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***The Complete Solo Zombies Survival Guide***


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Update to the zombie count section coming at some point; props to DuckCall00 for taking the time to do these workings-out, but upon testing I've found the results to be inaccurate, pretty much getting more and more inaccurate as the rounds get higher.


Yeah I was talking with him about it last night on Steam actually. I was doing a group count on my Kino game last night, so I've got exact group counts from rounds 50-85. Think I'll do a quick 100 on Ascension at some point for the sake of getting an accurate group count. I won't bother counting every single zombie as it's not important information, it's a lot easier to just count how many full groups you've taken out and try to save a zombie from the last group ;)


Did you happen to record any of the 66 solo game on Nacht? I just don't know how anyone could run that train for 66 rounds without getting downed, saying there's no jug.


err... anyone else notice on ascension that he said "Don't buy any perks untill after the first monkey round"? Obviously he meant any other perks than revive, but it did sound kind of funny :D


  piepwns said:
err... anyone else notice on ascension that he said "Don't buy any perks untill after the first monkey round"? Obviously he meant any other perks than revive, but it did sound kind of funny :D

Obviously you were skimming and missed the part where we already bought Juggernog :lol: So, not even QR until after the monkeys, as you shouldn't need it ;) Not to mention I talked about these 2 perks in the same paragraph :P


Made some pretty big changes to the starting strategy on Moon after a little experimentation, check the Starting on No Man’s Land and Starting area – if you just got Juggernog sections ;)


This is a-may-za-zing! There’s a couple of little things I do that I would like to throw out there:

1. I like to shoot zombies 5 times and then knife during round one, but always save at least a clip for max ammo. It gets you more points and knifing twice isn’t that hard with practice and full barriers.

2. If you get a max ammo you should, with a decent amount of experience, be able to get through round 3 without buying a weapon. Shoot each zombie 8 times and knife once (maybe twice). You will be pushed back and have to buy your doors as you go, but if you do it right then maybe with a little bit of luck and maybe a double points thrown in, You can get your goal without having to buy an smg (I.E. skipping the Mp-40 and going straight to the bowie knife on Kino). To shoot with the M1911 better, release the controller with your right hand and tap the shoot button with your finger (that may just be for lefties. I am a leftie).

3. Keep your M1911 even if you don’t intend to get the M&S because there is no flopper. shoot it willy-nilly at the zombies to gain points while knifing. This is also good with other small pistols and wall weapons.

4. On Kino with the bowie knife, I think it's easier to run the map laps then it is to do the suggested loop until round 10. The zombies come at you easier for you to knife them and you don't have to worry about the horde as much. I have the same idea with moon. with the bowie knife insta-killing running around the rock outside is better then the loop in the bio-dome.

5. On moon, going back to area 51 makes things a lot easier if you have the bowie knife. Every time you go back to area 51 the zombies health resets. If you have the bowie knife you can insta-kill for about a minute. This gives you about 5000 extra points which is in rounds 10ish a big deal and can help you get your perks and pack-a-punches quicker. It also constitutes somewhat of a bragging right for the less practiced players. You get a "Saturated point gain". ("Yeah maybe I only did get to round 15, but I get more points than Willy who gets all the way to 24!!")

That’s my 2 cents and copyright-shmopyright I give Superhands permission to use anything in this post if he wants to.

A question though: Can you roll out a list of world records on the maps? That would be sweet.

Another question: What were your ideas for certain maps when you mention mule kick if you don’t have mule kick? If your X-box isn’t connected to the internet then even if you have had it before mule kick doesn't show up. I live out in the country where the only internet I get is through a smart phone hookup to a computer and that won't connect to my X-box. :x


Thanks monkey, some very good points you make there.

I personally don't like to buy SMGs in the early rounds at all and would rather save for the Bowie/Sickle, but that's an option for more advanced players ;)

  Arussianmonkey said:
A question though: Can you roll out a list of world records on the maps? That would be sweet.


  Arussianmonkey said:
Another question: What were your ideas for certain maps when you mention mule kick if you don’t have mule kick? If your X-box isn’t connected to the internet then even if you have had it before mule kick doesn't show up. I live out in the country where the only internet I get is through a smart phone hookup to a computer and that won't connect to my X-box. :x

In these cases I'd just say use your initiative and do away with whatever weapon you feel you don't need. For example, on Der Riese, we buy Mule Kick at round 30 and get the Thompson as our point-builder for the traps. If you don't hav access to Mule Kick you can just replace the Wunderwaffe with the Thompson as you don't strictly need it, whereas you need the Thompson to farm for the traps and the Ray Gun to get rid of Hellhounds.

On FIVE, you can do away with the M&S and instead start a Claymore pile next to Juggernog and simply let the thief run over it to kill him rather than using the M&S on him, works at whatever round as his health caps at round 30 or so. As long as you don't go down or don't lead the zombies into the doorway, the pile will remain undisturbed.

As for COTD, I guess the VR-11 isn't strictly necessary, it's just nice to be able to make George go away when you don't want him around.


Sorry for being a little inpatience, but how is it going with your new strategy for Kino?

Great guide so far, and I still need to read a lot :P But it will come :)

And with this strategies I will set some scores soon :)

Thanks and keep it up!


  HermesWings said:
Found this when I googled the ultimate solo guide for zombies. This is great. Will start reading tonight for sure, won't finish? Probably. ;)

WOW!! Jolly good show Superhands!! You reached out to this soul and got them to join our family! Now I'm definatly giving you [brains]

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Awesome, man. I've subscribed to your youtube, I think you should atart doing a rounds 1-20 strategy guide/ gameplay commentary for all the maps, might be a good idea.

  • 3 weeks later...


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