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Uhm, hi. I'm an avid zombie player. At first I distasted zombies mode because I had no idea how to play. Aha but after watching other I have gained the acquired skills to be able to get to round 25 on kino by myself. Aha. Which isn't that big of a thing I realize. But it is better then getting to round five. Aha. Anyways, I want to say how amazed I am to as how you guys put things together. It seems to me the information everyone started with was slim to none. And you guys expanded the story immensely. I may be wrong on you all creating the story. But the easter egg finders, are still incredible. To say the least. I'm curious to as how you guys figure the things out that you do. Aha. It is mind boggling. So I want to say you guys are absolutely incredible. Aha. And, your dedication to this game deserves praise. So hi, I'm Austin, wanna be meh friend paweaz :)

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Yeah hey, Ill be your friend. Dont matter if you come looking for knowledge, strategy, or you just bored of the internet (but how the hell does that happen?)

So if you has questions just ask anyone in green or whatever and im sure youll get some help.

You have xbox or ps3 or wii or pc?

GT is DvS ObLiViOn


Welcome to the site! I am 115% positive you will come to enjoy everything about it here! I recommend checking out this thread if you feel like you could improve upon your zombie slaying, it may take a long time to fully understand and master all the information in there so do not give up if it does not make sense. I know I still have a lot to learn myself.

Ehjookayted's Master Zombie Guide - viewtopic.php?f=53&t=18800 - Simply a masterpiece of many great guides all put in one place. This is a strategy gold mine (or should I say 115 mine?)

Otherwise check out the sub forums in the general zombie discussion section for interesting theories on the zombies story line, which really starts to pull you in after doing the 3 major easter eggs (do them if you have not, they really are very interesting).

Or perhaps join up with one of the sites two large groups, although we in no way require anyone to ever feel forced to do so. They are not rival groups either, far from it.

TeamGrimReapers - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=15181 -

Team WunderWaffe's - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=17609 -

Both have very large thread so I recommend reading the first page or 2 and the last page or 2 to get a good gist of what both are.

Or start posting theories in the Zombie Training Facility - viewforum.php?f=66 -

Or create polls or zombie game/ map related posts and questions here - viewforum.php?f=53 - in the General Zombie Discussion area.

Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and may you walk on warm sands.


Hey! Basically whatever our two previous amazing users said up there. Whatever you're looking for, we got it! Let me know if you ever want help discussing strategy, and there are a few users out there who got the theories down so talk to them if need be! Welcome to the site man. Enjoy your stay. :)


Xbox360 attempted black ops on itouch failed. Attempted on iPad win but dissapointed. This may sound confusing but what im truly interested in is how treyarch came up with such a massive storyline for what us basically nothing more than a bonus to the main game. And how it is they developed the story. All in all its outstanding. And i dont believe treyarch will stop anytime soon. Because if they do i know some code and am willing to learn mote to create something like this. Because this add on has obvioidly provided trillions of hours of entertainment.


The story really sucks you in and you really begin to feel it if you do the major easter eggs. After doing moon, which I only intended on doing for the bonus of having all 8 perks permanently for the game, I was really drawn into the story in the maps and searching all over every map for any little hidden snippet of information. I can not tell you how many hours I spent searching Der Riese in solo looking for something, anything, that may have been missed. I know that is almost like no time to the real pro's at discovering the stories hidden elements, but to me that is very different from how I was before doing the Moon easter egg. Try doing the three major eggs, Call of the Dead (co-op), Shangri-la (painful), Moon (amazing). Keep in mind that unless it has been changed, which I am pretty sure it has not, between the 4 players of your moon game, you need to have at least 1 person with the Shangri la achievement and 1 person with the co-op call of the dead achievement. I recommend doing them both yourself anyways. The Call of The Dead one is really easy, and if I ever have the time I could probably help you get it quickly. The Shangri-la one however you NEED four players for. So good luck. I got lucky and found two really good players, and nice people, on this site in the teammate finder section, to do it with, and I am glad it is done. Maybe some day if you only need one extra person to fill in your group I could help you get that achievement too.

Anyways, do the eggs!


Do not be embarrassed. I would not recommend Shangri-la for much other than the story, and I do not play CotD much myself, however it is a good map. If you ever get the shot and feel like it is worth the purchase I recommend getting them. It is your money though so do not feel pressured. You can have tons of fun with just the Rez map pack, and Ascension is a great map.


  AustinTruax said:
I am almost embarrassed to say this, but I don't have all the maps :/ I am missing call of the dead, and shangri-la.

my friend,my friend,my new friend

i started here in july,having the wii version

the wii version ONLYhas one map,period

and i learned the story quite well

so,keep that in mind if you get discouraged bout it

enjoy your stay on CoDz


Well, welcome to the site then. You will find plenty more politeness in store for you. Even the mega legends here who make 50-100+ round runs are very nice people. Do not be afraid to ask anyone questions, although as I mentioned earlier, if it is zombie survival you need help with check out the MZG (master zombies guide by Ehjookayted) first before asking further, most users would probably refer you to that unless it is not covered properly, it is a very, very nice collection of guides on general survival, and specific map survival, and some other stuff too. It really is a great read. A little long though if you aren't prepared.


I skimmed the MZG again applaud the dedication. And I am the owner of call of the dead now. I almost want to say sadly. But that is based on I am unfamiliar with the map. The mzg is sort of difficult for me to understand. I wish it would provided a Map with points of interest. Maybe multiple maps. Like one map of kino showing weapon locations, another showing meteorite locations, another showing train locations, etc. I am better at learning visually then by someone telling me something. Just an idea. But again great job.


  MyLittleHellhound said:
Then again you should get a drink and popcorn before you even click o general zombie discussion because there's a ton of stuff that will blow your mind in there and it takes up your whole day. Trust me. I've been there.

Aha I have almost. I'm not interested enough quite yet. I want to do all the Easter eggs first. The clues in the maps would get me more interested.

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