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How and Why The Charecters got from map to map

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I have a theroy how the charecters got from map to map. using facts from the backstory and my own personal theroies. here we go

Sometime in late 1945 a group of 4 Marines is flying over Germany when they crash land by a abondoned house which is not so abonondend. They quickly meet there new neighbors. The Nazi Zombies. and begin there fight. after surviving the outbreak at NDT. they make there way to Verruckt. encountering the vicious creatures again. this time they have the help of the Perk a Colas. however the zombies are too much, as they kill all 4 marines.

This brings us to our crew, Richtofen takes his Super Soldiers to SNN to recover his prized Wunderwaffe DG-2, However they encounter more then they bargain for as the Zombies at the SNN Facility put up a valient fight, however our crew escapes back to Der Reise, where they find the Group 935 has been overrun by the Nazi's secret soldiers. they use Richtofen's Monkey Bomb, the DG-2 and the Perk a Colas in there fight, however when they began to be overrun, they backed up into a teleporter and Richtofen fired the DG-2 which caused the teleporter to overload and teleport the crew to Kino Der Toten,

Meanwhile in the Pentagon, Kennedy, McNamara, Nixon and Castro are having a meeting about the Missile Crises when Zombies attack the Pentagon, The President who had been in a unknown Zombie Outbreak on Pelieu leads the team as Samantha torments them for messing with Daddy's Genius, sending the Weapon stealing Pentagon Thief after them, the Politcians put up a surprisingly good fight and escape alive.

meanwhile at Kino the crew adjusts to there new weaponry and surrondings and old enemies, as they pick up where they left off, mashing through Zombies and sending them back to 1946 as Dempsey might say. they spend 2 months at Kino before finally escaping, Eventually finding there way to Ascension via a Lunar Lender, the colorless cosmodrome perplexes the crew, however soon it will be revealed that Richtofen has more devious motives. as they make there way through the Cosmodrome, Dr.Gersh creator of the Gersh Device asks there help for escape from the Kassimiar Mechanisim, Once they free Gersh from the Mechanisim things turn wierd, the Mechanisim swallows them up but instead of trapping them, teleports them to a abononded Soviet facility in Siberia in the year 2011, which is what Richtofen wants, this is where George Romero is making his next blockbuster and searching for the secrets of Element 115. A 1960s Zombie Flick starring Sarah Michelle Gellar. Robert Englund, Danny Trejo and Michael Rooker, Richtofen's presence sends Samantha crazy and she attacks the unsuspecting actors with her zombie horde, the actors prove to be valiant fighters, fighting off the Zombies and Zombified George. they find Richtofen and crew locked in a closet under the lighthouse, Richtofen asks them to perform several tasks before revealing his true motives, he wishes to retrieve the Vrill Generator (aka the Golden Rod) and enlists the actors help, they do as told, and Richtofen and crew are teleported out to paradise, now with Rod in tow. but not before Edward gives the actors his prized Wunderwaffe DG-2 knowing he won't need it anymore.

Once in Shangri-La Richtofen and crew figure out there Jungle surrondings and there new foes in Fire and Scream. they eventually encounter the 31-79jgb215. a shrink ray, they travel back in time by activating the eclipse. finding two trapped men named Brock and Gary. they work to help them, performing mind blowing tasks, using the Shrink Ray and other tools such as the Exotic Spikemores. eventually they free Brock and Gary and Richtofen finds his true desire, the Focusing Stone, a large metorite of Element 115 shrunk to carrying form by the 31-79jgb215. however this angers Samantha, who unleashes a deadly storm on the Temple, which destroys it. however our crew escapes, finding there way to Area 51 a secret American facility where Richtofen's ultimate plan will begin to cement itself, they find the place overrun with Zombies. and make there way to the teleporter which sends them to Griffin Station, a moon base found by Richtofen in the late 1930's. they find the tools at there disposal, the Wave Gun, the QED's and the returning Gersh's, as the unsuspecting Super Soldiers (well kinda suspecting of something suspiscious) help Richtofen complete his grand scheme. they work to open up the Pyramid in the power room, which is actually the MDT, ancient device which controls the Zombies, inside is the demonic little girl Samantha Maxis. after a little more work, Richtofen puts the Rod in the MDT and his masterplan to control the Zombies himself is realized as he switches souls with Samantha, who know has to pick up a gun and fight Zombies herself. Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Sam then try to stop Richtofen, finding help in Samanthas dead father Ludwig, who's spirit resides in the base apparantly. after playing one more game of Simon Says, Maxis's ultimate plan is unleashed, and three rockets head straight for the Earth, destroying alot of it, and probaly killing most of human civilization. a plan to limit Richtofen's control of the Zombies to the remaining ones on Area 51 and the Moon, our heros sit, begrudging, stuck with there new found fates or body switching and being trapped to the Moon and No Man's Land.

our story ends here now, but will a new chapter be written? who knows.

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Really good stuff, brains. Question though: why is this in the Asylum? I feel like this is a solid research facility post, plus with stuff like this, people don't really check the asylum, so you'll probably have a better chance of getting views in General Discussion or Research Facility. :D


Reposting this, origionaly was in the Asylum

I have a theroy how the charecters got from map to map. using facts from the backstory and my own personal theroies. here we go

Sometime in late 1945 a group of 4 Marines is flying over Germany when they crash land by a abondoned house which is not so abonondend. They quickly meet there new neighbors. The Nazi Zombies. and begin there fight. after surviving the outbreak at NDT. they make there way to Verruckt. encountering the vicious creatures again. this time they have the help of the Perk a Colas. however the zombies are too much, as they kill all 4 marines.

This brings us to our crew, Richtofen takes his Super Soldiers to SNN to recover his prized Wunderwaffe DG-2, However they encounter more then they bargain for as the Zombies at the SNN Facility put up a valient fight, however our crew escapes back to Der Reise, where they find the Group 935 has been overrun by the Nazi's secret soldiers. they use Richtofen's Monkey Bomb, the DG-2 and the Perk a Colas in there fight, however when they began to be overrun, they backed up into a teleporter and Richtofen fired the DG-2 which caused the teleporter to overload and teleport the crew to Kino Der Toten,

Meanwhile in the Pentagon, Kennedy, McNamara, Nixon and Castro are having a meeting about the Missile Crises when Zombies attack the Pentagon, The President who had been in a unknown Zombie Outbreak on Pelieu leads the team as Samantha torments them for messing with Daddy's Genius, sending the Weapon stealing Pentagon Thief after them, the Politcians put up a surprisingly good fight and escape alive.

meanwhile at Kino the crew adjusts to there new weaponry and surrondings and old enemies, as they pick up where they left off, mashing through Zombies and sending them back to 1946 as Dempsey might say. they spend 2 months at Kino before finally escaping, Eventually finding there way to Ascension via a Lunar Lender, the colorless cosmodrome perplexes the crew, however soon it will be revealed that Richtofen has more devious motives. as they make there way through the Cosmodrome, Dr.Gersh creator of the Gersh Device asks there help for escape from the Kassimiar Mechanisim, Once they free Gersh from the Mechanisim things turn wierd, the Mechanisim swallows them up but instead of trapping them, teleports them to a abononded Soviet facility in Siberia in the year 2011, which is what Richtofen wants, this is where George Romero is making his next blockbuster and searching for the secrets of Element 115. A 1960s Zombie Flick starring Sarah Michelle Gellar. Robert Englund, Danny Trejo and Michael Rooker, Richtofen's presence sends Samantha crazy and she attacks the unsuspecting actors with her zombie horde, the actors prove to be valiant fighters, fighting off the Zombies and Zombified George. they find Richtofen and crew locked in a closet under the lighthouse, Richtofen asks them to perform several tasks before revealing his true motives, he wishes to retrieve the Vrill Generator (aka the Golden Rod) and enlists the actors help, they do as told, and Richtofen and crew are teleported out to paradise, now with Rod in tow. but not before Edward gives the actors his prized Wunderwaffe DG-2 knowing he won't need it anymore.

Once in Shangri-La Richtofen and crew figure out there Jungle surrondings and there new foes in Fire and Scream. they eventually encounter the 31-79jgb215. a shrink ray, they travel back in time by activating the eclipse. finding two trapped men named Brock and Gary. they work to help them, performing mind blowing tasks, using the Shrink Ray and other tools such as the Exotic Spikemores. eventually they free Brock and Gary and Richtofen finds his true desire, the Focusing Stone, a large metorite of Element 115 shrunk to carrying form by the 31-79jgb215. however this angers Samantha, who unleashes a deadly storm on the Temple, which destroys it. however our crew escapes, finding there way to Area 51 a secret American facility where Richtofen's ultimate plan will begin to cement itself, they find the place overrun with Zombies. and make there way to the teleporter which sends them to Griffin Station, a moon base found by Richtofen in the late 1930's. they find the tools at there disposal, the Wave Gun, the QED's and the returning Gersh's, as the unsuspecting Super Soldiers (well kinda suspecting of something suspiscious) help Richtofen complete his grand scheme. they work to open up the Pyramid in the power room, which is actually the MDT, ancient device which controls the Zombies, inside is the demonic little girl Samantha Maxis. after a little more work, Richtofen puts the Rod in the MDT and his masterplan to control the Zombies himself is realized as he switches souls with Samantha, who know has to pick up a gun and fight Zombies herself. Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Sam then try to stop Richtofen, finding help in Samanthas dead father Ludwig, who's spirit resides in the base apparantly. after playing one more game of Simon Says, Maxis's ultimate plan is unleashed, and three rockets head straight for the Earth, destroying alot of it, and probaly killing most of human civilization. a plan to limit Richtofen's control of the Zombies to the remaining ones on Area 51 and the Moon, our heros sit, begrudging, stuck with there new found fates or body switching and being trapped to the Moon and No Man's Land.

our story ends here now, but will a new chapter be written? who knows.


I personally disagree with the beginning.

I think that there were eight...

Four had stayed to make a bunker/base after the crash.

The other four, with their leader Tank, had gone off to find help.

Then at Verruckt, the four marines held off, but three didn't make it, and Richtofen (who was there at the outbreak) knocked Tank out. They then moved to a more secure location, along with the Russian prisoner, and the Japanese prisoner, and began tests.

I find that more plausible, but that's just me.


  TheOnlyShapeshifter said:
I personally disagree with the beginning.

I think that there were eight...

Four had stayed to make a bunker/base after the crash.

The other four, with their leader Tank, had gone off to find help.

Then at Verruckt, the four marines held off, but three didn't make it, and Richtofen (who was there at the outbreak) knocked Tank out. They then moved to a more secure location, along with the Russian prisoner, and the Japanese prisoner, and began tests.

I find that more plausible, but that's just me.

Well I personaly don't believe Tank was one of the marines at Verruckt. but that's just me. but no one really knows

  TheOnlyShapeshifter said:
By the way, no need to repost.

That just clutters the forum with senseless topics, so yeah.

Please refer to the "Spam" section of the forum rules, here.

I just wanted people to read it, sorry.


  TheZombieChicklet said:
Well I personally don't believe Tank was one of the marines at Verruckt. but that's just me. but no one really knows

It's been confirmed that Tank led the attack at Verruckt


  ImAnEagle said:
  TheZombieChicklet said:
Well I personally don't believe Tank was one of the marines at Verruckt. but that's just me. but no one really knows

It's been confirmed that Tank led the attack at Verruckt

Lol, that's true too.

It was in the terminal at the start menu of Black Ops.


  TheOnlyShapeshifter said:
  ImAnEagle said:
  TheZombieChicklet said:
Well I personally don't believe Tank was one of the marines at Verruckt. but that's just me. but no one really knows

It's been confirmed that Tank led the attack at Verruckt

Lol, that's true too.

It was in the terminal at the start menu of Black Ops.


well im stupid. I never knew that, never did too much with that thing. So 8 Marines then.

Im still contiplating about Ascension, however as I wrote, I think RIchtofen knew the Mechinisim would send him where he needed to go, hence the travel to Ascension

How they got there, im still contiplating, another simalar facility where they stole a lander is what im thinking.

  • 2 weeks later...

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