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Can You give some advice on NML?

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OK, so I have been playing a bit of No Man's Land lately and was wondering of anyone could give me some pointers.

Also is it better if I kill the zombies faster? Because last time I took 17 min and the zombies took more shoots to kill. I looked at the top leaderboards and they usually

had 250+ kills in less than 12 min .

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Just watch Chopper's video, Dougie. Message me if you want to be sent a particular piece of the Master Zombies Guide. Also, I'm sorry it crashes your computer. :(

I've watched his video several times and have known about the ''Screen Shake'' trick for quite some time but by insticts I'll do a cut-back when I see a crowd coming at me from the front. I have been playing for 2 hours but after getting downed by the millionth double slap, I rage quitted. :cry:

you could try to find Ehjookayted's original No mans land survival guide in the moon map section, I also highly recommend SuperHands "Taking the luck out of a 90sec PaP" and watching ChopperNators Video.
I have done Super hands strategy and by far its the safest one to do.
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As Chopper basically said, practice makes perfect. Even the best players in the world stuggle with NML off the bat, I sure as hell know I did. I'd recommend just picking up tactics by watching the NML videos here on the forums and from other Youtubers, then putting it into practice. You'll find yourself getting better and better at it and as a result a lot better at zombies in general ;)

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