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1-4 ppl starting strategy - It's them Bowie!!


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You can choose to watch the 18min video or take 3-4min to read the text. The vid is not really my best, it was early in the morning and felt like "omg, 20min live commentary, uff, I'm too old for that". But see yourself :D


Most strategies are based on buying the Mp5k and arduously getting the points for further doors and Jug together. So I just thought I write a quick guide for the bowie. Plz no brains this is nothing special.

I suggest you the following:

-Round 1-3: Cover the windows in the first Room, maximize Points as usual.

-Round 4-5: Especially in solo, it will get tricky now. I highly recommend you to buy the M14. It is an investment, not a waste. Feel free to go for some headshots with it, in case you get quite many coming towards you.

Also important is that you consequently repair the windows, that you are working on. I hope you can do this on controllers well too, so that you shoot, knife and reload etc but always also hit the repair button. To loosen the situation a bit, I tend to randomly throw nades towards a group of 2-3 zombs that are still far away from the window, just to gain additional time and having less stress.

Goodies such as hopefully an insta kill and stuff should drop by time.

In case you fail, just restart the game.

Feel free to open towards speed in case you get overrun.

Killing tactics for a sufficient point amount

Rd 1: 3-5 M1911 + 1 knife

Rd 2: 1 clip of M1911 + 1 knife / 1 shot with M14 + knife

Rd 3: 2 M14 shots + 1 knife

Rd 4: 3 M14 shots + 1 knife

Rd 5: 4 M14 shots + 1 knife

Ensure you have the necessary points to buy the Bowie. The Points needed are:

Total: 8500 for doors including Bowie

You should have achieved this amount of points by Round 5 easily.

- End of Round 5:

Buy the Bowie and activate Power

- Round 6, or in case Round 6 is thief Round 7:

You should have an easy time with the Bowie. Especially on Co-Op, you will face no problems at all. I recommend you to stay close to the Elevator in the basement in case you are just there, so you can quickly use the lift whenever the situation looks like you would get overrun. The windows are still closed, so you are well protected for a while. Just knife the zombs as good as you can inside the windows and repair them consequently a bit. After a very few kills, you will have your 2500 and additional 250 for the Lift. Go instantly ASAP to Jug and buy it. This is very easily done.

- First thief Round in 6, 7, or 8:


Let him come, give him some M14 shots, let him take your M14. Make sure he doesn't take your M1911. With the M14 out, you knife too slow. So give him the M14, that you can now knife fast with the M1911 out.

Hopefully, after the Thief teles you to Power, he will still be a slow mover (normally he is still slow in 6 and 7, might run fast in 8 though, but that's still no problem at all). Follow him and give him 2 knifes. Do not follow him thru the teleporter.

In solo, the thief will after his first teleport walk through the Bowie room, so go there and catch him there, give him the rest (1-3 knifes - do not miss him!!). You'll instantly catch the sale + ammo, and you find yourself in front of the box in the Bowie Room. Swap out the M14 to whatever you like. You can do 4 hits in case you pick every gun up. Pay attention, at the possible 4th box hit, zombies will already be close, mostly 1-2 Nova's are incoming. No prob to handle with the Bowie. Escape thru the teleporter or the lift in case you have it down.


The idea is the same, and I assume everybody has the Bowie. Just let every player give him a few M14 shots, give him the M14, and after teleporting, kill the dude with your knifes. But pay attention, his path is not the same as in solo. Best you are all in the basement in the lift, or at another distinct spot. So those, that have already lost the gun can go back to the lift again and know, that the thief will come there as often as players are in the game. Afterwards, just try not to follow him thru teles, and catch him in intersections or something. It will not take many knifes to kill him, it is an easy job.

-Round 8-9:

Go on knifing at your favorite spot.

- End of Round 9 and second thief round:

Might already getting a thief again soon, so make sure at least 1 player can upgrade his M&S. To prepare for thief, go all in war room balcony floor, let the M&S shoot down when he comes, and you have your bonfire sale. In Round 12 13 it takes 4 or 5 M&S shots to kill him, very easy job.

-Round 10-12:

In solo, you get overrun quite fast. Try to give the enemies some shots and finish with the knife as long as you can, and then start to run a train and play as normal.

In coop, just split up a bit, so everybody gets only a few zombies at a time. Shoot the reduced amount of zombies that is coming to you a few times with the gun of your choice, and finish the zombie with the knife. Very good for this is stuff like a CZ or a Python. One shot with the python, followed by a knife, and the Python is very shortly after ready for the next zombie. LMG's are less suited, cause the LMG takes a long time till it's ready to shoot again. So best are light and small guns, like Spectre. But also AR's work very well. Of course, you can also use your M1911 for that, however, it might be a bit too slow cause you need to reload often.

In both, solo and coop, you wanna think of going to the Labs, cause there are Nova Crawlers. They have less health and are still a insta kill with the Bowie. So send at least 2 players down there in coop. However, the safer place for solo would still be the war room.

The massive amount of bowie kills will give you so many points, that you wanna think of maybe getting mule or something already, and hitting the box bit more, and get very nice guns already.

-Round 12:

Progress as mentioned in other strategies.

- Further Bowie advantages in 10+

* in case you get a Python: 1 shot + instantly followed knife is like the bowie would still be insta kill, as partially mentioned. That works up to 14. Then you can upgrade the Python and you can go on with the "one shot one knife one death" work till 20. Speed Reload recommended.

* in case you get a CZ75: Very well suited weapon to give some shots and then knife too, as mentioned. Works till 20 too when you do not get too many zombs.

* in case you get ballistic: well upgrade it for 1k, and you have an instant knife killer till 13. See a quicktip of mine that I'm gonna upload soon, you can also use it as the "One Shot One Knife One Kill" Weapon

* in case you get freeze: Awesome with the bowie, gather a train together, cool them a bit, and any will be an insta kill, plus they are very slow, so probably not hitting you. At some point you need to start to give em 2 shots until you get an instant knife kill.

* kill future crawlers with the bowie and get 130, instead of wasting ammo.

Very advantageous here is also, that you minimize the time you have to spend without jug. The trick is just to survive Round 5 up there - or maybe you might even get the points in 4 already. But when you are past round 5, you have to spend max 1 minute wihtout jug in a well windowed up area, with an escape spot (lift), with an instakill knife... Very safe. Way safer than running 2-3 rounds in the War Room with the MP5.

You have after the second thief round a perfect setup basically. 3 nice upgraded guns, no problem. The first firesale helps you getting good stuff. Before the 2nd thief round, you'll have enough points to do several additional box hits. The M&S grants you a bonfire to upgrade all your guns. So you will be perfectly armed after the 2nd thief round.

Gonna record this quickly for solo. (Edit: done, see vid above)

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Great post mate, ultimately you'll always be better off going for the Bowie as opposed to an SMG, particularly later in the game as you'll have opened all of the main doors early on.

As you know I personally don't buy the M14 as I prefer to just knife, but as seen in some of my NML videos knifing happens to be one of my specialties so for most people the M14 is highly recommended for 'point-whoring'.

Just a thought... maybe make a very similar thread to this in the general gameplay discussion section, and outline how much you need to save up on each map before making your way to the Bowie and buying it ;)

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I actually highly recommend the M14 in narrow starting Rooms such as FIVE and Shangri. It's just way faster than knifing only, and the 500 won't hurt you too much normally. The major advantage is the ability to take out a lil' 5+ train in Round 4+ very quick, or maybe to take out a zombie in time that corners you.

The vid quality (not meant image/picture based) is quite bad, also has some audio desyncs and stuff, but I say quite in the beginning, that giving a shot with the M14 followed by the lethal knifing feels like the knife would still be insta kill. I love it. However I also understand your point very well. I support it totally on easier spawn rooms, such as Ascension, where you have room to escape and regain control in case you get breached.

Good idea with the Bowie thread. Actually this whole thing here is just about a general bowie strategy. But I just thought, that the Bowie in FIVE is totally underrated ;)

** edit video in top post added, sorry for too loud ingame sound + lil audio desyncs. Happens whenever I have too many software running in the background.

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