!

Players: 4 Description: The person spawning as Nikolai has to crouch the entire game until the following is completed: Nikolai obtains the Sickle, the AK-74fu2, PhD Flopper, and a ray gun, somebody obtains a PaPed ballistic knife and revives Nikolai. Sounds simple enough, but it can be hectic.


Challenge Name: be grateful

Number of Players:doesn't matter 4 is funnest

Required Map(s):any but ascension is easiest

Objective: everyone hits the box twice and keeps those 2 weapons the whole game

Time Limit:none

Round Limit:none

Randoms Only:friens

Disallowed Perk(s):mule kick

Disallowed Weapon:any wall weapon

If u get dolls or gersch then u may hit the box again but u can't hit it more than twice trying to get gerwches or dolls

Also u can add me if wanna do it with me


Challenge Name: Ring-around-the-Zombies

Number of Players:4

Required Map(s):Call of The Dead

Objective: Once you reach the lighthouse, all doors and blockades must be opened on the first floor. Then, you and your friends have to all survive in that very same room! (you may play regularly until people get the guns they prefer that are not banned below) There is a point system to go buy: a down costs you a negative point, a revive gains you a point, and leaving the room resets your points, or if you are in the negative you lose 1-5 points depending on how long you are absent. Players must keep track of each others' points to ensure exact scoring. Once everyone dies out, the person with the most points wins!

Time Limit:none

Round Limit:none

Randoms Only:preferable with friends or randoms who cooperate

Disallowed Perk(s):none

Disallowed Weapon(s):scavenger, PaPed crossbow, VR11. (M&S are encouraged with PhD Flop)

This minigame is very fun and you can expect many downs. Once you go down you still need to remain in the room! After rounds are over, then go and buy the perks you deem necessary, but prepare to lose them shortly after :D. If you are playing with a few skilled zombie trainers this challenge will be more entertaining and competitive.

Let me know what you guys think


Challenge Name: be grateful

Number of Players:doesn't matter 4 is funnest

Required Map(s):any but ascension is easiest

Objective: everyone hits the box twice and keeps those 2 weapons the whole game

Time Limit:none

Round Limit:none

Randoms Only:friens

Disallowed Perk(s):mule kick

Disallowed Weapon:any wall weapon

If u get dolls or gersch then u may hit the box again but u can't hit it more than twice trying to get gerwches or dolls

Also u can add me if wanna do it with me

I played this challenge just a few weeks ago, only with one hit at the box and then whatever wall gun you want, no M&S.

  • 1 month later...

Challenge Name: Spawn-o-nator

Players: Any

Map: Any

Objective: Survive in the Spawn room ONLY as along as possible.

Allowed Weapons: The two spawn weapons :)

Allowed Perks: None

Challenge Name: Juggernist

Players: 2-4

Map: Any

Objective: Once a player buys jug he can NOT be revived. This is also a good challenge to combine with another one.

Allowed weapons: All

Allowed perks: All

Challenge Name: One Weapon ONLY

Players: Any but the more the better

Map: Any

Objective: You are only allowed a single weapon. You may choose to hit the box ONCE and take what you get, or buy a wall weapon. But what ever you get you are stuck with till you die. So if you get the dolls/gersch/monkeys/qeds out of the box....that and your pistol are your weapons.

Weapons: All (except M&S)

Perks: All or None. Your choice

Challenge Name: This Is All I Get?

Players: 3-4

Map: Any

Objective: Option 1: BEFORE the match begins...asign each character to a section of the map. Whatever the two weapons are in that area...thats what that character gets. Option 2: In addition to option 1...you can also make it so the character MUST stay their assigned area.

Allowed weapons: All wall weapons, but only the ones in your assigned area

Perks: All but only the one in your assigned area.


Challenge Name:One explosive day.

Number of Players:2-4

Required Map(s):Any

Objective:Survive as long as possible only using explosives. Until you get to the box You may only use the staring room weapons and your grenades.

Time Limit:Until you die

Round Limit:Until you die

Randoms Only:no

Disallowed Perk(s):Flopper (sorry), mule kick

Disallowed Weapon(s):All except ones that explode,no wonder weapons, and grenade launchers are ok.

  • 9 months later...

The problem with the other challenges I've read, is that it's boring doing the same one thing the whole game. My challenge has lots of variety, and every level has unique strategies and challenges. Check it out:

Challenge Name: Universal Soldier

Number of Players: 1 (or more)

Required Map(s): Kino (or others)


The general idea is as follows: on each level, you will only use one weapon to kill the zombies. You must choose a different weapon for each level, (each gun may only be used on one level each) and in general you use up the weaker weapons before you move onto the more powerful weapons. And when I say "weapon", I also include knives, grenades, claymores, the starter pistol, and monkey bombs.

The detailed rules are:

- You may not open a door or barrier until you have used up all guns currently available. Once that door is open, you must use all the guns in the new room before opening more.

- You may not turn on the power until all doors are open.

- You may not use the box until you have used all the default weapons and wall weapons on the map.

- You are not allowed to Pack a Punch anything until you are on the box guns.

- When you are allowed to use the box, you must take the first weapon that comes. (unless it is a repeat; make a list) If you run out of ammo, you may pack a punch it. If your Pack-a-punch gun runs out of ammo, you may use any wall guns to finish the round. You may Pack-a-punch the wall gun in this situation. But you must make a genuine attempt to use the box gun. (You can't just fire your china lake into the sky)

- You may not use traps, nor fry zombies in the teleporter, nor blast them with the quick-revive-mustang-and-sally.

- You ARE allowed to use the floating green power-ups (nuke, insta-kill, max ammo, double points, etc) You're not allowed to use power-ups that give you special weapons, (death machine, lightning bolt).

- Special rule for claymores: Unlike other wall weapons, it is not possible to reload your claymores in the middle of a round. Instead, the game gives you two free claymores each round, and also when you get max ammo. Therefore, you do not have to do the claymore round right away. (You can open more doors) You should store up claymores in preparation for your claymore level. Once you get the stage open, buy the claymores, and start placing them all facing the wall. You'll need to store up a bunch before you have enough to finish a level with them. Careful though; there is a software bug that causes the game to crash if you lay out too many claymores. (dunno how many, maybe 80)

- Special rule for monkey bombs: when you are on the monkey bomb level, you can also buy and use grenades off the wall. Don't use any guns on this level.

So, lots of rules, but they are kinda common-sense.

This challenge is alot harder than it sounds, because you can't open the map into a full circle or turn the power on until the end of round 12. Alot of planning is required so that you have a place to run around, but still have access to the wall for more ammo.


- The first decision, is what order to use your first five weapons. You want to get rid of the weakest three before the zombies get too strong. I recommend: (1) pistol, (2) grenades, (3) knife, (4) olympia, (5) M14. You'll find it's really important to comletely board up the windows

- The dog round is an opportunity to get rid of a weaker gun.

- A good tactic for rounds 8-12, is to buy the gun, then walk to the far end of the map to a wide area, collecting zombies behind you. At the wide area, circle the zombies to create a tight herd, then walk back to the room you bought the gun from. When you're near the room, waste all the zombies, buy more ammo and repeat.

For multi-player, I suggest the folowing rules: when on the wall guns, everyone use the same gun. When using the box, everyone use the first gun that they get out of the box. When the box gun is out of ammo, wait for everyone to use up their ammo before Pack-a-punching, and before switching to wall guns to finish the level.

I've tried the challenge a few times on "Five". Level 5 is hard, because there's not alot of room to manouver. Levels 7-9 are really hard for the same reason, but having the elevator helps alot. After that it's pretty easy cause you can run the circle.

So, enjoy the challenge, and let me know how it goes with multiplayer or on other maps. Please post your suggestions for any map-specific rules you think are required.

PS3: adamus_maximus


Challenge Name:Whats the Mystery Box?

Number of Players:Any

Required Map(s):Tranzit ONLY

Objective:Complete Round 50 without EVER hitting the box or use a Weapon stored in the fridge that is a box weapon.

Time Limit:Any

Round Limit:50+

Randoms Only:No

Disallowed Perk(s):Quick Revive

Disallowed Weapon(s):All Box Guns

Challenge Name:MoreClayMore

Number of Players:1-4

Required Map(s):Tranzit

Objective:Use Only Claymore's for the first 20 rounds

Time Limit:Any

Round Limit:20

Randoms Only:No

Disallowed Perk(s):Quick Revive

Disallowed Weapon(s):All Weapons but Claymore's AND M1911 (stemtex are optional)

I have completed the claymore challenge, and have reached round 44 on Whats the mystry box. Will try again soon.


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