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Solo hoarding: Kill quickly or just pick them off?

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So this is something that's always going to be discussed I think; in solo games, some players like to round their groups up and get rid of them in one fell swoop from round 10 upwards, while others like to grab a wall gun or MG and farm and farm and farm until all of the zombies are gone.

I'm definately a fan of gathering up my group and killing it instantly, in most cases preferably with the M&S from 10-20 or Ray Gun if there's no PaP, and a wonder-weapon from 20+. It makes a pretty nice amount of points, hording and killing with the M&S I normally have around 50k by round 30 and have done so in less than an hour. If I'd spent that time spraying and spraying and spraying, it would have taken me twice as long and all I would have gained is a bunch of points I'm never gonna use, particularly as I'd normally have about 100k by 50 or 60 so I'd have plenty for recycling the wonder weapon if need be.

The other reason why I like to kill them off quickly, is because I actually find it safer. A lot of players don't like it when they've got a full spawn coming in on them so frequently, but I like this as I'll always be ready for it. If I'm picking them off one by one there's always the chance that I'll be caught unawares by one sneaking up on me as I spray at my horde.

So that's my preference, each player plays different for different reasons.

What's your preferred method?

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So this is something that's always going to be discussed I think; in solo games, some players like to round their groups up and get rid of them in one fell swoop from round 10 upwards, while others like to grab a wall gun or MG and farm and farm and farm until all of the zombies are gone.

I'm definately a fan of gathering up my group and killing it instantly, in most cases preferably with the M&S from 10-20 or Ray Gun if there's no PaP, and a wonder-weapon from 20+. It makes a pretty nice amount of points, hording and killing with the M&S I normally have around 50k by round 30 and have done so in less than an hour. If I'd spent that time spraying and spraying and spraying, it would have taken me twice as long and all I would have gained is a bunch of points I'm never gonna use, particularly as I'd normally have about 100k by 50 or 60 so I'd have plenty for recycling the wonder weapon if need be.

The other reason why I like to kill them off quickly, is because I actually find it safer. A lot of players don't like it when they've got a full spawn coming in on them so frequently, but I like this as I'll always be ready for it. If I'm picking them off one by one there's always the chance that I'll be caught unawares by one sneaking up on me as I spray at my horde.

So that's my preference, each player plays different for different reasons.

What's your preferred method?

Well I guess it depends what I want to accomplish in the game. Sometimes, I will shoot a couple to get some bullet penetration and then kill them in one sweep with something else. But if I'm going for a huge amount of head shots, then I will pick them off in two's or ones.

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Depends mate, entirely on my mood.

I play 3 ways generally, hoarding and shooting, hoarding and blasting and lastly just shooting on sight.

I can just about get away with shooting on sight until about 18 or so with a Thompson and DT in the right area.

I don't normally start completely destroying my groups until sort of round 20, before then I like to mix it up a bit to keep it fun.

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I have serious problems with the question, because you've already answered what is to prefer....

Whenever I see someone in coop pimping around with a not upgraded AK or something in Round 30, i get so mad. It's just too slow, and nobody needs the points. Especially on Moon, after EE and with infinite hacked ammos, someone not using a Wave, Ray, M&S or LAW makes me so raging. There you wait for a zombie to kill it, but you don't get one. So you go checking what the other guy does, and you see him at mule with a 24 train, using the non upgraded AK, whereas he cant go for headshots without gravity. And all I think is, god dammit jesus, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Or others make 24 crawlers with their Ray and then start to knife one by one, resulting in a killing rate of 1 zombie every 20 seconds. Arghhhhh. :oops: :evil: :evil:

Now of course its safer if you just have one by one respawner, but especially in solo just go to an area where a max respawn is no problem. And in coop you anyway just get 5 or 10 zombies, so no problem at all.

IMHO, everybody spraying around with an underkill gun is just a game slow downer that should get kicked off the game instantly. Seriously, this topic makes me raging as you might notice.

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in solo games, some players like to round their groups up and get rid of them in one fell swoop from round 10 upwards, while others like to grab a wall gun or MG and farm and farm and farm until all of the zombies are gone.

Also the topic title

Solo hoarding: Kill quickly or just pick them off?

As you'd know Tom, in co-op games I'm a kill-on-sight-with-Ray-Gun kinda guy, you and me both are not keen hoarders, unless it's 40+ and we're hoarding and merging. But we're talking solo here as mentioned ;)

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I think Tom makes a great point. It's why past round 20 I pretty much go into a hoard and rid mode, the first 20 are for fun with the wall guns and then you want it to start going quickly most of the time.

I'm not even into hoarding at any round on co-op no matter how early, gimme a pistol/ballistic knife and Bowie/Sickle and I'll just run around knifing to keep things nice and quick ;)

Guys, it's been made clear that this topic is about solo - can we please stay on topic?

If anyone else wants to comment or rage about hoarding in co-op, let's make another topic :D

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I'm talking about solo mate. When I first started playing I could play on Kino for 2 hours and be happy with just messing around and getting to round 35 or so, going slowly.

It's not often anymore that I just sit down and play zombies. I'm always trying for some kind of challenge, and if that is a high round game I would do it that way, fun until 20, maybe 25 and then straight up hoard and get rid of.

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I was actually talking about solo, just made some reference with coop, because I of course cannot see others solo games, except on YT and stuff. But to translate:

Whenever I see someone in coop someone's solo game on youtube, pimping around with a not upgraded AK or something in Round 30, i get so mad. [...]

Now of course I don't rage when someone plays slow, because I don't see it (cause it's solo :ugeek: ) but I cannot understand it (except for challenges). When you can reach 50 in 2h, why taking 5h for it.

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My apologies then guys, just Tom said 'Whenever I see someone in coop pimping' and Chopper agreed, so I thought you were both discussing co-op, I guess it appeared to me that it may have came across that I support slow hoarding in co-op, which I dont so I had to make it clear I was discussing solo here ;)

Either way, I agree with what you both are saying, as I said in my first post killing them quickly will get you a nice amount of points rather than spraying and spraying, just don't understand the point behind it in either solo or co-op under normal circumstances.

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No need to apologize ;) I was talking about solo, but 95% is "in coop" "after easter egg", so my bad.

But let's list it:

Getting max train and kill the train fast:

Pro: Fast

Pro: No unexpected respawners

Pro: Enough points

Pro: Little break after you blown away a max train

Con: Ammo probs later on

Con: Max spawn (24 at once)

Killing with WallGuns, killing one by one:

Pro: Lots of points

Pro: Only 1 by 1 spawning, easy to get in the train

Pro: Infinite ammo

Con: Infinite ammo dose nothing later on

Con: Slow

Con: Continuous action going on

Con: Must rebuy ammo and walk fallible paths

Con: Eventual unexpected respawners

So after comparing the Pro and Con list, I definitely wanna basically because of speed choose the first option.

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I think a zombies game can be approached as three/four different games. You have the rounds from 1-20ish (or your 4th set of monkeys, dogs, etc), where I like to point build. Then, you have the rounds from 21-40, where you want to kill with speed but with something like an M72 Anarchy, Ray Gun, or even Mustang and Sally. Round 41 and up can be used to kill with a power weapon of sorts. Until round 60 that is, when you'll want to start a combination of traps, and basically go full force on the speed run to whatever round you want.

Picking them off for points comes in handy during the first few rounds and I'd like to think that up until 25 or so, you need the points for preventive measures. If you go down, you need more than the essentials to get back in the rhythm of the game. Getting 50K points is doable in that time and that's what you need to predict the unpredictable circumstances that will undoubtedly befall even the most skilled player. Anticipating the bad will lead to a quick recovery and the speed sacrificed during that time is, in the long run, negligible at best.

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Now of course its safer if you just have one by one respawner

Disagreement. Getting a max spawn in is way, way safer than getting in 5-7 new zombies every spray, so to speak. Maybe it's just that I'm greedy/don't pay much attention, but I really believe that it's a lot harder to survive a couple zombies coming at you from awkward angles (talking to you, CotD) with a horde of 15 zombies on your tail, and George right in the thick of them. You have a lot less space to maneuver with a mini-horde behind you than a full-horde spawning in. In solo, that probably accounts for 70% of my downs. 25% of my downs are bullshit. The other 5% are just 'did I really just do that?' moments. lul.

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Depends on situation and area. Some areas do not allow easy cutbacks. And with a max spawn, you get up to 8-10 zombies from one window, coming in a beautiful not dodge-able line. But you could dodge 2-3 zombies respawning.

But I know what you mean and I also agree. Believe me I do not kill 1 by 1 ;) But just saying, in some areas a max spawn is terrible or impossible, but 2-3 respawners can be handled easy. Especially in hardcore circles like Jug floor on Ascension or so.

you need the points for preventive measures

I don't think so. 3-4lk for Jug + SMG is a must imho (respectively just very annoying to start of with the pistol, making 500 for M14, making 1200 for AK or whatever, making 2500 with it for Jug....), but anything else can be done when needed. So when I pass out, I make sure I saved 5k, I buy Jug + MPL or something, and with the MPL I go up to x thousand points quickly. You can use the spray & earn points strategy when it's needed imho.

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Depends on situation and area. Some areas do not allow easy cutbacks. And with a max spawn, you get up to 8-10 zombies from one window, coming in a beautiful not dodge-able line. But you could dodge 2-3 zombies respawning.

But I know what you mean and I also agree. Believe me I do not kill 1 by 1 ;) But just saying, in some areas a max spawn is terrible or impossible, but 2-3 respawners can be handled easy. Especially in hardcore circles like Jug floor on Ascension or so.

you need the points for preventive measures

I don't think so. 3-4lk for Jug + SMG is a must imho (respectively just very annoying to start of with the pistol, making 500 for M14, making 1200 for AK or whatever, making 2500 with it for Jug....), but anything else can be done when needed. So when I pass out, I make sure I saved 5k, I buy Jug + MPL or something, and with the MPL I go up to x thousand points quickly. You can use the spray & earn points strategy when it's needed imho.

The MPL is an efficient gun for getting points, is cheaper than the MP5K, and generally is just easier to access. Huh. I never thought of getting a cheap weapon to rack up points more efficiently......

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