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Zombie Suggestions

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  Tankeo said:

Time travel could never be the answer because if it was, it would have already happenned, meaning Nothing would have prompted them to go back in time. Thus, none of anything in the zombies story would have ever happened, because it had already been resolved in the future, a very long time ago...

I had thought about paradoxes, but not all theoretical physicists agree that time loops. Some think its more like a tree. With multiple branches leading in similar directions, but ultimately ending something different. So basically what I'm getting at here is that, its not the same story; but a completely new , but very similar history.

Oh, and for varieties sake, Shi No Numa is the only Black Ops or W@W map you can play. Just with slight differences.

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I have this Zombie type idea for my map idea Versallies.

They are special zombies that run really fast like the Shrieker and when they get close to a player they Explode in a attempt to kill the player, I call them Suicide Zombies.


  jmh2013 said:
and what is the horrow aspect?

Sorry for my misunderstanding

spelling error on my part, I meant Horror - the kind of stuff that makes us scared, incorporating what they did in Verruckt. Make the zombies scary in their own way.


i think you should be able to customize your own zombies, you can choose weather to have dog rounds, bosses such as the flame or screamer zombie, have ghouls, or you could not have anything and just basic zombies. because people don't like a specific enemy then some maps will be left out, while if you could customize then you can play a map how you wanted.

i would also like to choose era of weapons, for example you could have world war 2 weapons, modern weapons, futureistic weapons and you can choose to have all of them or just 1 of them.

i would like the idea which was in modern warfare 3 such as renforcements and sentries to make a more defenseable location but aslong as you dont follow the leveing system of where you have to unlock weapons to survive beucase it felt like i was restricted to getting as far as i could without being the top level.

overall as long as you follow these 3 points i will be happy :).


i suggest that zombies has a leveling system like in multiplayer in other Cod games. there should also have something like the perks in multiplayer.

A couple perks that could be in the game if u consider this

    Slight of hand: bring out weapons faster (including grenades Clay-mores and special grenades)
    Slight of hand pro: aim down sight faster
    Survivor: increase time of life after downed by 25%
    Survivor pro: crawl faster
    Cheapskate: decrease cost of weapons on the wall by 10% (not mystery box)
    Cheapskate pro:decrease cost of perks by 10%
    Carrier:increase ammo capacity by 10%
    Carrier Pro: increase amount of equipment that can be carried by 1 (grenades Clay-mores and special grenades)
    Medic: increase health regeneration speed by 25%
    Medic pro: decrease cost of Quick revive by 25% or increase effect of quick revive by 25% (in single player add 1 more buy to quick revive)
    Gambler: increase chances of getting a good gun by 25%
    Gambler Pro:Increase chances of power up drops by 15%

Mule kick also needs to be fixed because when u go down u lose your gun. maybe you could pick which gun you will lose or when you lose the go down you still have the gun you lose you just ca not use it till you buy mule kick again.

The special weapons have been taking a down slope. the VR11 was cool but it was weak it only detracted zombies for a few moments depending on your location and the "baby maker" in Shanghai la as i have heard it said but can not remember the official name was more cute than anything however it was pretty cool it was not very effective as it did not hit too many zombies.The wave gun was a good idea it may be better as two different guns instead of 1 gun but if u do separate these add more ammo i suggest twice as much as it had in black ops 1. the thunder gun, ray gun and the wunderwaffe need a return.

Players should also be able to have 5 perks instead of 4.

The world at war zombies and Black ops 1 zombies should also be in the multiplayer if u can.

A solo leader board should also be created too.

The AK-47 also should be added to the Mystery box.


  ej55gold said:
i suggest that zombies has a leveling system like in multiplayer in other Cod games. there should also have something like the perks in multiplayer.

A couple perks that could be in the game if u consider this

    Slight of hand: bring out weapons faster (including grenades Clay-mores and special grenades)
    Slight of hand pro: aim down sight faster
    Survivor: increase time of life after downed by 25%
    Survivor pro: crawl faster
    Cheapskate: decrease cost of weapons on the wall by 10% (not mystery box)
    Cheapskate pro:decrease cost of perks by 10%
    Carrier:increase ammo capacity by 10%
    Carrier Pro: increase amount of equipment that can be carried by 1 (grenades Clay-mores and special grenades)
    Medic: increase health regeneration speed by 25%
    Medic pro: decrease cost of Quick revive by 25% or increase effect of quick revive by 25% (in single player add 1 more buy to quick revive)
    Gambler: increase chances of getting a good gun by 25%
    Gambler Pro:Increase chances of power up drops by 15%

Mule kick also needs to be fixed because when u go down u lose your gun. maybe you could pick which gun you will lose or when you lose the go down you still have the gun you lose you just ca not use it till you buy mule kick again.

The special weapons have been taking a down slope. the VR11 was cool but it was weak it only detracted zombies for a few moments depending on your location and the "baby maker" in Shanghai la as i have heard it said but can not remember the official name was more cute than anything however it was pretty cool it was not very effective as it did not hit too many zombies.The wave gun was a good idea it may be better as two different guns instead of 1 gun but if u do separate these add more ammo i suggest twice as much as it had in black ops 1. the thunder gun, ray gun and the wunderwaffe need a return.

Players should also be able to have 5 perks instead of 4.

The world at war zombies and Black ops 1 zombies should also be in the multiplayer if u can.

A solo leader board should also be created too.

The AK-47 also should be added to the Mystery box.

What is everyones obsession with the wunderwaffe. Do people not know it can only kill 10 zombies at a time.


Before I begin, I want to say that in the following post, I am not intentionally trying to criticize other ideas, show dominance, and/or show any quality traits of a troll. (I used to own a pretty popular youtube account and I hate trolls as much as the next guy) I simply am voicing my opinion on various subjects regarding the next Call of Duty: Zombies. All of the zombie content I talk about solely belongs to Treyarch and its affiliates. In no way do I own anything about zombies nor do I have any confirmed information. This is simply a fan voicing my opinion and my personal suggestions and ideas for maps and zombies in the next Call of Duty.

First of all, I do want to mention that I am noob to posting on forums. I get the concept and I read stuff all the time on this site and other forums, I just don’t want any trolls getting onto me. I do own Black Ops, World at War, and Modern Warfare 3 and feel as though I have a generally good view on the zombies/survival game. Personally, and this is my opinion, I feel like after reading a lot of the posts in this thread, the zombie suggestions are just too “out there.” I’ve seen posts that have said things such as add features similar to spec ops in modern warfare 3 or add things such as starting off with being able to take three to four hits rather than the original two.

My view on taking things from Spec Ops: Everybody knows that Black Ops Zombies was a HUGE success. Treyarch obviously did something right with the game mode otherwise it wouldn’t have gotten the response that it had gotten. As I read suggestions such as “Bring the gun customization from spec ops” or “Bring the 20 (or whatever number it is) second delay between rounds from spec ops” I begin to think that these things would take away from the original zombies experience. Infinity Ward has their own way of doing things (and im not saying it’s good OR bad), so we should just leave that alone. Do they have some good ideas that would benefit zombies? Sure! But suggestions such as the above would take away from the gaming experience that is COD Zombies. Don’t you remember the moment when you first PAP’ed the M16 on Kino Der Toten and said “Holy shit man! This thing has a kick-ass grenade launcher!”? Gun customization would take moments like that away, the coolness and reality of zombies. The feel. I’m not necessarily saying take out gun customizations all together and alienating the idea, just tune it right. The second example I gave was the 20 second round delay time. I don’t know about you, but that screams multiplayer to me—something that I look to get away from when I switch discs from MW3 to Black Ops. Black Ops Zombies intentionally put the no delay time in there. It makes for a more fast paced game. I’m sure we’ve all had that moment when we’re playing and someone (or all the other 3 players) get downed near the end of a round. You manage to finish the round but you don’t know for sure whether you can get to that person and back to your loop/train spot before the next round begins. It’s a part of the challenge of zombies- the original zombies that we all came to love so much. Again, I’m not necessarily saying don’t make changes to the game of zombies, but make changes that don’t interfere with the original feel of the game. I only touched upon two of the posts I have seen that have been taken from spec ops in MW3, and there are countless more. Again, I want to reiterate that I’m not disapproving those ideas, I’m simply voicing my opinion.

My view on suggestions that take away from the game: I believe that some people don’t think about what they suggest and what it would do to the game before they share the idea. Example 1: “Make it so we can take more hits when the game begins and not get downed so easy.” Hello!? Am I the only one who sees a problem with this? This takes away the ENTIRE use of the perk Juggernog! If I’m not mistaken, what I have heard is that its the most essential perk in the game! 100% guaranteed every zombie fan out there has some major connection with Jug. It IS the 1st perk (with the exception of Quick Revive in Solo). Doing something like this would get rid of moments like: (and I know we’ve all been here) Player gets downed on a high round and teammate goes out of his way to revive him. ‘Gonna go make a run for jug’ ‘Dude, it’s the middle of a round—your gonna get your ass kicked’ *friend tries and gets downed* *teammate tries to help again, but dies* Game over *Samantha’s laugh*. Again, I’m not saying that the game should be the hardest shit you have ever played, but simple things like taking more hits without a perk make the game easier and—you guessed it—take away from the originality of the game. So when you think of suggestions similar to this one, please consider asking yourself “Does this intentionally make the game easier? If so, am I counter-acting this benefit I’m receiving with a challenge?” Again, (I know if you have read this post up this point this will sound repetitive, I apologize) I am not disapproving other people’s ideas, I am simply voicing my opinion and mean no negativity to the person and their suggestions.

So much negative, how about some positive? I have seen a REMARKABLE amount of amazing and creative feedback from the fan community and I absolutely love some of the ideas that I have read! (Topping it off is the Schoolyard map idea) I really appreciate that Treyarch listens to the community as much as it does otherwise I probably wouldn’t even be writing this post. There are certain ideas that I really do like a lot such as: being able to PAP twice, perk ideas like Retain Soda, Sweet Switch, Stopping Power, etc, new easter eggs, character choice (**not character customization**), new types of zombies, new guns, new wonder weapons like the Partializer and the Flamethrower one (although I do feel like this could become overpowered), and the list goes on. The amount of amazing ideas I have read is crazy and I see myself playing the new zombies almost 24/7.

To wrap up, I apologize if I offended anybody or their suggestion in any way, shape or form. I only meant to voice my opinion and hopefully get the best out of the upcoming game so we as a community can enjoy it as a whole. I am working on a list of things new I would like to see as well as a list of things I would like to see return. And I am working on a map idea that will include everything from characters to easter eggs to even achievements/trophies. Thanks for letting me post and I’d love to hear whether anyone agrees or disagrees with what I have said. Black Ops Zombies Fall 2012 can’t wait! :D


Here's what I think they should do in the next installment of zombies.

1. Host migration is something that NEEDS to be addressed and implemented, I know that everyone has either had someone who's left mid game, or been the host and had to leave mid game.

2. Stop putting in stupid perks like dead shot. I never really used the perk, it's not something that I think is very useful. When they think of perks I want something more game changing and useful then just auto targeting to the head.

3. A ranking system, but before you skip over this I think I have a way to make it work for everyone. I like the idea of having a ranking system that can somehow change zombies. I want 2 different 'game types' of zombies, classic and ranked. In classic zombies it's going to be like how it's always been, you start with a pistol and progress like you always have for the hardcore zombies player. But ranked zombies is for the more casual or just wanting to have fun zombies player. In ranked zombies you rank up by doing different challenges, at the end of your game you could reach say rank 5, so then for your next game you can start the game with a different gun instead of a pistol (eg. Starting the game with a Thompson) in this ranked or fun playing mode you can also customize what zombies are in the map and just do the fun things you want to do.

Suggestions or edits would be nice and helpful. Really looking foward to the next zombies !


This is what i think about Zombies for the next game

first if there should be a ranking system in zombies you should also have titles and emblems just like multiplayer ( eg. [survivor II: Kill 1000 zombies in a game] Reward: Title [ The Survivor ] ) this would be awesome for Zombies.

Also another thing that there should be in zombies is join in progress. the one reason that this should be in zombies is because many people backout during a game therefore causing the game to end. but if you could be able to join in progress people could stay playing for hours.

but not many people would like to join in progress the way this could be settled is if you could choose to join in progress or find a game that hasn't started yet. this would make people join in the middle of a game and not if they don't want to.

But the one thing that many people would like to see is a type of forge mode for zombies where you could just create a map of your own, kind of like in the Halo games. for some people this would sound hard but in fact it could be quite easy. this should be the way to start off creating a map.

1.) you choose a sky and ground (eg. you choose the sky from Verruct and the ground from Nacht Der Untoten)

2.) Press Y,Triangle,or E in PC to open up the inventory. with this you could be able to spawn and place any item like a wall examples of the names are [Large Wall Kino] or [Juggernaut machine]

also for the Zombies forge mode you should be able to make it private or open to friends that way you wont have to do everything yourself.

one thing that i thought of while playing BO is different game modes for zombies "Classic" which you could tell by the name what it is, and another which is "Abomination" this is basically like Gears of War Beast Mode you are the zombies and you can change what type of zombie you are from the regular zombies to the space Zombie or Gorge Romero.


Your ideas are all good, but there is one thing which must be in the game:

Host migration

Also it would be cool to save a game, so for example that you can pause the game at round 30 and then the next you invite the players again and continiue at round 30.


Okay so my ideas on the next zombies map are quite relevant to the story line.

Now as we know Samantha and Richtofen switched souls but! Samantha wants her body back and revenge. so this states that zombies will continue on earth! why

Well if you notice when the 3 mistles hit earth they did not completely destroy it only half of it

so my guess is that it will continue in a post apocaliptic map Set in the US stating that there will be time travel then again taking us later on from the DC base to Paris Before the destruction of earth. now!

think of this the Enticatherical mechanism at least thats what I heard richtofen say in moon that will be in France which enhances the 115 in the golden rod and the moon - earth teleportation.

so next map should be

DC. Military base and Paris - and the parisian catacombs within the map

you guys try and find the rest of the story


Maybe you people that have Zombies on pc, or know how to customize zombie maps on pc, should try to make their map that they think would be a cool map and then post it here ;)

The school Yard Map idea.

DC. Military base and Paris - and the parisian catacombs within the map

And then post the videos of them here for all to see :)


What about a Zombie-Masacre-Mode?

I´d really like just to kill them without mentioning problems like growing strenght of them...

So you would just choose a Round eg. 8 where the heath of the Zombies is set to a specific amount and then you can kill as many as you like

the weapons and so on are like normal

so you have to buy them and your ammo is getting lower...

but you can just finish zombies off and try weapons in this mode


I can sum up the most posted things on this topic :P :

PPsh 41 - nearly every post treyarch :P

non leaderboard mode (i.e.people could join in)/private mode settings

customisable modes (I for one could see above idea being mixed with this...)

map editor... come on you didn't make the last one :( (especially liked the forge mode / map editors for consoles posted by oBearz)

More of a WaW feel

dedicated servers/host migration

save games on solo

ranks/titles and emblems/ black ops style emblems

pro perks - brilliant :P but keep it in single games, i.e. reward players who survive without getting downed.


  Shoreyo said:
More of a WaW feel

Absolutely not. So much no on this, can't even describe how much no on this. It makes me shaking, rrrrr. Those 2-3 wood and concrete textures? NML, Verruckt and Kino revealed? Another X maps with zero interactivity, all looking the same? So much no.

However, feel is a wide word. More creepiness and stuff, that would all be good for me. But please no Verruckt or Kino or so revealed. I like the versatility (starting from whatever and environment via interactivity up to no gravity) of the new maps, and I hope it goes on like this.


Okay i'm going to let it all out right now. What i thinks should be in the next zombs game. 1: A new machine - Double punch. Cost= 4500 points. Effect= Adds dual wield attachment to any gun. (Yes I know what the Tokyo&Rose was like, but imagine the ray gun.) But some that would be inpossible to do like lmgs, the gun will try to go in, but it will jam, break ( breaking the machine too.) And the machine will teleport somewhere random. 2. Second and third pack-a-punch. The names would be own-a-punch and pwn-a-punch. For example, hades-pluto with range of a smg and extreme damage. Pluto- death and dispair. Accurate dual wield 8 barrel speed reload shotguns. >:D You would also have to do mini-easter-eggy stuff to get to them. There should also be ranking up systems that would pair you up with similer skill players. ( Some pro 50+ rounder wouldn't have to play with a guy that still has the olympia and m14 by round 10.) And there should be a map that is 3x larger than say cotd, but another map that is small like kino with optional tutorial to all new zombies players. But finally, there shouldn't be freakin cod elite incorperated with zombies. I means seriously. Who pays 60 bucks a year for stuff you don't even need. Forget codz and elite together.



In the next zombies some map ideas I had were..

a level where your in a CONCENTRATION CAMP and since Germany stills denies camps being for jews the story line could say they were really where they would burn gas and kill and exterminate zombies test subjects or zombies in general instead and things like that and the burning and gas rooms can be trap rooms it would be so sweet...

another idea I had was maybe in EGYPT AT THE GREAT PYRAMID start outside while in a sandstorm, surrounded by an abandoned nazi camp that was ready to excavate the pyramid (a jeep and its headlights on, a camp, tent, things in that nature) and work your way into the pyramid you'll need torches until you get to the power and theres a theory that pyramids generated power like a microwave inside it, maybe a mummy boss or just mummy zombies and some rag head zombies and there could be a bunch of chambers a mummification chamber, treasure chamber, coven chamber and so on....

i also think it would be cool since they did the mythical city of shangri la they should do ATLANTIS, they could travel really far back in time right after it flooded maybe??? and then the island of atlantis is half resurfaced a little after the flood. And by the way it is a circular island almost like a bullseye of circles, your on the main middle island and there could be monumental architecture half under water everything drenched, seaweed infested ruins, fish and crustaceans dead from being out of the water (and no there not the zombies) zombies can be the Atlantans who drowned and your only on the main island, u start outside and work your way into a huge sanctuary all on the same little middle island maybe the sanctuary goes deep down into the ground the deeper you go the more flooded? as you look around when you start the view could be half submerged atlantis really beautiful and cool. maybe throw in a sea monster for an easter egg or something that you see from a distance or see it swims around the island.... also atlantis could connect into the story good it has ties to aliens illuminati and nazis.

Other levels I thought sounded good from others were Paris Catacombs and USS Eldridge where the philadelphia project took place (props go to o0MatrixDestroyer0o for that one)




In the next zombies some map ideas I had were..

a level where your in a CONCENTRATION CAMP and since Germany stills denies camps being for jews the story line could say they were really where they would burn gas and kill and exterminate zombies test subjects or zombies in general instead and things like that and the burning and gas rooms can be trap rooms it would be so sweet...

another idea I had was maybe in EGYPT AT THE GREAT PYRAMID start outside while in a sandstorm, surrounded by an abandoned nazi camp that was ready to excavate the pyramid (a jeep and its headlights on, a camp, tent, things in that nature) and work your way into the pyramid you'll need torches until you get to the power and theres a theory that pyramids generated power like a microwave inside it, maybe a mummy boss or just mummy zombies and some rag head zombies and there could be a bunch of chambers a mummification chamber, treasure chamber, coven chamber and so on....

i also think it would be cool since they did the mythical city of shangri la they should do ATLANTIS, they could travel really far back in time right after it flooded maybe??? and then the island of atlantis is half resurfaced a little after the flood. And by the way it is a circular island almost like a bullseye of circles, your on the main middle island and there could be monumental architecture half under water everything drenched, seaweed infested ruins, fish and crustaceans dead from being out of the water (and no there not the zombies) zombies can be the Atlantans who drowned and your only on the main island, u start outside and work your way into a huge sanctuary all on the same little middle island maybe the sanctuary goes deep down into the ground the deeper you go the more flooded? as you look around when you start the view could be half submerged atlantis really beautiful and cool. maybe throw in a sea monster for an easter egg or something that you see from a distance or see it swims around the island.... also atlantis could connect into the story good it has ties to aliens illuminati and nazis.

Other levels I thought sounded good from others were Paris Catacombs and USS Eldridge where the philadelphia project took place (props go to o0MatrixDestroyer0o for that one)



If this is the list then I will add my contribution of what I've written that I hold to the highest value,

Gun Fusions: Fuse two guns to vreate a new one, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBYPOiga4og

Gun Breeding: Breed two guns via teleportation creating a single gun with the average properties of the two. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlqA4q75LOQ

Buildable Defences: Fortify a building as your home base to defend. Examples on page 23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VarcFns7SCY

Daylight and Midnight rounds: Daylight opens up a larger map and provides the break to load up, hunt, build complete "easter eggs" etc. Description on page 21 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VarcFns7SCY

Gameplay objectives (not "easter eggs"): A number of objectives or challenges could be implemented; these are optional and show themselves throughout the course of the game. The reward provides incentive to complete them; however there is no penalty if they are not attempted. Examples on page 26 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VarcFns7SCY

Map: "Banjawarn", set on Banjawarn station, scene of doomsday cult and supposed meteorite impact, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBZ0s1rKkrk


  thegrix said:
  MrRoflWaffles said:
Never, ever give zombies access to ranged attacks e.g. guns. Survival mode is god-awful.

Yes yes yes. I really hope they didn't contemplate that. I think we are safe though...

throw back granades maybe.

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