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a shot in the dark

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hi guys havent posted in a while and here is a theory i was thinking about.

The crawlers are proposedly the vril, so what if there was a zombie outbreak in 'agartha'. The vril had created the pyramid and used it for whatever they used it for i.e healing etc. If an outbreak had occured then the only way to control the affected was through the pyramid. I don't know what but something happened to the pyramid which moved it from where it was previously to where it is now, the moon. we can assume that then there was no more 'control' over the affected and they ran rampage through agartha. The germans found the crawlers and starting doing testing on them and so they now have nova gas. this seems logical as the germans wanted to test the affects of being a zombie i.e their capabilities. On the side they were getting involved with element 115, putting 1 and 1 together at one point they realised that element 115 can cause this zombie-like state. I have a theory that element 115 has the ability to control the movement of electrons, in other words control electricity at a atomic level. If they discovered this then they would start projects which use this kind of atomic precision e.g. teleporters. Remember in kino when you go through one of the electric traps; they damage you. However in the teleporter they seem to go through you without doing any harm. We know that a long encounter with element 115 turns you into a zombie (it takes long because you have bodily protection i.e sin) - if element 115 can control the electricity then perhaps it adds on something extra to the electricty (some sort of residue maybe). A fully functioning teleporter will precisely delete and recreate every atom of a person so a person from teleporter A will be deleted and then recreated at teleporter B. If its powered by 115 and is non-functioning then there will possibly be a build up of this 'residue' inside the person(therefore the reaction of turning into a zombie happens faster as there are no bodily protections).

Now after failing to create a fully functioning teleporter lots of zombies where made in the process. Put another 1 and 1 together it was possible to create soldiers which can emit nova gas to kill enemies (its one form of super soldiers). Obviosuly first you have to know how to control them. Nikola tesla was an amazing scientist who made revoluntary developments in electromagnetism and he believed it was possible to transmit electrical power without cables (he is also mentioned here are there in the stroy). If you combine this with element 115 you can perhaps control zombies (or at least there nervous system) from anywhere - this is what i believe the pyramid has the ability to do. A person within the pyramid becomes a electronic value so they don't age or anything and then they can control the zombies by sending electronic signals to zombies (without cables..i kno OMFG). A person who touches the pyramid can hear voices because there is an electronic value which now runs riot in their brain (richtofen's 'the voices'). I believe something happens to the 'pilot' in the pyramid after a while and they cannot be converted back into their regular form i.e they stay electronic values. However This also means that they can switch 'souls' because the electrical impulses that each person has in their brains can be switched around: its like having two bottles. Both have water and you can move the water around. So the water in bottle A can be removed and put it on bottle B. and vice versa. Instead of water think about electrical signals sent by the brain. You can switch the signals so that it seems richtofen is in samantha's body.

Now i have another argument, nobody knew about the pyramid at the time so they tried to control them using a similar method i.e using electricity to control their nervous system to ultimately control the zombies. With 115 this can be done as 115 can (assumingly) control electricity. But they did not have the power to actually control zombies because they lacked the ability to send electrical messages over long distances i.e other countries so you can attack. perhaps they built tower's which could do such a job (im thinking of the berlin tv tower in kino). IN kino they were doing tests on zombies so they had to build a tower as a security measure, since the outbreak happened before they could finish the place was over run.

basically, i believe that there was a zombie outbreak in agartha and i believe the pyramid has the ability to send electrical messages wirelessly (to control the zombies). Lastly, i think that 115 has a property of being able to control electricity e.g. control lightning so that it passes through your body (perfectly enough) to not damage anything (sort of like the lightning is dodging all your atoms).

Well that's my theory so far, im definitely sure that i may have misinterpreted something so i would greatly appreciate if you guys could spot that. Any thoughts?

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  perk-a-holic said:
A post this logical and well put together deserves much more attention

u being sarcastic

*puts on troll face*

but the theory behind teleporting is:

you are broken down into microparticles and sent from point A to point B were you're reput together

could you please clean up your thread a little and sum up what your saying in a conclusion area at the end of the thread


^^ thanks.

  killallzombies said:
  perk-a-holic said:
A post this logical and well put together deserves much more attention

u being sarcastic

*puts on troll face*

but the theory behind teleporting is:

you are broken down into microparticles and sent from point A to point B were you're reput together

could you please clean up your thread a little and sum up what your saying in a conclusion area at the end of the thread

will do

  • 2 weeks later...

well the vrilya are a race and every vril (person) has their own individual ideas and thoughts. It could be possible that the vril race had wars amongst one another and this eventually led to a 'undead army' of vrilya


Hmm, this is a very good theory on the nova crawlers! I see you've been thinking about outside the box lately :)

But I'm still leaning towards Richtofen brought specimens back from Shangri La and they were zombified at Griffin Station(he killed them along with natives to fill the MPD with 'souls' and Schuster buried them outside) and the others at Kino.

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