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Perk Suggestions for Weapons in Black Ops Zombies

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Many people wonder what perks to use. Of course you will always want Juggernog.

Wunder Weapons

1. Ray Gun- With severe splash damage and a long reloading time, I suggest using PhD Flopper and Speed cola. maybe double tap if you want to mow down hordes quickly.

2. Thunder Gun- This gun is very heavy and has a small magazine capacity, though you shouldn't have to shoot it often. I reccomend stamin-up, and maybe speed cola, though not really necessary.

3. Wave Gun- Big gun, long reload time. I suggest Stamin-up and Speed cola.

4. Winter’s Howl- Small magazine capacity and long reload time. Use Speed cola with it.

5. Scavenger- As long as you keep your distance, you don't really need anything else. But just in case you get to close, you might want to use PhD flopper.

6. VR-11- Since the only thing you're going to use this for is making allies invunerable, you won't need anything else.

7. 31-79JGB 215-Once again, another big gun. Use stamin-up, and maybe speed cola.

Assault Rifles

8. AUG- Maybe speed cola if you're using it a lot.

9. Commando- Maybe speed cola if you're using it a lot.

10. Famas- Maybe speed cola if you're using it a lot.

11. FN FAL- Maybe speed cola if you're using it a lot.

12. G11- Maybe speed cola if you're using it a lot.

13. Galil- Maybe speed cola if you're using it a lot.

14. M14- Maybe speed cola if you're using it a lot.

15. M16- Maybe speed cola if you're using it a lot.

16. Launchers

17. China Lake- Stamin-Up, speed cola, and PhD flopper are a good idea for launchers. Also, consider Double Tap to speed up time between shots if you need to get a lot off quickly.

18. M72 LAW- Stamin-Up, speed cola, and PhD flopper are a good idea for launchers.


19. Ballistic Knife- Having to reload after every shot means speed cola.

Crossbow- Having to reload after every shot means speed cola. Also, PhD flopper may be a good idea if you get too close.

Sniper Rifles

20. Dragnov- Sniper rifles have a decent reload time. Also Deadshot daiquiri will be useful for getting headshots.

21. L96A1-Sniper rifles have a decent reload time. Also Deadshot daiquiri will be useful for getting headshots. Use Double Tap for a decreased bolt-pull/cock/thing


Sub machine guns have a short reload time and are very light weapons. There is no need for any perk other than Juggernog, unless you want a higher rate of fire, in which case grab some Double Tap.

22. AK-74u-

23. MP5k-

24. MP40-

25. MPL-

26. PM63- Pack a punched will definitely need deadshot.

27. Spectre-


Light machine guns do lots of damage, but have a very long reload time and are very heavy weapons.

28. HK21- Has a low rate of fire, meaning you may want to use Double tap.

29. RPK-


30. CZ75- Doesn't require any other perk.

31. Python- long reload time and small magazine capacity means speed cola.

32. CZ75 akimbo- Maybe deadshot if you need help aiming.

33. M&S- PhD flopper is a given. Maybe speed cola if you over use it.


Shotguns have low mag capacities and ling reload times. Use speed cola to get you gun reloaded and blasting zombies quicker.

34. HS-10- Pack a punched you may want deadshot for the akimbo.

35. Olympia-

36. SPAS-12- pack a punched you may want double tap for a higher rate of fire so that you can mow through hordes of zombies quicker.

37. Stakeout- Double tap will help it pump faster.

Please comment on this and let me know if it helped,or if you have any criticism, positive or negative. Thanks!

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You can use double tap on shotguns to shoot faster. I like to use it with stakeout, HS-10, Spaz 12, and Trench Gun. If you want to speed up the killing to revive somone.


  Nathan169 said:
You can use double tap on shotguns to shoot faster. I like to use it with stakeout, HS-10, Spaz 12, and Trench Gun. If you want to speed up the killing to revive somone.

I put that for the SPAZ-24 and the stakeout...


  TroubledTurkey said:
You should move this to Gameplay Discussion, if its possible. (There is already a topic in there "compaining" about topics like this being in the wrong section)

My bad, I hit new topic while I was in a different section... how do I change it?


  TroubledTurkey said:
I have no idea. Ask a mod maybe?

Oh, and Double Tap works really good with the M14, the L96A1, China Lake, and the CZ75. (Just about everything in some way XD. I love Double Tap.)

Agreed, one of my fav perks but people talk bad about it :(

Regards Yellow-card8



Light machine guns do lots of damage, but have a very long reload time and are very heavy weapons.

28. HK21- Has a low rate of fire, meaning you may want to use Double tap.

29. RPK-

I like to go with Stamin Up for LMG's, because you walk so slow with them.


I use "class" system. The first perk is always Juggernog, but for the rest:

LMG: Double Tap, Deadshot Daiquiri, Stamin Up. You will move quickly, put out your ammo at a wonderful rate, and small spread for hip-firing.

Assault Rifle/Submachine Gun: Double Tap, Speed Cola, Deadshot Daiquiri. Same as the LMG, but you'll already be moving faster and so you need to speed up reloading.

Ray Gun/Mustang Sally/Crossbow/Scavenger: Flopper (all), Speed Cola (not Sally), Double Tap (just ray)

I don't think other wonder weapons require, or even helped by, perks.

From here, its basically a mix and match depending on what you have. A Ray Gun and an LMG would probably replace Deadshot with Flopper. Ect, until you get good classes you like.

I think a big mistake many players make is using the same perks regardless of the guns they plan on using.


I have to admit that i actually use double tap on PPsh on later ROUNDS like around 26 - later. I do shoot like crazy at a large group of horde with extreme high rate of fire before they get close to me. I get whole sh*t of points after that. Thats why double tap is the best, it prevents zombies getting closer to hit you while you are shooting at them. True Story. :P


Double Tap PPSh is Freaking INSANE! Only tried it once, because it was so hard to use, I never did it again. I Do have to admit, though, It was pretty fun.


Flopper can help you with the Wunderwaffe on Call of the Dead. You can shoot it when you get enclosed (and shock yourself) without worrying about a rogue zombie's slap killing you after the splash damage.

I love Double Tap with HROF guns once the round is past 25ish, just because you can expell an entire clip of a 20-30 round clip in just a few seconds, and bring your attention back to running faster.

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