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What makes a person a "Pro"?

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Hey guys, yellow-card here,

And I had a question on my head, it was "what makes a person a pro"

Now alot of you might say "A person that revives everyone and always helps" well thats being a great team player but nothing to do with being a pro

It can't be because of the rounds they got, they might of hacked, glitched or someone else was playing for them

Also kiting doesn't make someone a pro, since your just running in circles without not much effort

Now the question remains, what makes someone a "Pro"?

Regards Yellow-card8

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I do not know if you can really find an all around zombies "pro", however my opinions, they are my own and are not in anyway meant to offend anyone and certainly are not law, are as follows:

I believe a pro must be able to keep deaths down to a minimum of 3, excluding lag related deaths. That is how many deaths you get in solo, no reason you should die much more than that if you are a pro when online. I believe a pro should be a master of kiting, able to attract as many zombies as quickly into a manageable train in almost any location. They should be able to recite all of the available weapons to you off the top of their head, and probably know the Clip size, spare clip number, Pack-a-punched name and additional effects, the location of the gun on the map, perhaps even damage and firing rate of the weapon, and maybe even the chance of pulling it out of the box at particular times (monkey bombs are more likely till someone receives them, the wonderweapon has varying probabilities, the box has certain percentages of getting the bear after a certain number of spins, ect...), they would be able to get head shots with almost any gun, and could hold a barrier closed indefinitely. They should be perfectly able to carry all three teammates for as long as the game goes on, with minimal deaths on their part due to him. A pro should also be, friendly, a good leader, polite, and should not hold grudges on players. This perfect "pro" would most likely lead in all 5 scoring categories at least 75% of the time (points, kills, revives, least downs, and head shots). He very likely would also be within at least the top 100 on every leaderboard. Perhaps even top 50 or 10.

Now I do not realistically, expect anyone to achieve this, but it should be what we strive to become, after practice and dedication, and some polite words, a few thousand of people who are at least trying to be this way, will help make all of zombies matchmaking a much better place. Realistically, anyone who even gets 1/2 of these things completely mastered, will be one of the best players out there.

These are my thoughts on the matter anyways.


Someone that can roll with whatever is going on, whether it's having no ammo on a dog wave, or only having a china lake.

Someone able to think out a plan on the fly.

Someone that is able to keep everyone alive, even if it means being reliant on his team.

Someone able to hold their ground.


Like I said, someone can have round 6, but be a total bad a on zombies, and kiting is something that almost everyone can do, but everyone is intitled to there opinion :) but some of these are actually pretty good

Regards Yellow-card8


"Pro" to me, would be able to dodge zombies like a boss, not just be able to run in circles, be able to hole down a window no matter how much zombies are behind it, and most likely have no more than 5 downs in a game. A "Pro" would know the statistics of every gun, ammo per magazine, etc. Also a great team player.


  yellow-card8 said:
Like I said, someone can have round 6, but be a total bad a on zombies, and kiting is something that almost everyone can do, but everyone is intitled to there opinion

Regards Yellow-card8

True, most half-decent players can kite. But advanced kiting i.e. running trains in really small areas, escaping dangerous situations by using cutback and drag-outs etc., can only be done by someone that has practiced and practiced and it's this type of person that I'd refer to as a 'pro'. And other things of course like low amounts of downs and high amounts of revives.

I believe that high amounts of kills are irrelevant depending on the map. Someone might claim an area that gets a lot of zombies so you might be forced to go somewhere in which you'll get a smaller amount of zombies.

A 'pro' is considerate to other players and doesn't go kill-stealing from people, so there's no reason why a huge amount of kills should reflect your level of skill. In fact having a high amount of kills all the time suggests that their teammates went down and the player wasn't skilled enough to go and revive any of them or couldn't be bothered on multiple occasions, so he ended up clutching several rounds on his own hence the high amount of kills. Although sometimes it's not possible to reveive people, especially the case in a 2 player game sometimes.


By technical definition, the person would have to earn money from zombies which would kind of make a youtuber with lots of subs getting lots of views from zombies a "pro".

However, if you are referring to a person being very capable at the game to the point where he or she would be good at every map(able to obtain round 30 on every map with ease, even Nacht) without hacking, be able to support 1 or 2 teammates who are decent, and know the chances for box, yeah, that's what I would think would be a pro.


  ghostmayhem said:
Putting "pro" in their PSN/Gamertag/Username

Yea agreed if you dont have "xxproxelitexzombiexmlgxithinkimcoolbecauseidothiscrapandreallyitisgayx HD" in your name, your not good at all.

I wish I had that name... ;)


Pro overall is someone who can sacrifice and win. Winning is staying alive, thereby creating the need for ease of survival, and that is accomplished by keeping your teammates alive while you play the objective (buy doors, survive, get points, then kill). Also, you need to keep yourself alive. Often times, you might not have the most kills, but if you have points, high revives, and no downs, all at around 30, then you are a pro.

Pro kiting can be seen through high scores in No Man's Land, or video evidence of training in small places under duress, rapidly changing spawns, erratic spawns, etc.

Pro kiter and pro player do not mix and match. A pro player is usually a pro kiter, but a pro kiter is not necessarily a pro player.


  Blamco177 said:
Someone that can roll with whatever is going on, whether it's having no ammo on a dog wave, or only having a china lake.

Someone able to think out a plan on the fly.

Someone that is able to keep everyone alive, even if it means being reliant on his team.

Someone able to hold their ground.

this is what i consider pro. someone who can survive regardless of the circumstances. The first real run I did on call of the dead, I went down at an inopportune time and teammates couldnt revive me. so i had just enough to purchase the mp40. well even though i was basically ineffective against the zombies at those higher rounds, i was able to run a big full map loop to stay alive even w/o jugg while teammates looped the lighthouse and took out most of the zombies.

its about being able to adapt, and be able to say " you guys keep doing what you're doing, dont worry about me ill just survive until we have a time where i can go get loaded up again"

thats about it. anyone can survive in perfect cirbumstances, but only pros can survive when the cards are stacked against them :mrgreen:


  birdman22 said:
  Blamco177 said:
Someone that can roll with whatever is going on, whether it's having no ammo on a dog wave, or only having a china lake.

Someone able to think out a plan on the fly.

Someone that is able to keep everyone alive, even if it means being reliant on his team.

Someone able to hold their ground.

this is what i consider pro. someone who can survive regardless of the circumstances. The first real run I did on call of the dead, I went down at an inopportune time and teammates couldnt revive me. so i had just enough to purchase the mp40. well even though i was basically ineffective against the zombies at those higher rounds, i was able to run a big full map loop to stay alive even w/o jugg while teammates looped the lighthouse and took out most of the zombies.

its about being able to adapt, and be able to say " you guys keep doing what you're doing, dont worry about me ill just survive until we have a time where i can go get loaded up again"

thats about it. anyone can survive in perfect cirbumstances, but only pros can survive when the cards are stacked against them :mrgreen:

Very good point. Another thing that I've learned from playing No Man's Land a lot, I'm comfortable running around without Jugg at whatever round. In fact I sometimes play better without Jugg cuz I'm a lot more careful. Though of course a double-hit is sometimes unavoidable so the odd down is inevitable.


(i havn't read anyone's replies,ssry)

a pro is a person that does everything you said in your OP (except glitching/hacking) they have to be smart,clever,a team player,able to get to high rounds,and all around nice


OK, let me try:

A Pro...

...doesn't steal kills.

...doesn't mess up other people's trains.

...able to survive if someone messes up his own train.

...respects if a teammate needs a toilet or box break.

...has a crawler in the end if someone says "need crawler"

...will not discuss a year, who shall open the door, but just opens it.

...announces ammo, box and maybe other drops.

...can play with a variety of guns and is not dependent of the box.

...revives you if possible, doesn't revive you if not possible.

...will rarely go down.

...announces where he is and what path his train takes, in case he got downed.

...kills the zombies fast and effective.

...will not say "no ammo", since it never happens.

...doesn't run in the astro's arms, cause he knows approximately where he is and always has an ear open.

...will always have enough pts to reorganize himself in case he goes down or goes spectating.

...communicates important stuff to the team, e.g. which landers he has ridden.

...is able even to get the russian only speaking on the teleporter.

...dumbs the hacker for a guy that actually need the hacker-bonus, and also explains him what the hacker bonus is.

...also hacks a ray gun for his teammates, especially if he already has a good setup.

...does not loose gravity, neither through excavators, nor through explosives.

...is able to use monkeys to change drops.

...can run trains even in freaky areas.

...can run trains even with dogs/george/mad george/shrieker/napalm etc.

...can camp.

...can play on his own, or with the team together.

...is not dependent of doors that need to be opened/closed.

...is able to survive in any round without jug till it's save to get it.

...will keep off the zombies off another player, that just got downed, so he can safely rebuy jug.

...never end a game in case he is host.

...never leave a game.

There is a ton more, especially minor stuff, so i just stop.

Well, but sometimes, a pro will also:

...isntantly kill the crawler because the progress is too slow.

...let you go down, cause he wants the wave gun / hacker for himself.

...revive you three times in a row while you lie in a trap, so you instantly go down again, just cause it looks funny.

...not go down to nml for jug, cause he knows, that you will anyway just go down again.

...wait till you got downed and then kill himself, cause he is bored.

...make the worst fun ever if a child is in the game.

and so on.


i like the thought of differ between pro player and pro kiter. that's pretty interesting.


Well, most of the things you said are things that a great team mate is, being a "Pro" has, really, nothing to do with team work, like what if some has no online, no internet connection? maybe he sucks at reviving people (which would be a disaster :lol: ) but I am really liking these ideas though no the less

Regards Yellow-card8


I only have 2 points to add to lots of other good ones.

A pro knows when to leave an area instinctively before really bad things happen. This could be something as simple as being stuck in the lobby in Kino and 2 players are making there way to you, one from the stage and one from the MP40. A pro is straight away heading into the alley. If teams don't cooperate and continually bring trouble onto you knowing how to escape this is pro.

Taking a down for the team - this is a tough one to explain but I have spoken about it before. Especially in 4 player games on tough or awkward maps a pro will sometimes choose to go down in the act of reviving someone if they are confident that someone else can then revive them. There are going to be times when you can't quite manage to kite all the zombies to get a safe revive. If however you pull off a revive even if the other player goes down you have just bought 30 or 45 seconds (can't remember the time exactly before bleed out) for your other teammates to get into the area and get one or both of you back up. You may lose 8 perks (COTD) but I'd rather keep all my teammates with weapons and only be able to get 4 perks for a while. Sacrifice really is sometimes good. Especially if you are on a high level on a 4 player game, it's horrible to sit out for 45 minutes or so. I really try and always ensure this doesn't happen. But you have to be totally confident in your other teammates abilities to do this.


  Tom852 said:

There is a ton more, especially minor stuff, so i just stop.

Well, but sometimes, a pro will also:

...isntantly kill the crawler because the progress is too slow.

...let you go down, cause he wants the wave gun / hacker for himself.

...revive you three times in a row while you lie in a trap, so you instantly go down again, just cause it looks funny.

...not go down to nml for jug, cause he knows, that you will anyway just go down again.

...wait till you got downed and then kill himself, cause he is bored.

...make the worst fun ever if a child is in the game.

and so on.


i like the thought of differ between pro player and pro kiter. that's pretty interesting.

Wow, never realized I was a pro. :mrgreen: except the wave gun thing, since I usually have it anyway


A pro is going to be one of those people who can keep themselves and their team alive. They should be just as good at holding down an area as they are kiting and running. They should be able to function and adapt to whatever they're given, even if being the last one up and having nothing but a China Lake. They revive if they have the chance, even if the person isn't doing that well. It's being able to adapt that makes a person a pro, not round, not score. It's part team player, part solo player. Being able to balance the two makes a person pro.


Heres just a list of things I would consider for someone to be Pro.

A Pro Is:

1) Someone who Revives People

2) Someone who can Survive (not go down)

3) Someone who can kill very quickly and efficiently.

4) Someone who doesnt Run into a dead End without an escape plan.

5) Someone who knows the Value of every perk and can improvise without Jugg when required. (Ex: Cant get to Jugg in NML, so you get another perk/Combination of Perks to survive better for a while)

6) Can use any weapon with benefit (this has limits though)

7) Makes things entertaining for spectators. Its never wrong to show of for your down-teammate's entertainment (Got really good at this having friends watching my Solo runs. Its fun to play "theatrically")

8) Someone who will steer clear of Glitchers, unless in a very casual game with a friend who is Glitching just for the fun of it (Seems overlooked. Not EVERY game of zombies is serious. I enjoy the occasional glitch game)

9) Someone who knows that George is NOT as bad as he seems, and is very easy to kill.

10) Usually remains Passive, but doesntly tolerate jackasses in games.

11) Can still play very decently while on something (For a specific type of pro lol)

12) Knows Exactly how and When to Revive.

13) Knows Exactly how and When NOT to Revive.

14) Can Kite expertly, but doesnt need to Kite if they choose not to/need to do things Mid Round.

15) Doesnt care about high rounds if they dont happen as long as the game was Legit, but still try for high rounds when they can.

16) Doesnt go around blasting away with their Wonderweapon when its not necessary/a waste (Not applyed as much to the WunderWaffe or Zap Guns, since you dont need full mobs for full benefit)

17) Knows when it IS a good idea to blast away with Wonderweapons. Could save someone's life.

18) Someone who knows how to manipulate the game to their favor when things get tough. Always have a backup plan.


  TroubledTurkey said:
Someone who knows that George is NOT as bad as he seems, and is very easy to kill.

You're right - it's never George that is the problem. If there are problems, that's because the players are causing them e.g. they won't leave him alone, everyone keeps getting stunned cuz he's mad and this of course is dangerous if you've got zombies around you.

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