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Quick and easy rape training.


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Every time t do the ground-floor-by-the juggernog train, I get down. And when I circle the whole ground floor, they always get in front of me. So here's my solution and what works for me:


Starting off, the first gun you should buy is the mpl.

Nex gun you'll buy is the mp5k, and eventually you will trade yOur pistol for the stakeout. If you have mule kick, go try the box to get a WW or a good lmg.

Why these guns?:

MPL: This little gun packs a punch. Midway through round three when you'll start to be overwhelmed, this gun is perfect for taking them all out. Also good for head shots and holding off the elevator.

Mp5k: you will trade your MPL for this because it is easier to buy ammo for, and possibly has a little more power. This gun is great with headshots and ammo Is cheap.

Stakeout: when you're going around the way this guide will show you, when there's a couple zombies in front of you and the mp5k just won't cut it, this is what it's for. Also good when you need to fight your way to the ammo.

So what's the strategy?

Start off normal, don't buy anything yadda yadda yadda. When you buy the MPL hold off the elevator and so on. When you're overwhelmed go down the elevator and trade your pistol for the mp5k. Now, this is the tricky part: Running the area with no jugg. Go in a counterclockwise circle around the whole Platform. Once the zombies are behind you start kiting. Perhaps leave a crawler. Then, open the next barrier and get the stakeout. If you have enough, (1250) open the elevator an go to the labs and switch on the power.

What about the rest of the game?

Jut keep running trains around the platform with your mp5k and stakeout. Once you gt enough, buy a jugg ! A revive wouldn't hurt either, but that your choice. Mule kick is good too, and so are the ret of the perks, but juggernog and revive have to be prioritized.

Pentagon thief rounds: Pull out the Mp5k and shoot him. If he takes it. Don't let him anywhere near your other weapon(s). If he takes the mp5k, run like the dickens until the round is over, and go buy it back.After all it's only 1000 points and I would rather risk my mp5k and buy it back than my box gun.

So what do you guys thInk?

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My constructive critisism: It sort of works but the thing is, this is all common sense to be honest mate. I thought of all this kind of stuff the first time I played solo on FIVE, but because I was inexperienced and had no real tips, I barely made it past round 8.

I know I've basically said this same thing on another guide you wrote a while ago, but this guide is written in the same way so I feel the need to say it again: a guide needs to be just that - pointing out and advising on the things that people find difficult. It needs to be structured and more informative, it's much too vague for a beginner to comprehend.

I also wouldn't use a shotgun as a path clearer. Not only because it starts to become uneffective at rounds 10+, but also because you're a lot better off just learning to dodge zombies. You should only rely on a path-clearing weapon when there is no alternative. Sure, there's tight squeezes on this map, but if you back up and let zombies through them then the gap becomes unblocked.

Hope my constructive critisism helps, if you need something to refer to for writing your own FIVE guide check the FIVE section here:


Just take a little more time on your posts, give them a nice structure and people will really enjoy them ;)

Look forward to more posts from you soon.

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