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Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies Ipad/ Iphone App

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Treyarch released a new app for Zombies, this time for Black Ops. The app includes all the Cold War era weapons, Kino Der Toten and Dead Ops Arcade (Ascension "coming soon"), an all new tutorial level with Tank Dempsey, 3 difficulty levels and a whole bunch of extras. Just thought I'd let anyone who is interested know about this.

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nice. [brains] for you, pics? more info?

Ok here it is:

"Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies delivers a Zombies experience never before seen on mobile platforms, including the original Call of Duty: Black Ops map Kino der Toten, and 50 levels of Dead-Ops Arcade, with even more features, upgrades and maps to come. Gamers can play solo, or battle it out in a true multiplayer experience with up to four people using the new Voice Chat feature."


Released december 1st.

Ideaworks Game Studio and Activision

4-player multiplayer, and new voice chat.

50 levels of dead ops

Activision has also stated that further map packs will be released in near future FREE OF CHARGE

choose your character (original characters on Kino)

You have to unlock Dead Ops:

To unlock the mode you just need to hunt around in the game's many menus until you find four golden coins.

One gold coin is located in the player profile, in the bottom left panel of the screen. Just tap it to collect the coin. Another gold coin is located on the co-op multiplayer screen in the bottom right panel. Again, tap the coin. The third coin is located in the top right panel of the Extras menu. The final coin is located in the top right panel of the More Apps menu option.

"Once you've tapped all four coins you get a message saying that you've unlocked the Dead Ops Arcade mode. To play it, you just select the Dead Ops Arcade option from the map in single player mode. " - Kokatu


Main Menu:

Dead Ops opening screen:

Dead Ops gameplay:

Kino opening screen:

Kino gameplay:

note upgraded guns and power barrier:


I am on PSN and i am tyred of being second class!

Why the hack they can not release it for android as well???

i ll be so happy if the time exclusive will finish and they wont sign any othe crap like his!!!

Xbox would not have so good sales and everithing with out the deal that is for sure!


As an Xbox user I hope they do sign another exclusivity deal :lol: . BTW Iphone is owned by Apple not MS so I son't really see what that would have to do with the deal your griping about. MS has it's own mobile operating system so if this mobile deal has anything to do with Microsoft's exclusivity windows phones would have gotten the app not Iphones.


Can I just say that I am immensely jealous of the 'select character' option? I don't have the appropriate device, but it's good information to pass along.

Still... immensely jealous.


  LMW-YBC said:
I can see this so going on PS Vita! ;)

I might get an Ipod to get this and the WaW version. I was needing a better music player anyways.

Well if you're getting an Ipod, don't get the 2nd Generation because when you load the app, it won't even pass the activision screen before it crashes. Just to warn you.


I was all excited about Dead Ops, and it sucks. I drop hit the nuke button, then I die, then the nuke falls. The cosmic silverback goes for everything after rounds and will deliberately kill you. Barrels blow up and kill you in one hit and the abominable martyrs kill you from miles away. The firepower fate absolutely sucks, it's probably the worst one. It just has so many flaws it's ridiculous. And on the regular zombies I can't even figure out how to fire an automatic weapon. A little help with this please?


It crashes on my Ipad 2 every time. No Thundergun, no Raygun, no crossbow.

This is a horrible app. I hate it. This was the worst failure I have ever seen from Treyarch. I mean, God. This is the worst gaming app in a while.


  perfectlemonade said:
It crashes on my Ipad 2 every time. No Thundergun, no Raygun, no crossbow.

This is a horrible app. I hate it. This was the worst failure I have ever seen from Treyarch. I mean, God. This is the worst gaming app in a while.

At least you can play it, mine won't even pass the Activision screen before it crashes. When I'm going to buy an app, it should say: "This app will crash if you have and Ipod 2g, so don't buy it" but no, it just lets you buy it and gives you hopes about playing it and when the hour of truth comes, it crashes.


  XxJason LivesxX said:
As an Xbox user I hope they do sign another exclusivity deal :lol: . BTW Iphone is owned by Apple not MS so I son't really see what that would have to do with the deal your griping about. MS has it's own mobile operating system so if this mobile deal has anything to do with Microsoft's exclusivity windows phones would have gotten the app not Iphones.

As a PS3 player, I think that would be one of the worst ideas to happen again, us users on PC and PS3 were getting the brown end of the stick (yes that type of brown) :| any ways, it sucks for me because the only way to play this is on 3rd generation, and I have 3rd generation :facepalm: I wish they can do a update to allow 2nd generation player to play this, I want and richtofen a my pocket :cry: (no homo)

Regards Yellow-card8


Dark-colored Ops, the Zombies mini-game is just as well-known as ever. In this Dark-colored Ops Zombies Criteria, I will be unveiling some of the best techniques you can use to get to the best possible quantities in Zombies.The first factor you should know is to know the modify between Zombies and other people. Zombies are complicated to eliminate unless you take them in the head; it is very hard to eliminate a Zombie by heating it in your system, and heating it in the palms is a invest of units.

black ops zombies

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