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A Zombie Trilogy v.III [NOW IN VIDEO]

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I have talked about that with many people, most of them in this conversation, and we have ended up agreeing that that is a contradiction that is to be overlooked. I believe that the game was so early in development that they didn't have a true sense of where it was going, just like how we hear the demonic announcer on Verruckt. It is just something that must be overlooked.

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so why is Sam at FIVE? they have samples of what appears to be a mystery box as well

Well that isn't really all that controversial like the Verruckt thing imo, just getting that part out of the way. I assume that she is at FIVE because she wants to destroy everyone involved with Element 115, and the Thief was a 935 member along with the fact that the Pentagon had 115 there.

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Okay. So how about this?

Two planes are sent to Germany. One has the Marine Recon Unit of 4 people while the other has the team leader, Dempsey. Dempsey is sent first, the team is later sent, as it is backup. Dempsey arrives in Verruckt and tries to get in. The Germans see right through him, and they capture him, thinking he's a spy. When Peter sees this, he unleashes the already unstable Zombies and turns off the Power, and then his arm is bit off by a Zombie. Peter escapes, as do the guards with the captured Dempsey. Everyone else dies. The team of Marines crash land at Nacht der Untoten and find Zombies there too. The team holds off until they can make a break for Verruckt, and when they finally get to Verruckt, they see it is even worse off. They die.

[i think two planes is the only possible way Tank would've gone ahead of the others, as he otherwise would want to stick with his team.]

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I personally just don't like the idea of Tank being in a separate plane. His arrogance and cockiness, to me, shows that he either went ahead of his team or they split up and he was captured. The Germans notice him and they capture him, while the other Marines are elsewhere finding another way into the compound. When they get into the compound, Peter is either there or gone. I cannot be certain if the arm is his as there is an identical one in Der Riese. The Germans are able to leave with Dempsey, and the Marines are left to face the Zombies. I believe that it may have been an accident that they were released, or it was on purpose, and I think the Germans did it if on purpose. Regardless, those Marines then die.

As for Nacht der Untoten, there may have been another plane right behind the other Marines or one that was sent in to check the progress of the already dead Marines, and it was shot down. They fight until they can against the Zombies, perhaps the same one's as Verruckt, and they die.

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Dempsey was captured (before the Zombies broke out I believe) and then Smokey was killed, yet we still have 4 players in the game. The Haiku's prove that John was with Smokey fighting Zombies, and there are 4 players total, meaning only 5 were in the plane. So I say 5 for that plane.

In terms of the Nacht Der Untoten plane, I say 4. I am having troubles with my thoughts about whether to connect NDU and Verruckt as doing so makes things much more complicated, so I believe it is possible that the NDU incident is a completely different situation.

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Dempsey was captured (before the Zombies broke out I believe) and then Smokey was killed, yet we still have 4 players in the game. The Haiku's prove that John was with Smokey fighting Zombies, and there are 4 players total, meaning only 5 were in the plane. So I say 5 for that plane.

In terms of the Nacht Der Untoten plane, I say 4. I am having troubles with my thoughts about whether to connect NDU and Verruckt as doing so makes things much more complicated, so I believe it is possible that the NDU incident is a completely different situation.

I found your first paragraph a little confusing to read. So you think there were five in there? One being Dempsey, another John, another Smokey, and two unknown?

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Lol, BlindBusDriver.

Okay, so how about this?:

Two B17s are sent to Germany. One has part of the Marine Recon Unit of 4 people while the other has the other part of the Marine Recon Unit with 4 people plus the team leader, Dempsey. Dempsey's B17 is sent first; the other is later sent, as backup. Dempsey's B17 arrives in Verruckt, and Dempsey goes ahead of his team. The Germans at Verruckt apprehend him, thinking he's a spy. When Peter sees this, he unleashes the already unstable Zombies and turns off the Power, and then his arm is bit off by a Zombie. Peter escapes, as do the guards with the captured Dempsey. Everyone else dies. The team of Marines crash land at Nacht der Untoten and find Zombies there too. The team at Nacht fights and dies. The team at Verruckt fights and dies.

[i do think that Peter sabotaged it. It just fits well with the whole powering down thing in my opinion, which fits well with him missing his arm, which fits well with him hanging in Shi No Numa without an arm.]

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Ah ha! Okay, hang with me a moment here. I need to expound it, beautify it, and wrap it up. Please verify.

Doctor Peter McKay was a research assistant based out of Munich and an American spy of the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS. His handler, Cornelius Pernell, was stationed at an unknown location owned by Group 935, and he helped insert Dr. McKay into Der Riese. However, Dr. McKay was transferred sometime after that to Verruckt. Dr. McKay was unable to contact his superiors regularly in Verruckt, and the OSS feared that he was compromised. So the OSS sent a Marine Recon Unit to extract Dr. McKay. Two B17 airplanes were sent to Germany, each with a squad of four Marines, but the first B17 also had the team leader, Tank "The Tank" Dempsey. The first B17 arrived near Verruckt. Dempsey went ahead of his team, but he was captured by the Nazis at Verruckt, thinking him a spy. When Dr. McKay sees this, he unleashes the already unstable Zombie test subjects and turns off the Power, but when he does so a Zombie bites off his arm. He treats it medically before fleeing. Dempsey's captors also made a safe getaway, with Dempsey. The others weren't so lucky.

The other B17 crash landed in a remote field in Germany. Somehow, Zombies had risen here. The four Marines made a last stand this night, known as Nacht der Untoten, and died. The four other Marines that had arrived with Dempsey saw Verruckt was in shambles. They made their own last stand. Two of them died. The third, named Smokey, also died, and the 115 reanimated his body. John "Banana" was the fourth Marine; he claimed his friends liked to call him "Banana". He decapitated the zombified Smokey and was appalled that he kept coming. He then killed Smokey, but John's mind deteriorated due to some combination of all of the mental stress of Zombies and killing his comrade and the Element 115, which sometimes can cause paranoia. He wrote several limericks while trying to survive against the Zombies before he too died.

Btw, Tac, if you don't mind, I'd like to come back to the Manchuria SNN thing later. There's something down the road that I think will be suitable to pair with that.

Also, I think we need to discuss where Richtofen was holding his test subjects. The line "nothing to jog their memories" might suggest Call of the Dead. Logic might suggest Der Riese. Portraits might suggest Kino der Toten. The Doctor's Quarters might suggest Shi No Numa.

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In the Terminal it states that Peter was posing as a research assistant out of Munich if you want to put that in there. As for Pernell, I can't tell where he was at for sure. I have a feeling now that the "experiment" may have been the Winters Howl in Verruckt it was moved to Area 51, but that is just me. I cannot tell either way.

As for CoTD or Der Riese, I am torn. Der Riese is my first guess but CoTD is growing on me.

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Call of the Dead.

The radios with all of their update status are there. Obviously he had them there. I don't see why else his radios about their status updates are there.

He also wanted to teleport them there. "Where are we?" "A better question is when are we." "Wait Rich, you meant to take us here?" then he changes the subject "Hello! Is anyone out there? There must be a blown fuse somewhere!"

Also, the a ship made for transporting test subjects, look in the cargo crates, they have impressions for a human body and restraint straps.

Also, in the one radio he mentions them making him a sandwich, and putting ice to slow the swelling.

The ship has a **** please report this topic, post ****. And the area is covered in snow.

Also in the terminal files, Maxis keeps on saying 'Richtofen witnessed', 'Richtofen will continue observations', etc. Implying only Richtofen has experienced results first hand.

I can keep going but I find this is enough evidence.

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Well yes, there's evidence. But what about Shi No Numa? Peter ran there, yes? How was Richtofen there? I know Richtofen went all over the place, between the bases, but he wouldn't just abandon his living test subjects at Call of the Dead, now would he?

@Tac: Well, I'll change it to undisclosed location for now then.

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Well, he couldn't have gone there, I think, because he heard Peter was there. Peter was told by Cornelius, if we assume he got the message, that he needed to find Dr. Maxis or Dr. Richtofen. We know he chose Richtofen. And he went to Shi No Numa. So Peter went to Shi No Numa because he heard Richtofen was there, not the other way around. But... why was Richtofen there? Was he just routinely checking up on various bases, or is there a better explanation or none at all?

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Richtofen was at Shi No Numa because he fled there after the incident on the Moon. The war was over and soon the Soviets and Americans would pick up their scientists from Germany and begin their own projects. To avoid being another pawn he went to the Rising Sun facility in a swamp in Japan. There he gathered his thoughts and began to work on his next move.

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