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Wtf I got teled?


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I'm playing eplosives only on ascension and at round 11 I knifed a crawler with a bunch of zombies a little further and then suddenly I was kind of 'teled' to the middle of those zombies. It was a fraction of a second but I downed there luckily I survived, since there was only 1 zombie left.

But then in round 13 I got hit 4 times, pretty quick and I survived that, but I had a red screen.

How the hell could those weird things happen??

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Hmm I thought 4 hits was a down? Or maybe there was enough time between them?

And I did explosive only in Kini yesterday and I got downed after 3 hits, maybe I counted wrong but it was no more than 4 hits. And I had jugg of course.

Is there a chart of the health renegation some where?


I've experienced the teleport-into-a-bunch-of-zombies glitch several times playing on my friends PS3, never experienced it on Xbox or PC.

Jugg allows you to take 5 normal zombie hits, 4 giving you a red scree.


Zombies can push you, just like a guy sprinting into you on multiplayer, but the creen jumps giving the impression of teleporting a few yards. Mosltly this is noticed when your down, when your lying in a doorway and they push you out the way so they get through, normally though people don't notice when their alive as they are downed normally :D before they can react.


  TheSickTrickZ said:
No, there was like a couple metres between the the crawler and the other zombies. I know they can push you, but not over 2 metres away.

lag? even on solo my screen jumps sometimes when something happens that takes up ram like a message from someone or sound effects.


If you have auto aim turned on, the knifing can be kinda weird and glitch you out like that randomly sometimes. Was there any other crawlers near by that it might of locked on to on accident? Regardless, I know there's been times where I've gone to kill the last single crawler, but the melee goofs up and I go flying past him.

This happened with the sickle more than anything. Just a thought.


I call this the "Cammando Gltich" since I am far away from a horde of zombie I knife and majicly commando lunges me to them :) sometimes it's useful ...... and sometimes not :( but probably just a glitch :)

Regards Yellow-card8


  OstonedshooterO said:
If you have auto aim turned on, the knifing can be kinda weird and glitch you out like that randomly sometimes. Was there any other crawlers near by that it might of locked on to on accident? Regardless, I know there's been times where I've gone to kill the last single crawler, but the melee goofs up and I go flying past him.

This happened with the sickle more than anything. Just a thought.

I didn't had sickle then, there were more crawlers, and I don't auto aim turned on.


  TheSickTrickZ said:
  OstonedshooterO said:
If you have auto aim turned on, the knifing can be kinda weird and glitch you out like that randomly sometimes. Was there any other crawlers near by that it might of locked on to on accident? Regardless, I know there's been times where I've gone to kill the last single crawler, but the melee goofs up and I go flying past him.

This happened with the sickle more than anything. Just a thought.

I didn't had sickle then, there were more crawlers, and I don't auto aim turned on.

Hmm then maybe lag like shoreyo said.


  selectyeti89 said:
The auto aim can turn you around completely and it does it so fast you wont even know what happened. I hate this, thats why I only knife the last crawlers to death with no walkers.

I turned auto aim off and I still seem to aiming at zombies when I walk past them. Really annoying when I'm running my train!


This has happened to me many times in no man's land and I think I figured out the cause, If your close enough to a zombie and your standing still it will make you teleport right to the zombie and knife him (like the commando perk in MW2 but this has less range) so you were probably aiming at a zombie that was in the center of the pack when you meant to hit a zombie that was in the front.


i've experienced the teleporting thing

i call it the drag effect

have you ever tried to jump over a nova gas crawler and it draged u down

same thing

it happens especially often on wii

like when a zombie wind-mills u and it glitches up your running and kinda drags u backwards


  Superhands said:
Jugg allows you to take 5 normal zombie hits, 4 giving you a red screen.

Whaaaaaaat? For some reason it usually takes 4 hits for me to go down with Juggernog. And the red screen never even shows up so I can't tell if I'm almost dead or not. >.>


  TheSickTrickZ said:
Wow this is the first it happens to me!

Did this happen to you when you knifed?

I will stop knifing then I quess :(

Thanks for your answer :)

Actually no, each time it's happened I've been playing on FIVE, both in solo and co-op games, running past the teleporter with a bunch of zombies near it, all of a sudden I just end up in a bunch of them without kinfing or even shooting :?

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