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Max points output per weapon

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I just decided to create a list of each (Blops) weapon and list it's maximum point output.

It's actually really simple math but it's just something I guess would be nice to know, especially when you require a certain amount of points and have limited ammo, you can decide whether it's better to swap it or if the required amount is reachable, or similar situations.

So here's how the points work: 1 hit = 10 points max penetration for one bullet is 3 zombies. 10x3=30 points max per bullet.

Note this does not include the points received for a kill with any guns besides the wunder weapons and explosive.

gun/clip/full reserves

M1911/ 240 /9 60(staring reserves)/ 2400













FN FAL/600/5400












Ballistic Knife/130*INFINITY


China Lake/100/2250

M72 LAW/50/1000


Wonder Weapons:

Each wonder weapon (most of them at least) have infinity damage, and if not still they're the scavenger which takes 2 hits by the late 30s, but that's still pretty long. Each wonder weapon can kill up to 24 zombies (max spawn) in one shot, except the wunderwaffe it's capped at 10. so that's 24 zombies x 50 points per kill x # of shots.



VR11/?why would you even waste the shots?

Winter's Howl/7200/28800



Wave Gun/800-600/3200-3600

Pack a Punch

Mustang and Sally/600/1500

Mnesia/480/5760 =6240-4500=1740

Olympia/100/1800 =1900-4500=no ammo

MPL-LF/1200/6000 =7200-4500=2200

MP5K Kollider/1200/6000 =7200-4500=2200

AK-74fu2/1200/8400 =9600-4500=5100 :)

Afterburner/1920/5760 =7680-4500=3180

Skullkrusher/900/8100 =9000-4500=4500

Raid/500/3000 =3500-4500=no ammo

Tokyo & Rose/1500/6750 =8250-4500=3750



AUG 50ME/900/11700


EPC WN/900/10800

G115 Generator/1440/8640

HK21 Oscillator/4500/22500


D115 Disassembler/300/2400

L115 Isolator/240/2160


Typhoid & Marry/800/4000



Krauss Refibrillator/130 x infinity + 9 revives/insta kills (ballistic knife shots are insta kill to head at all times)


China Beach/250/2000

M72 Anarchy/500/2000

Awful Lawton/50/600

Wonder Weapons:

Zues Cannon/1200/7200

DG-3 JZ?

Winter's Fury/varies greatly

Lazarus/seriously? Why waste it?


The Fractionalizer/?

Wave Gun/1200-1200/5000-7200

Sorry the wonder weapons are kinda incomplete

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Good job!

Maybe interesting could also be to involve the ammo buying costs from wallguns. So that you would say for example, with the MP5k you get 3600 for an investment of 500, so a win of 3100. (720%)

And important for me would be the time. I mean for example, the M14 would deliver you 2880 points for investing 250, which is a return of 1152%. But you will anyway have a better points-per-time ratio with the mp5k.

So for me its just, a good point giving gun is: fully auto, nice fire rate, nice ammo count, optionally rebuyable ammo.

But for certain challenges, where time doesn't matter, this might be very interesting. For example, when you need max points fast in first room without max ammos, you see that you actually wanna buy the m14, and not the olypmia.

Now I'm not agreeing with the wunderwaffes. The freezegun doesn't do infinite damage. And for the Thundergun and the Wavegun (Wave, not Zapper), the points within one shot are calculated as:

1. zombie killed: 50 pts

2. zombie killed: 30 pts

3. - 24. zombie killed: 10 pts.

Example, you kill a group of 5 zombies, you'll get 50+30+10+10+10 points.

This results then in 300 points per max wave, respectively per shot. So for the thunder for example, you would actually have 600/3600 or upgraded 1200/7200. I think these numbers are quite interesting. So you empty the thunder, upgrade it, empty it again. Then you have a balance of:






resulting in the fact that you can afford only 8 box hits, till you would theoretically be at 0 in your balance again.

But de facto, you will just use your secondary to make points, have some gershes, some nades... ;)

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Good job!

Maybe interesting could also be to involve the ammo buying costs from wallguns. So that you would say for example, with the MP5k you get 3600 for an investment of 500, so a win of 3100. (720%)

And important for me would be the time. I mean for example, the M14 would deliver you 2880 points for investing 250, which is a return of 1152%. But you will anyway have a better points-per-time ratio with the mp5k.

So for me its just, a good point giving gun is: fully auto, nice fire rate, nice ammo count, optionally rebuyable ammo.

But for certain challenges, where time doesn't matter, this might be very interesting. For example, when you need max points fast in first room without max ammos, you see that you actually wanna buy the m14, and not the olypmia.

Now I'm not agreeing with the wunderwaffes. The freezegun doesn't do infinite damage. And for the Thundergun and the Wavegun (Wave, not Zapper), the points within one shot are calculated as:

1. zombie killed: 50 pts

2. zombie killed: 30 pts

3. - 24. zombie killed: 10 pts.

Example, you kill a group of 5 zombies, you'll get 50+30+10+10+10 points.

This results then in 300 points per max wave, respectively per shot. So for the thunder for example, you would actually have 600/3600 or upgraded 1200/7200. I think these numbers are quite interesting. So you empty the thunder, upgrade it, empty it again. Then you have a balance of:






resulting in the fact that you can afford only 8 box hits, till you would theoretically be at 0 in your balance again.

But de facto, you will just use your secondary to make points, have some gershes, some nades... ;)

Thanks, I'll edit the wonder weapon section. And I knew the Winter's Howl wasn't infinite, but it can still freeze them no matter the round after enough shots.

And I think I will add sections for the PaP and also an ammo cost subtraction.

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This is great info, how did you know all this? Did you find it in the code or through your research?

Great work BBD, respect!

Thanks, and I found this all out through just playing. obviously you get 10 pts from one hit, and each bullet can go through three zombies max, so 10x3=30pts and then I just used a calculator to multiply that times the number of bullets. Now this could go up or down depending on killing, but the number of bullets per kill differs and if I were to factor that in, you never would finish reading because the combinations of bullets, per kill, per headshot, by round, etc. are essentially infinite.

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Hey Just updated with the pack a punches.

plus I found something new, some of the wall guns actually INCREASE in revenue when pack a punched AND still after buying ammo. After getting max points and rebuying ammo with the Skullkrusher and AK74fu2, you gain more of a profit than if you did the same with their non pack a punched versions. Likely due to a massive increase in their reserves upon PaP.

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