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  CoDzOmBIeZ said:
:) hey i missed you guys. Any news on new zombies?

I was here when black ops released we where discussing the map packs and when the Moon map was going to get released i left, because i got tired of Xbox having the DLC first so it kind of got boring for me, because i am a ps3 user. I remember the World At War DLC discussions here it was fun, because they released it the same day for everyone we would gather people and go easter egg hunting then the exclusive stuff came out and only Xbox user would gather and hunt for easter eggs and they would find all of them and when the DLC released for the rest of the people they had found all the stuff lol.


ok well here is what happened while you were gone: For a short (but extremely awesome) time, the off topic part of the site was taking over by ponies. It was quite awesome. The new thing now seems to be K-pop, which is also quite awesome. Fausty became are CM, (community manager) and Gunman and Alpha became admins. Carbon is not as active as he used to be because he is super duper busy with stuff, so Gunman is like the main admin now.

Ehjookayted became a PS3 Ambassador (in record time I believe) and wrote pure awesomeness A.K.A. the Masters Zombies Guide. There were many epic and confusing theory's written, so confusing that I needed to take a aspen after reading one of Ehjookayted threads. I got into a fight with Superhands over the hacker being water proof (AND IT IS NOT!) and a flying dragon dog kidnapped Yellow-card. I think they got married in China, but I am not 100% sure on that. Four new characters were introduced in Homestuck and Roxy is by far the best!

The Juggernog and Speed Cola machine became a tag team in the WWE and are the current Tag Team champions! Minecraft 1.1 came out and punch bows are quite useful for keeping creepers away. BlindBusDrivr got into a fist fight with a GIANT PICKLE and won! But to be fair he did fight dirty! Killallzombies wrote a theory that I still think sounds a lot like a porno and MegaAfroMan just won the taco of the year reward! Congratz on that by the way!

MixMasterNut died sadly... BUT HE CAME BACK TO LIFE AS A DOLPHIN! How he still mange's to play zombies so well underwater is beyond me. TroubledTurkey joined the band: "THE SUPER AWESOME PIE EATING CHICKENS FROM SPACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" There newest album: "I LIKE SPACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" has sold over 413.115 million records world wide.

Oh and I am i am richtofen! Nice to meet you darling!


Welcome back mate, think we've met before not sure though.

  i am richtofen said:
I got into a fight with Superhands over the hacker being water proof (AND IT IS NOT!) and a flying dragon dog kidnapped Yellow-card.

And this I still hate you for :twisted: :lol: Na just kidding

As for changes to the site... strategy has become a huge part of the site thanks to the likes of myself, Ehjookayted, Tom, Chopper and others and even got a strategy and gameplay section pushed in, thanks to Covert for that ;)


Well, welcome back! It's good to know our other users have caught you up with what's been going on; they even mentioned my name! Thanks for that guys :D

Pretty much everything they said, but let me know if you want anything. Enjoy your stay, again. 8-)


  Ehjookayted said:
Well, welcome back! It's good to know our other users have caught you up with what's been going on; they even mentioned my name! Thanks for that guys :D

Pretty much everything they said, but let me know if you want anything. Enjoy your stay, again. 8-)

Thanks guys :)


Welcome back!

  MixMasterNut said:
  i am richtofen said:

MixMasterNut died sadly... BUT HE CAME BACK TO LIFE AS A DOLPHIN! How he still mange's to play zombies so well underwater is beyond me.

and LMFAO Mix :lol:

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