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I hate playing with micers

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Bet you never heard that before. Someone hating micers. But it's true. I'd say around 80% of the micers I've met playing random were drooling, obnoxious, ghetto accent, lispy people. It's not like they even let you ignore them. If you mute them they just end up knifing you a hundred times in a row while I assume they're jacking off on mic and want you to comment on their breathing efficiency.

So I join a game. Alright. There's another micer there. But we're the only two. Ohboyhereitcomesagain. I simply want to play a map. This usually goes as follows. "YO WASSUP DOG HOW YA DOIN" then me ignoring the fellow because I want to either talk strategy or play silently. Then I get a "YO WHY AREN'T YA TALKIN' DON'T YOU LIKE SCREAMING INTO YOUR MIC?" I simply ignore. Then the fellow leaves the game because I don't want to sing a duet with him.

Another case of this. I'm playing with my friend ya. I have my mic turned off because of the above. Alright. We get into a match with two other people. Alright. One of them has a mic. Alright. He screams some unintelligable words, which I assume is a chant to summon the elder gods. I'm like "okay, maybe his mindless chanting will make us do good". I was wrong. Dead wrong. He left the match ONLY after the three of us have readied up. I messaged him with a "Really?" and he responded with more babble. I ask him why he left and he said "BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE PLAYING WITH NO MICERS FAGET". I calmly respond with "I have a mic but it is off because people are too chatty."

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