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2 Months Without XBox Live. Running Out Of Space In The Titl

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It has been hard. Local internet connection the last few months has not been strong enough to try and play online. This will be fixed soon, but it has really changed how we play Zombies. Largely for the better. I'll cover some of things my son and I have seen playing without the tether to XBox Live and what it's like run those trains in the cold, outside world. There are some complaints, hopefully amusing stories and a little of the weird. Remember, without XBox Live is to live without any updates and deals only with the core game. And how's that working out you ask?

No Mule Kick. Except for the original on Moon. Cannot say it affects much gameplay. It does not get used often, but lately the desire to use it on some maps is climbing. Ideally on COTD. Not playing it too much. That and Moon are just such large maps that the rounds take too long. Level 15 on COTD seems about 30 on Der Riese. Ugh. Seriously. My high on COTD was a 29. (I messed up and got lazy) And have rarely played it since. It's fun. And has some originality. Need to get back to it. Just need to clear levels faster.

No crawlers. Yup. We have seen about 2 in these parts since being disconnected from the Mother Ship. Made one from an Awful Lawton bolt, but apparently that was an anomaly. Repeated efforts have not made it occur again. And on another day a random one crawled into a room. We had some pie in celebratrion. And it's not happened again. :( So in talking about it, was discussed not being used to Zombie crawlers and it possibly being an issue. We're over at his Mom's playing Ascension on their PS3. I've finally got used to that light damn controller. Well, at least better at it. He went down and I threw a grenade and made like 15 crawlers. :lol: And then died trying to dance through them. Just played it like a crippled juggler. My son laughed. But it sets us up to be a little too inclined to throw grenades, etc. Something to deal with when back online.

The Weird. With no updates all the inner born issues are exposed. Like the soft underbelly that it is.

-A round where one player gets 22 Zombies and the other gets 2 for a few rounds.

-Zombies sometimes running right down the middle of the hallway where they should not.

-On the teleporter in Round 29 looking for our first 30 together on Der Riese and it says we can both activate it and it does not activate. And we die. That was a bit disappointing. *Treyarched* Heh.

-This one was fun. There were 3 zombies trying to get through a window. Late in an open window I came up and pressed repair. Nothing happened. And then 1 zombie came through. And then 3 boards came up and the other 2 zombietards were just confused and stuck. :lol: They obv had been told the window was open. And adapting was not in their heads. They sat on the other side of those boards and whined and moaned while we laughed. I do not believe they would have ever gotten out had we not eventually filled them with holes.

The Glitches. Certainly not b/c of being off XBox Live.

-The first one actually happened just before not being on.Saw this video posted here a month or so before it happened to us coming back from Moon. And then it happened to us. My son looked around and immediately started singing the song. :lol: Great song. We got Treyarched.

*video does not show. help plz. tried it about 5 different ways.*

-On the back of Der Riese my son went through the hole in the back where Quick Revive is. Dolphin diving. And then I jumped through. And we both died. Boooooo. What kind of jackass physics is that?

-This one guy on Verrukt who came out of a window, ran 15 feet and slapped me to death with Jug. In 2 seconds. Inconceivable.

-And finally the angry window Zombie. While my partner was trying to hack the box in power on Moon, there was a Zombie trying to get out of the window. I used the hacker to keep him in. He seemed amazed and hit me once. Looked at me when I continued and then beat me down with 4 quick and solid pimp slappin' lefts to my head. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. I've never felt quite so killed.

Our Gameplay: We've had to develop even better communication skills. And they are really improving. Cover this corner. Watch that door. Get into trouble. Split up. Run separate trains. Rejoin. Warn the other. Box during rounds without crawlers available. Change sections to train to keep focus. And I'm teaching him and improving myself at one serious Zombie problem. I used to shoot or run trains. And when I was in train mode, I often would only look for ways to run to get out of it. Now thanks to Edjoocated (is it misspelled right? maybe)and Tom's articles I have almost always ready to shoot while running a train. And life is easier. I just miss the Randoms. :lol: I really do. Love playing with my son, but I miss the variety, the stupidity and the unknown of Randoms. One thing I'm going to do when I get back is delete most of my friends. Too many people I enjoyed playing with once. And no idea who they are anymore. And looking forward to crushing it online. And laughing at some people quietly while offering help if asked.

NML: The long and the short of it is that I have started to enjoy NML more than the zombie maps. Quick. To the point. Quick reloads. 1 1/2 minutes to fame and glory or failure. Not too much gained so far, but far more comfortable playing it. Actually we play a lot of split screen NML trying to see if we can both jug. It has happened, but it's rare. And he still enjoys it less than me. But as he's improved, so has his willingness to play. It's like zombie crack. Never got the PAP'd M1911 yet. Been awful close and ran out of ammo. Learned a lot of lessons from Superhands and Chopper. Thank you both. But I've realized I moreso want a great NML than a good start to Moon. And will be trying more to stay on Earth no matter the result.

Question and statement on NML. Chopper, if you see this do you ever use the pads or simply get the 5000 points on the ground? Most of your videos seem ground based. I've been close and rarely used the pads yet. Working on my ground shake. Finally recognized it in one of your videos and then saw Super's demo for his friend. Not sure it's worked yet, but working on it. And for those of us who are getting better, but not yet leaving Earth with 12,500 and jug there is another option. Speed Cola. Better than anything (although sometimes leaving with just the money allows an easier way to hacker, Dome, knife and all the toys) it allows you to hack at least twice as fast. Easier and quicker into Moon. And if the box is not in power it allows someone with hacker to hack it so it does not appear there for quite some time. If you hack spawn too than it will only appear on the Moon and in the Dome for quite a time. I've found it invaluable oftentimes.

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Try this code instead. All you need to do is grab that text next to YouTube link (oqWMorliTNI) and wrap it with YouTube tags like I did.


Was going to sleep at 2 am . Saw your post on mobile, thought it wud be challenging to post the code through iPhone but it worked. ;)

Another great post mate!

Thanks Way.

Where did my post get moved to??

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Good to see you back mate. great post as always.

NML always brings up interesting discussions.

As for the 90 second PaP, I guess it's down to preferance.

I like the teleporter pad as it's pretty simple, and the results are consistant to the point that, as long as you don't down, you're almost guaranteed a 90 second PaP. But with the main area, you can get better results.

Actually we play a lot of split screen NML trying to see if we can both jug. It has happened, but it's rare.

Tom and myself are working on an instructional video of this with a strategy that I came up with that produces constistant results. Well rather, it's recorded already we got 3 good takes in the space of about 20 mins, Tom has the job of editing and commentating it ;)

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Looking forward to the video of yours Tom and Super. Couple of questions. Stayed home with my son today as he was sick this morning and because I was able to. :lol: We played a lot of zombies.

We saw the backwards walking zombienaut (zn) for the first time in person. It was round 11. The biodome being excavated warning went up. We killed most of the round quick. Planning on leaving when the 2nd warning came up. It cuts it close but usually works. I lobbed a Gersh closer than safe to the zn. Thought he disappeared. We went and hacked successfully. On leaving we decided we'd hack the doors in tunnel 11. So remember, tunnel 11 was completely locked up. We opened it and my son started to hack the door. I'm watching the front door for remaining zombies. All of a sudden I'm grabbed. It's the zn. Cannot get out of his hands. Teleported to teleporter. Seconds later he's moonwalking to my son and he kills him off with the ray.

1. Seriously. I thought he could not be "gershed" in any way?

2. If gerched it means he gets pulled in and then returns normally to any area then he moonwalks at a really high speed?

3. We had opened the area about 5 seconds before he showed up. He didn't moonwalk through locked doors did he?

And then we went down to Earth and i got Jug and we got destroyed @ the PAP machine. The doors started opening and I got personally violated from the right hand side. And I do not use that word lightly. Raising my arms to put a few M&S round down the middle to leave and 3 zombs and a dog LEAPED in front of me and I hit the floor.

That's the part about no XBox Live. Even though the game is certainly odd online sometimes, it is downright insane at times without it. What happened on Earth occurs frequently. There is no "earthly" way those zombs and that dog could get through that fast. And with M&S and PSD and Jug how could I not have time to shoot them? The game seems to make the occasional decision that you are dead. You just don't know it yet. So when you try and shoot someone off or struggle past some zomb or trying to teleport it is all really pointless some times. You're dead and have just not realized it.

PITA. :lol:

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I guess that's the thing, the first versions of these maps are shockingly glitchy, and without being able to use the patches you'll of course still experience it.

And then we went down to Earth and i got Jug and we got destroyed @ the PAP machine. The doors started opening and I got personally violated from the right hand side. And I do not use that word lightly. Raising my arms to put a few M&S round down the middle to leave and 3 zombs and a dog LEAPED in front of me and I hit the floor.

I've had this one on a solo game that was going perfectly. Round 24, PaP'ing the Wave Gun, everything looked pretty clear. As soon as the cage opened, it felt like I blinked and got surrounded while my eyes were closed for a millisecond, I literally couldn't believe it :lol: Luckily though in this instance Jugg was at the teleporter and I had tons of points, so it was an easy recovery.

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