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Something interesting in this article....

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So a few days ago I ran into this Q and A for the new iPhone zombies on the CoD website . If you want to read it, http://community.callofduty.com/communi ... zombies-qa

Now, the most interesting part is

we're working on some interesting ideas with Treyarch and Activision on special mobile-specific content like new weapons and content made exclusively for iOS, much like the Peter's Grave Easter Egg in the Shi No Numa map, where players could dig up and use his prized Wunderwaffe

2 interesting things here actually, first off, it seems there really will be new additions, which is cool. Second, it says PETER'S wunderwaffe. Now, did the wunderwaffe not belong to Richtofen? The plot thickens....

Let me know what you think.

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I think we discussed the iOS exclusive content on the main iOS discussion page, but not that it was Peter's DG-2.

Don't forget the "Send Waffe to Berlin" note, so maybe Richtofen sent him one for testing purposes maybe? Really can't be sure, because I think once you get his DG-2, you can't get it from the box if no-one else has it (not sure on that though).

I'm just wondering who took his body and buried it, unless it was just something the developers did only to confirm that it Peter McCain was the hanging man. If that's not it, than maybe Richtofen buried him with it? Though I doubt it.

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Pretty sure they could've taken the Wunderwaffe from SNN to Der Riese, I believe they are the same.

While it does make sense that they are the same waffle there is a problem. If they did take the waffle from SNN to Der Riese then how come we do not spawn with it ? I mean if they did hang onto it one character should of spawned with at least a out of ammo waffle no ? But then again there could be more then one waffle like MurderMachineX said.

But can any thing on the iOS even really be considered cannon ? I mean the game is not developed by Treyarch and if it was cannon I think it would be on the console versions as well no ? Just kinda thinking out loud sorry.

Ether way [brains] for you good sir! May you rise on you echeladder!

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Development is still overseen by Treyarch. They would tell Ideaworks what to modify, add, remove, etc, and would have the final approval before Activision publishes it.

And it would still be considered canon. The Peter's Grave easter egg is what confirmed that the hanging man was Peter. Until than we were just guessing. What shouldn't be considered canon is alterations to the map (like Kino, and how the black portraits are missing (which was probably so they could keep the size of the app down)).

Whatever they may add to Ascension and any future maps on the iOS should be considered canon also. I'm betting we get a new radio like in iOS Der Riese, or something like Peter's Grave. I haven't turned up anything in Kino at all, and I haven't heard anything anywhere else, so something new is bound to turn up soon.

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While it does make sense that they are the same waffle there is a problem. If they did take the waffle from SNN to Der Riese then how come we do not spawn with it ?

Pretty much assuming that's for game reasons, would still be too easy then. I mean, if this were real I would assume they would bring along some weapons when they left, doesn't make sense to keep only an M1911.

Now, as to who buried him, that's confusing. Couldn't be Richtofen, why would he bury a perfectly good DG-2?

Don't forget the "Send Waffe to Berlin" note, so maybe Richtofen sent him one for testing purposes maybe?

I was under the impression that Richtofen didn't trust many people, but it's always a possibility. Also, waffe, since it means weapon, could refer to something else besides the DG-2. Another wonder weapon or... 115 perhaps?

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Pretty sure they could've taken the Wunderwaffe from SNN to Der Riese, I believe they are the same.

While it does make sense that they are the same waffle there is a problem. If they did take the waffle from SNN to Der Riese then how come we do not spawn with it ? I mean if they did hang onto it one character should of spawned with at least a out of ammo waffle no ? But then again there could be more then one waffle like MurderMachineX said.

But can any thing on the iOS even really be considered cannon ? I mean the game is not developed by Treyarch and if it was cannon I think it would be on the console versions as well no ? Just kinda thinking out loud sorry.

Ether way [brains] for you good sir! May you rise on you echeladder!

We're talking about the Wunderwaffe, not waffles :lol: sorry I'm those type of people that gets irritated when they call it the wonderwaffle, the gun deserves some respect :) but back on topic, I think they made different type of Wunderwaffes to test it out, so in Der Riese they can perfect it, and in SNN so they can test it out and have a surplus od ammo since the meteor was there

Regards Yellow-card8

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