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The Ultimate List of Zombie Challenges

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Challenge Name:Whats the Mystery Box?

Number of Players:Any

Required Map(s):Tranzit ONLY

Objective:Complete Round 50 without EVER hitting the box or use a Weapon stored in the fridge that is a box weapon.

Time Limit:Any

Round Limit:50+

Randoms Only:No

Disallowed Perk(s):Quick Revive

Disallowed Weapon(s):All Box Guns

Challenge Name:MoreClayMore

Number of Players:1-4

Required Map(s):Tranzit

Objective:Use Only Claymore's for the first 20 rounds

Time Limit:Any

Round Limit:20

Randoms Only:No

Disallowed Perk(s):Quick Revive

Disallowed Weapon(s):All Weapons but Claymore's AND M1911 (stemtex are optional)

I have completed the claymore challenge, and have reached round 44 on Whats the mystry box. Will try again soon.

Honestly, I rarely use the box anyway. M&S + Model 23 is all you really need. Sure, monkeys come in handy, or a ray gun, but I normally stick with M&S, Model 23, and a wall weapon un-PaPed for points when I'm going for high round.

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Challenge Name: Hobo with a shotgun

Number of Players: 1 (or more)

Map: Kino (or any other)

Objective: Survive as long as possible, using shotguns only.

Perks: All perks are allowed

Powerups: All floating green powerups are allowed. Blue powerups are not allowed.

Allowed Weapons: Shotguns only. No other guns, explosives, knives, traps.

The hard part of this challenge, is that you make money so slowly. This is why it's called "Hobo with a shotgun." You have to make tough decisions. Do you buy a third perk, or do you pack-a-punch that Stakeout?

You'll find that many of your elite money-making tactics don't work. In early rounds, you're best strategy is normally to make a train, score triple-hits with each pistol bullet, and finish off each zombie with a stab. With shotguns, your best strategy is to try for headshots. In later rounds, you might normally create a tight herd on the stage, and aim for the torsos with a machine gun. With shotguns, this won't work. Even if you aim for the torso, a few pellets will hit the gas zombies, and you'll accidentally gas all your tall zombies for zero points.

What are your favorite challenges? Here are the ones I recommend:

- Universal Soldier

- Hobo with a Shotgun

- Ol' Reliable

- Pack addict

PS3: adamus_maximus


Ok : One for all:

each player gets their own spot on the map, either the power station, town, diner, or farm...

Each player has to try and outlast the others, so NO REVIVING, and your doomed without tombstone...

Everyone has to create deals with other players(I suggest muting the other players), to be able to do things at their areas... Everyone has acess to box, and the depot, however not everyone has access to the acessorys around the other places...

Advantages to each area

Farm: You get the turrets to help you as well as nact, and the spire if you think you'll do better there.... As well as access to double tap, the shotgun off the boxes and claymores...

Dinner: You get access to the zombie shield and first shot at the box, you can not hold off in the tunnel. You also have access to galvaknuckles, HOWEVER if the hatch is picked up by someone else or spawns in the town or farm, you can't access them without a deal! You also have access to speed cola, and the mp5...

Town: You have access to pack a punch as well as juggernog, you also get an extra chance at spawing the box and the bank, however there are no weapons on the walls and without something your doomed! You also have access to Semtex and the jet-gun, (not credibly usefull without the parts only accessible at nact and power.... The others you can get on your own)

Power station: KEEP THIS GUY HAPPY! Why? Because he has total control of the power, and can do whatever he wants with it! So say: Town guy wants to PAP, "sorry man, don't feel like dropping my turbine...You jelly?" He can also turn off all perks when he wants. He has access to tombstone, the eletric trap, as well and the ak-47 u... However he does have the lava-pit of instant death...

Other rules:

1: Any kind of breaking of the rules will result in an instant loss of area and will be banished to the tunnel,shack, or bus depot for 3 rounds, which are open to anyone at anytime..

2:No use of any of another person's area(s) without a deal, you can't just "let them" deposit money in their bank, or grab a shield.. They have to give up something...

3: You can play on easy if you want, this is more of a 1vs3 mode then a challenge...

4:Anyone can buy bus amo, and use emps to stop the bus in their area if they want to access the bus gun more...

5: Emping a perk is legal ONLY to the owner of the area, anyone else WILL result in banishment...

6: Anyone can use portals (if opened by the power-man) to reach the bus depot, tunnel, or shack..

7: It is ok for one person to "steal kills" AS LONG! as they never step foot off the bus or out of the fog...

8: If a person leaves their area it is still illegal for someone else to use their things, without permission, HOWEVER if the person dis-connects, dies, or leaves the game, their area is open to everyone until their return, if they return...

9: Last person down is the winner, second place goes to most kills, third to most points,

If the person with the most kills goes down last the person with the second best points takes second...

10: NO REVIVING, at all! Not even as a deal!

11: "Stoppen Sie mich lustig" Challenge-Green run- If you can manage to compleat the Easter egg will abiding by the rules set above you can receive, from me, the personal title of "CO-OP king of Green Run" , This means the power must be activated by the power guy, turbines must be "deal-t" with , the avagadro has to spawn with the last zombie's death and lightning above the pylon.... And the entire zombie-step under the pylon has to be done by the farm-guy and him only! MUAHAHAHA!!!

  • 1 month later...

I made these myself for a series im making on youtube. So i decided to share. If you use a challenge on youtube please give me credit. But anyway have fun

1: Mad with Power.

Map: Any (besides Nacht)

Rules: Power has to be on by Round 3-5 and you must survive to wave 35.

Guns: all

Perks: all

Rounds: 35

2: Multi-Zombies

Map: Any.

Round limit: 30-100

Rules: You must have a primary weapon (Ak74u Stakeout, Rpk, Galil) and a secondary, (All pistols,launchers,crossbow and balistic knife.) If you get a thunder gun/Wunderweapon it counts as a primary (You cant use it till your secondary is out of ammo) You must keep the class the whole game. You can pap but after wave 25. You can only have 3 perks (ex. Quick revive Juggernaut/juggernog and speed cola. Quick revive is a perk 1 same with double tap,Whos who and mule kick. Jugg is a perk 2 same with Deadshot and tombstone. Speed cola is a perk 3 same with Staminup and Phd.)

3: F***ing Campers!

Maps: any

Guns: any

Perks: any

Rules: you must find a camping spot and stay there until you have a crawler at the end of a round to leave and get what you need. Survive until wave 25.

4: Aimbot

Map: any

Guns:All except balistic knife crossbow ray gun and wonder weapons and shot guns.

Rules: You need 4 players. Try and get the most headshots by the end of round 25. If its a tie the person with most kills out of the tie wins.


Challenge Name: Minimalist Slayer

Number of Players: 1

Required Map(s): (Green Run) TranZit

Objective: Highest round, training only at Depot, Diner, or Tunnel, with no Power (buildables acceptable, except the Jet Gun)

Time Limit: N/A

Round Limit: The sky

Randoms Only: N/A

Disallowed Perk(s): All (Including Perma-Jugg) *Other Perma-perks are irrelevant*

Disallowed Weapon(s): Mystery Box & PaP


Challenge Name:HEADHUNTER

Number of Players:Any

Required Map(s):Any

Objective:Miss A Maxium of only 50 Headshots in 50 rounds of play

Time Limit:None

Round Limit:50+



Challenge Name:Who's Your Daddy?

Number Of Players:2+

Required Map(s):Any

Objective: Survive 40 rounds with 0 kills and 0 downs.(if you are the only player alive before round 40 but you are above round 30, the challenge is complete)

Time Limit:None

Round Limit:None

Disallowed Perks:None

Disallowed Weapons:None

You can buy anything and everything, and do anything, as long as you still have 0 kills and 0 downs.


  Superhands said:
A personal favourite of mine

Challenge Name: Bombs away!!!

Number of Players: 1-4

Required Map(s): Any, choose one without PhD for more challange

Objective: Launchers only

Allowed Weapon(s): M&S, China Lake, M72. Grenades/Secondary grenades. Bowie/Sickle.

For allowed weapons, what about the skullcrusher. Using strictly the under-mounted launcher?


  Stop mocking me0 said:
Ok : One for all:

each player gets their own spot on the map, either the power station, town, diner, or farm...[ext]

This seriously sounds like the most fun challenge of any challenge ever! Great job!


  minator177 said:
  Superhands said:
A personal favourite of mine

Challenge Name: Bombs away!!!

Number of Players: 1-4

Required Map(s): Any, choose one without PhD for more challange

Objective: Launchers only

Allowed Weapon(s): M&S, China Lake, M72. Grenades/Secondary grenades. Bowie/Sickle.

For allowed weapons, what about the skullcrusher. Using strictly the under-mounted launcher?

ITs a Grenade launcher, and he said launchers only..... :D



Challenge Name:MoreClayMore

Number of Players:1-4

Required Map(s):Tranzit

Objective:Use Only Claymore's for the first 20 rounds

Time Limit:Any

Round Limit:20

Randoms Only:No

Disallowed Perk(s):Quick Revive

Disallowed Weapon(s):All Weapons but Claymore's AND M1911 (stemtex are optional)

I have completed the claymore challenge, and have reached round 44 on Whats the mystry box. Will try again soon.

I'm quite certain this isn't possible. There's no way you can kill all of the zombies from rounds 10 to 20 with only 2 claymores per round. Saying you've done it makes you look less credible, and harder to believe your round 44 run. Just sayin


  NZheadshot1 said:

Challenge Name:MoreClayMore

Number of Players:1-4

Required Map(s):Tranzit

Objective:Use Only Claymore's for the first 20 rounds

Time Limit:Any

Round Limit:20

Randoms Only:No

Disallowed Perk(s):Quick Revive

Disallowed Weapon(s):All Weapons but Claymore's AND M1911 (stemtex are optional)

I have completed the claymore challenge, and have reached round 44 on Whats the mystry box. Will try again soon.

I'm quite certain this isn't possible. There's no way you can kill all of the zombies from rounds 10 to 20 with only 2 claymores per round. Saying you've done it makes you look less credible, and harder to believe your round 44 run. Just sayin

its quite eazy actually. i think on round 17 - 20 there are 3 max spawns. i just use grenades for the first spawn, then round up the last two and claymore them down. why dont you just try it for yourself instead of bashing on my challenge? and round 50 with out the mystry box is realy eazy. just use the skull crusher and menesa the whole time....

  • 4 months later...

Challenge Name: Blocked

Number of Players: 2-4

Required Map: Buried

Objective: Survive without opening any doors or debris. Also, the Giant cannot have Booze (except for when opening his cell). The first person who wins the box race and gets the Paralyzer has much more freedom.


Be nice to the guy who has the Paralyzer. He can boost you.

You can be a nice guy with the Paralyzer by building the Trample Steam (accessible through the Bank) and boosting players.

If you don't have the Paralyzer, remember elaborate methods to reach places, such as the tunnels.

Use Candy wisely. It can keep the box out of the maze, and it can make the Buildables.

Avoid the second floor of the saloon and the mansion courtyard (you will be trapped).

Time Limit: None

Round Limit: None

Players: Friends

Disallowed Perk(s): Juggernog, Vulture Aid, Stamin-Up (unreachable)

Disallowed Weapon(s): None

  • 10 months later...

Challenge Name: Russian Roulette

Number of Players: 1-4

Required Map(s): Any map within the requirements of the objective.


Objective: Use ONLY Russian-made weaponry. A list of available weapons from WaW, Black Ops 1 and Black Ops II Russian weaponry is as follows:







Ballistic Knife

Matroysha Dolls





Gersch Device


Time Limit: Unlimited


Round Limit: After Round 25, the weapons you have are now the only weapons you can have throughout the entirety of the game. Else than that, you need to go 25+ rounds.


Randoms Only: It's better to play with friends, or by yourself if you want to.


Disallowed Perk(s): Mule Kick, if with friends. As this can be oriented with solo, Mule Kick is allowed ONLY IN SOLO. Else than that, all but Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double Tap, and Quick Revive, and Stamin-Up.


Disallowed Weapon(s): All weapons except the ones listed. Although, you can use your M1911/Mauser until you are able to obtain your Russian weapons. You cannot keep your pistols forever, under these circumstances, however.

Even though the Thundergun is technically a Russian creation, it is too powerful, therefore, it is not allowed. (And you cannot bend the rules and make the staff of your choice as Nikolai in Origins. That'd be retarded.) Same goes for any Wonder Weapon, and the PPSH.

  • 4 weeks later...

Challenge Name:Trapper's Delight
Number of Players:3-4
Required Map(s): All maps with traps

Objective: After wave 5, use a trap every round to kill as many zombies as possible, each player must take turns purchasing the traps (one player cannot buy traps two rounds in a row)
Time Limit: N/A
Round Limit: N/A
Randoms Only: N/A
Disallowed Perk(s): N/A
Disallowed Weapon(s): N/A


Challenge name: Lone Gun

Required players: any amount

Map: Nacht der Untoten, Veruckt, or Der riese


Objective: Kar98k only

disallowed perks: mule kick

disallowed weapons: all except the kar98k (the scoped version is allowed)


Challenge Name: Starting Room Only

Number Of Players: 1-4

Required Maps: All maps except Town, and Farm


Objective: Do not leave the starting room, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!

Time Limit: Unlimited

Round Limit: Unlimited

Players: Friends

Disallowed Perk(s): Any perks not located in the starting room.

Disallowed Weapons: Any weapons not located in the starting room.


  • 4 weeks later...

Alright so I do a lot of challenges, I will list most below:


2 Box Challenge:

Players: 1-4

Map: All

Rules: Basically normal game with Pap, Perks and equipment (Buildables, Traps, Grenades, Monkeys/Gersch/Matrushka) However you only get 2 hits of the box (3 if get equipment)


1 Box+M&S

All same as before just 1 hit if get equipment spin again and use that gun+M&S


George is a perk-a-holic

Players: 1-4

Map: Call Of The Dead

Rules: All guns+Pap is allowed HOWEVER, no perks shall be purchased, they all must be obtained by killing George (You need to have luck/Skill for this as you need to kill George and you may need to survive at least 10 rounds without juggernog


Wall Guns Only

Players: 1-4

Map: All

Rules: Only Wall guns, Pap, Semtex, Bowie knife/Galvaknuckles/Sickle, claymores and perks


No pap

Players: 1-4

Map: All

Rules: Well the title says all, right?


The Monkeys Are Hiding Something...

Players:1-4 (3-4 is recommended for Ascension)

Maps: Shangri-La or Ascension

Rules: You can Pap and all, but perks only from monkeys (power-up changing on Shangri-La, Protecting machienes on Ascension, (You can buy QR on Ascension))


OpTic Zombies

Players: 1-4

Maps: all

Rules: Snipers Only (pap, perks, grenades and equipment is allowed)


Waffle Weaponry

Players: 1-4

Maps: Shi no Numa and Der Riese (Both W@W and Black Ops 1 versions)

Rules: Can get perks and Pap But only allowed Wunder Waffe, Monkeys and Ray Gun


I am the one who revives

Players: 2-4

Maps: All With Balistic knife, Stamin-up and Pap (PhD is Optional)

Rules: M&S+Pap'd Ballistic knives and Monkeys only and Quick revive, Stamin-up and Jug as only perks If you want you can also have PhD


Point War

Players: 3-4

Maps: Any (Works well on Smaller Maps)

Objective: Basically Normal Zombies, all guns+perks+pap but the first person to have a set amount of points (75,000-100,000 is recommended) wins! 


Can't Touch Me

Players: 1-4

Maps: Any

Objectives: Get to round 30 withoutanyone going down. (best with friends rather than randoms)


Box Challenge

Players: 2 (can be done with more but 2 is best)

Maps: All that have Pap

Objective: Each make a list of all the box guns in the map your playing, you must get all of these guns and pap them (If there are guns only one person can have e.g. Crossbow, Thundergun, Waffle, Ballistic Knife?, most Wonder Weapons basically) you must put it back for the other player too get.


No Power

Players: 1-4

Maps: Ones with power

Rules: All guns, No power


Gun Specific Challenges:

Players: 1-4

Maps: Any

Rules: Basically you get perks and Pap but everyone must use M&S/Boomhilda (Origins) and the same wall gun for everyone Examples are:







You get the point


Explosives Only


Map: Any

Rules: PhD Flopping, Claymores, Monkeys, Matrishkas and all explosive weopons only


That's It guys, Have Fun!! :D





What's a blue power up?

On the no kills challenge to 40; Buried/buildables should be rather easy, maybe ban that map.


My silly challenge du jour;

Bus-ness as usual.

Any number of players. Probably easier with more.

TranZit only.

Leave start room on round 3. You must get on the bus. When it stops, you must get off immediately. Next time it comes back, you must get on immediately. You may not otherwise leave any area.

Unlimited time.

Unlimited rounds.

Randoms, friends, or solo.

Any weapons except fridge.

Any perks.

High round challenge within parameters.

If you bleed out/ come back, you may not kill zombies until back with the group (denizens may be killed).

Additional: tunnel counts as diner for part. Ndu area as farm for part. Shack counts as town for part/bk. May only get off where bus stops.

Alternate: each area, including tunnel/ndu (power tower)/bk shack must be stopped at until the bus returns.

  • 2 weeks later...

I guess i can put some of my challenges in

Wunderfizz Challenge

Number of Players: 1-4

Round Limit: N/A

Time: N/A

Required Map(s): Origins

Disallowed Perks: None. But you can only get them from the wunderfizz

Disallowed Weapons: None

You can only get your perks from the wunderfizz. Unless your luckey that means no Juggernog or Speed Cola.

Dig Weapons Only

Number of Players: 1-4

Round Limit: N/A

Time: N/A

Required Map(s): Origins

Disallowed Perks: None

Disallowed Weapons: All except the ones you get from dig spots

You can ONLY use weapons you get from the dig spots.

Playing The Old In The New

Number of Players:1-4 (4s the funniest)

Round Limit: N/A

Time: N/A

Required Map(s): Tranzit

Disallowed Perks:None

Disallowed Weapons:None

You have 7 rounds to set up everything and as soon as round 7 ends you must run to nacht and stay there for the rest of the game.

Classic Camping Spots

Number of Players: 1-4

Round Limit: N/A


Required Map(s): Nacht Ir Der Riese

Dissallowed Perks: None

Dissallowed Weapons: None

You have 5 rounds to get setup. Once that 5 rounds is up you must camp on the catwalk on der riese or the grenade room on nacht.

  • 2 weeks later...

  On 9/30/2011 at 5:46 PM, BestZombiePlayer said:

Challenge Name: Live and Let Die

Number of Players: 3-4

Required Map(s): Any

Objective: You must survive for as long as possible without getting any kills or going down. When you and your teammates die, it's game over.

Time Limit: Unlimited

Round Limit: Unlimited

Randoms Only: Yes

Disallowed Perk(s): None

Disallowed Weapon(s): None

So basically stay on round 1 forever?

Sent from my SGH-T599N using Tapatalk

  • 6 months later...

Here is a challenge...


Challenge Name: One Bullet Reload
Number of Players: Any
Required Map(s): Any

Objective: Survive as long as possible, reloading after every bullet shot
Time Limit: Any
Round Limit: Any
Randoms Only: Any
Disallowed Perk(s): None
Disallowed Weapon(s): None (though you would prefer to avoid SMG's, LMG's, and Assault Rifles, right?)

Side Note: (what is here I only know works on WAW on PC, not sure of others) If possible, open developer console and type player_clipSizeMultiplier 0. This will make you reload after every shot anyway. 

  • 4 months later...

This is my first challenge that I have thought of and have used it a lot. Helps keep me in tune with the long games whether it be solo or with others.

Challenge Name: Hey, Check Out My Kills!

Number of players: Any

Required map(s): Any

Objective: Play with your score board up the entire time. Must use one weapon at a time until it is empty. You may reuse weapons after you have used at least two more.

Time Limit: None

Round Limit: None

Randoms Only: No

Disallowed Perks: Your choice

Disallowed Power Ups: Max Ammo

Disallowed Weapon(s): Knife (Don't want to grab the max ammo's by mistake). Others are your choice (I tend to do wall weapons only).




Challenge Name: world at war 

Number of Players: 1-4

Required Map(s): origins only


Objective: try to survive as long with the only guns allowed 

Round Limit: unlimited

Randoms Only: n/a

Disallowed Perk(s): everyone except for the original 4




Disallowed Weapon(s): every weapon except for stg 44, Ray gun, and mp40 if you want you could use Thompson (m1927) is acceptable

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 9/7/2014 at 9:40 PM, Onecooldude123 said:


  On 9/30/2011 at 5:46 PM, BestZombiePlayer said:

Challenge Name: Live and Let Die

Number of Players: 3-4

Required Map(s): Any


Objective: You must survive for as long as possible without getting any kills or going down. When you and your teammates die, it's game over.

Time Limit: Unlimited

Round Limit: Unlimited

Randoms Only: Yes

Disallowed Perk(s): None

Disallowed Weapon(s): None

So basically stay on round 1 forever?


Sent from my SGH-T599N using Tapatalk

No, you play with randoms, so obviously they aren't doing the challenge. Only you dont do anything, the rest play as normal. I guess the real question is, can you revive and use traps? I'd vote for no traps, but you should be able to revive


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