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Since when did solo Verruckt become so easy?


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Hey guys, not here to be arrogant, brag or boast, just sharing my knowledge as usual ;)

So, in the past I've rated Verruckt as one of the hardest maps. However, that decision was made based on my experiences from the W@W version - the constant sticking on zombies, the sprinters and the way the zombies behaved made it a really tough map.

But today, I sat down and had my first actual solo game on the Black Ops version - SO MUCH EASIER!

Just quit on 33 cuz I didn't plan for a long game; In the 32 rounds beforehand, 0 downs, don't even think I got hit more than once so this map could easily be done without Juggernog if played correctly.

When I purposely downed and revived upon killing myself, I did a couple of perk-runs to see how it was which turned out to be simple, just look for a gap in the zombies as you're reviving and run through it before they react.

As for the tight stairs etc. - getting trapped on these can be completely avoided if you time your kills correctly; this meaning only kill zombies in the MP40 room. This of course is done automatically in the later rounds as you use the trap there.

I've devised a solid strategy in one single game, which is a rarity in zombies normally but this map is really simple. I'll definately be making a write-up of it as well as the demoing it in video below. Pretty much used the same basic strategy from round 10, started using the traps at round 26. Effectively the game doesn't get any harder as the rounds go up, so I can definately feel a round 100 attempt coming in the future.

All of that said, it can be a tough map. But if you use the correct strategy, it becomes maybe as easy as Ascension.


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Nice solo strat. Ive had a helluva hard time finding a good solo strategy for Verruckt, so this is pretty awesome.You know exactly what your doing, im sure you wouldnt have musch trouble getting to 100+.

[brains] and happy killing :twisted:


Thanks bud ;) I'm gonna be doing my usual round-by-round written guide for this map real soon, this is an easy 30+ map if you have the right strategy so I'm gonna make it my job to get that strategy out there 8-)


nice strategy, I found this out to(not trying to brag or anything)one time when me and my friend tried camping in the thompson room and we got overrun so opened the door and I just said run for your life. surprisingly we survived another few rounds and just said, wait a minute, did we just make up a strategy by improvising? And we did so thats what I do now solo or co-op it can work. [brains] for you.


It's easy because it's the way Verrcukt was made, since Verruckt is seperated in two, so zombies will spawn WAY more in one side, thats what I think :) and almost everyone does that :? or atleast people I know including me (I know me :3 )

Regards Yellow-card8


Now that is why I put this circle as the first one in my guide, and also the only area that I show solo and coop. Hope I dont forget it again to upload it this night.

This is not working because zombies spawn more on one side. It is because zombies spawn in the center, always running to the window the player is closest. But since you walk constantly, till they come out, you already passed that window. Meaning, the zombie will land behind you for free, directly in the train, without you needing to do any work like dodging him. The remaining 2-3 zombies spawning from the outside and maybe land in front of you can be dodged easily.


  yellow-card8 said:
It's easy because it's the way Verrcukt was made, since Verruckt is seperated in two, so zombies will spawn WAY more in one side, thats what I think :) and almost everyone does that :? or atleast people I know including me (I know me :3 )

Regards Yellow-card8

You've missed the point I was getting at, or just skipped it :lol: I know, I tend to waffle a bit and I'd be the first to admit that my posts are sometimes very long. Let me explain a little clearer:

Of course, I'm not suggesting I came up wih this loop, it's an obvious loop and people have been using it since W@W.

Everyone uses this same loop, yet you don't often see people getting to high solo rounds on this map. Why? Because their strategy fails them.

An important thing to remember; a loop is a part of a strategy, it's not the strategy.

A HUGE part of the strategy on this map is choosing when to kill. A lot of people tend to shoot at the bottom or top of each set of stairs or each corner. Then of course zombies spawn in front of them, they get blocked and they die.

As Tom said, it's nothing to do when uneven spawning. You just don't see the zombies spawning on one half of the map in my video because I don't kill any zombies in those areas. I'm in the MP40/STG area when I kill the group and I'm there when they spawn in. I don't stop, therefore by the time the zombies are spawned in they're already behind me. Any that I do encounter in front of me is always just the 1 zombie and always in wide areas, and even on the tight stairs it's simple to slip past the 1 zombie.

So the basic strategy is, do the well-known loop in a clockwise direction, kill the zombies however the hell you want, but they must be killed in the MP40 room.

Do it like this and you should never be in a dangerous situation at whatever round.


  MixMasterNut said:
Honestly bro, after the types of Beastings you've thrown down on NML, after awhile everything else just becomes easier.

Truth, NML makes everything seem easier :lol: Was just thinking today as well that I've improved a LOT since the last time I played W@W Verruckt, so that may also be why I found it tough in the past.


i always found verruckt to be the hardest map at the start, but if you can get a good start on it, just run loops around the entire map and always have one wall (MP40/Thompson) weapon you can use in case you run out of ammo on you're good box weapon...that's just my view...

The Panda's out...


all the maps were reduced to the black ops gameplay stats, but in waw they were making zombies for the first time, for example in NDU no barrier attacks, but in bo version they do as it is based on the der riese/kino stats and gamplay, in verruckt, due to perks, they made the zombies stronger and faster (sprinters). You notice by der riese in WaW the zombies are so much weaker round per round than NDU and Verruckt.


Vader210":35ng61l6]Relaxing End uses it bit different way but this one is better than his well done! [brains]

Thanks man, I actually find that how you loop is not so important, it's much more important to kill the zombies in one area to control the spawning, the best area being the MP40 room if you're going clockwise and probably the Speed Cola room if you're going anti-clockwise. This is done to give time to let the zombies spawn in before you reach any tight sets of stairs etc. so really going clockwise is the better choice in higher rounds, as it allows you to use the trap more effectively.

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